"Do you ever read any of the books you burn?" "That's against the law!" "Oh. Of course." -Ray Bradbury, science-fiction writer (1920-2012)
to let you know that Chris and I became grandparents yesterday with the
arrival of William Joseph Thornton 3 weeks early at 6 lbs 5 ounces.
Tough last few days for me and especially Laura with blood pressure issues hence the inducing.
Back in Wetherby for one night then up
the road to Newcastle for duties (Christine) after visiting my mother in
her new (today) nursing home. Best wishes Jim and Christine
Hi Proud Grandparents!
Congratulations to you both and to Laura, of course! Young William is a good size in spite of early delivery. My Father's middle name was Joseph as well, so I assume you insisted upon making the connection with the non-latte, ultra-elite peleton rider who is above "lookin’ for a bit of bover", a "bit of agro" with pedestrians in Steveston! Great news indeed, so all the best to everyone! (How is dog taking this?)
Hi Proud Grandparents!
Congratulations to you both and to Laura, of course! Young William is a good size in spite of early delivery. My Father's middle name was Joseph as well, so I assume you insisted upon making the connection with the non-latte, ultra-elite peleton rider who is above "lookin’ for a bit of bover", a "bit of agro" with pedestrians in Steveston! Great news indeed, so all the best to everyone! (How is dog taking this?)
Ski the Andes near Mendoza!
Hi Patrice,
Well I am sorry to hear about the illness that is awful but better that you
were at home to endure it than some Japanese hotel or other unfamiliar
surrounding. I wouldn't doubt if it was something on the plane that got you
as on the times that I have flown I seem to get sick afterwards about 30% of
the time. My odds have improved somewhat as I have taken to swallowing a
immunity booster pill and wiping the inside of the nasal passages with
Polysporin before embarking. Another weird thing happened on the way down to
Australia where I fell asleep for a while on the second leg from Hong Kong
to Brisbane and when I woke up my lower right front ribs were hurting and
throughout the next 24 hours or so got worse until I was in a great deal of
pain like I had been kicked in the ribs. This stayed around until after I
got home from the trip and only after a few visits to the chiropractor and
then a visit to my regular doctor followed by a chest xray and blood tests
etc did it start to fade . I have now felt good for a week and a half or so.
The not knowing what it is of course is always the worst for me . Another
strange thing was I had some blockage in my right sinus and a case of pink
eye in the right eye which I have experienced before. My self diagnosis put
it down to some kind of infection so I used Polysporin eye drops and
continued with the swiping of the nasal passage with the same for a week and
all symptoms finally went away. all quite strange.
I would love to type more but I have to get going as I'm working this week
way out in Minnakhada park and have to run. Glad to hear you were able to
get home to see your mom. I will get in touch soon .
Take care, Al
Hi Aquitaine!
Happy belated birthday to Julia! Hip Hip Hooray! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow...!
Thanks so much for wonderful invitation. We hope to be able to attend but my presence will depend on how I'm dealing with pneumonia! Read on! Will give you a call, closer to Sunday to let you know how I'm doing. I think I can manage a visit even if it is a short one.
Hi Raymond and Sylvia!
Well, we are finally home! Wonderful, wonderful trip, but it is always wonderful be to be home as well. I must apologize for not writing sooner but it has been a very busy time ever since we arrived back in Vancouver, as I'm sure you can well imagine. You probably know that Whirlygig collected us and our mountain of bags! Lucky for you, Robo Man, as our plane was over an hour early, due to a very strong tail-wind, and you would have had plenty of time, gym and all! Pleased that neither of us felt overcome by jet-lag but weather in Tokyo was certainly much warmer!
Hi YVR Chauffeur!
Well, we are finally home! Wonderful, wonderful trip, but it is always wonderful be to be home as well. I must apologize for not writing sooner but it has been a very busy time ever since we arrived back in Vancouver, as I'm sure you can well imagine. Thanks again for collecting us and our mountain of bags! Please pass along our appreciation to Carlos The Jackal! Neither of us felt overcome by jet-lag but weather in Tokyo was certainly much warmer!
Anyway, Giorgio, trust you and The Sisterhood are well. I'll give you a shout in the next little while but don't hesitate to call if you've a minute. I should be able to manage holding the phone to my ear, if my truculent nurse can tear herself away from The Young and the Restless to bring it to my bedside! Cheers, On-the-Mend Conduttore!
PS: At least it's raining so another excuse for not riding!
PPS: Had to cancel attending VIWF Pre-view later today at GI Hotel where list of confirmed authors for this years line-up is released. Bit of a drag as it is always a great gathering. Always fun to see other volunteers and the rest of the staff as well. (Not to mention delicious appetizers!) I could probably have managed to drag myself there but know I would have not really enjoyed event, feeling as "wobbly" as I still do. Don't believe I'm infectious, (Not referring to my scintillating personality, Dear Reader!), but dottore doesn't want me visiting Mom, so best I keep a low profile, until all the nasty bugs drown in the RAN-Clarithromycin coursing through my bloodstream!
Subject:YVR Transport Systems to Speedy Recovery Ward, Over.
Hi again, MOA!
Thanks very much for your more than speedy reply, especially knowing how pressed you must be.
We've always wanted to visit South Africa and our youngest daughter worked as a volunteer in a creche/day care centre for HIV infected children, not far from Stellenbosch, in 2007. Unfortunately, for us, we were not able to make our travel plans connect at that time. However, I know about the length of the flight from her! Punishing is an understatement!
Thanks for your kind comments about the voice mail. To tell you the truth, when I worked at UBC, my boss, before I retired, was annoyed by my messages. My feeling was that since she was originally a medical librarian at Woodward, she had had her funny bone surgically removed early on in her career there!
At any rate, look forward to talking to you tomorrow. I'm at home all day so call whenever you can find time. Thanks as well, for your wishes for a quick recovery. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Olga Marilyn Dutton
May 13, 1922 – June 4, 2012
Predeceased by parents Charles and Phyllis Dutton and brother Vernon, Marilyn leaves behind a brother Ian, nephews Gilbert, Michael and Brian and niece Marguerite.
Marilyn was born and raised in Birtle, Manitoba. In 1943 she joined the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRENS) and was stationed in Halifax until 1946.
After discharge she traveled to Vancouver and used her credits at UBC where she got a B.A.
In 1962 she earned her BLS at UBC’s recently opened Library School. She became a Reference Librarian in the Social Sciences Division at the UBC Library until retiring in 1985.
The mountains presented recreational opportunities for Marilyn. Shortly after arriving in Vancouver she joined the BC Mountaineering Club, becoming a life member. She was a dedicated skier until a broken leg ended that hobby.
She joined the Vancouver Natural History Society in the mid 1960’s. An avid birdwatcher, she happily shivered through many Christmas Bird Counts. She served as Archivist for the society for many years.
As a member of the West Point Grey Lawn Bowling Club since 1989, she was an active participant, both on the green and socially.
Bridge was a favorite activity since her student days and she became a skilled player.
Marilyn loved traveling. She saw much of the world while camping and climbing with BCMC and through her many birding trips within Canada as well as around the world. Even lawn bowling took her to South Africa.
A Memorial Service will be held at Brock House on Tuesday June 12, 2012 from 12:30 to 3:00.
Well I am sorry to hear about the illness that is awful but better that you
were at home to endure it than some Japanese hotel or other unfamiliar
surrounding. I wouldn't doubt if it was something on the plane that got you
as on the times that I have flown I seem to get sick afterwards about 30% of
the time. My odds have improved somewhat as I have taken to swallowing a
immunity booster pill and wiping the inside of the nasal passages with
Polysporin before embarking. Another weird thing happened on the way down to
Australia where I fell asleep for a while on the second leg from Hong Kong
to Brisbane and when I woke up my lower right front ribs were hurting and
throughout the next 24 hours or so got worse until I was in a great deal of
pain like I had been kicked in the ribs. This stayed around until after I
got home from the trip and only after a few visits to the chiropractor and
then a visit to my regular doctor followed by a chest xray and blood tests
etc did it start to fade . I have now felt good for a week and a half or so.
The not knowing what it is of course is always the worst for me . Another
strange thing was I had some blockage in my right sinus and a case of pink
eye in the right eye which I have experienced before. My self diagnosis put
it down to some kind of infection so I used Polysporin eye drops and
continued with the swiping of the nasal passage with the same for a week and
all symptoms finally went away. all quite strange.
I would love to type more but I have to get going as I'm working this week
way out in Minnakhada park and have to run. Glad to hear you were able to
get home to see your mom. I will get in touch soon .
Take care, Al
Hi everyone –
it’s time for a family gathering! It’s wonderful to get together “just
because” but it’s also great when there’s a reason to celebrate – and we
have a fabulous reason!
Julia turned 18 and is graduating!!!
When: Sunday, June 10th
Where: My mom & dad’s place
Time: Starts at 2pm with a yummy early dinner around 4:30ish
Hi Aquitaine!
Happy belated birthday to Julia! Hip Hip Hooray! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow...!
Thanks so much for wonderful invitation. We hope to be able to attend but my presence will depend on how I'm dealing with pneumonia! Read on! Will give you a call, closer to Sunday to let you know how I'm doing. I think I can manage a visit even if it is a short one.
Hi Raymond and Sylvia!
Well, we are finally home! Wonderful, wonderful trip, but it is always wonderful be to be home as well. I must apologize for not writing sooner but it has been a very busy time ever since we arrived back in Vancouver, as I'm sure you can well imagine. You probably know that Whirlygig collected us and our mountain of bags! Lucky for you, Robo Man, as our plane was over an hour early, due to a very strong tail-wind, and you would have had plenty of time, gym and all! Pleased that neither of us felt overcome by jet-lag but weather in Tokyo was certainly much warmer!
Hi YVR Chauffeur!
Well, we are finally home! Wonderful, wonderful trip, but it is always wonderful be to be home as well. I must apologize for not writing sooner but it has been a very busy time ever since we arrived back in Vancouver, as I'm sure you can well imagine. Thanks again for collecting us and our mountain of bags! Please pass along our appreciation to Carlos The Jackal! Neither of us felt overcome by jet-lag but weather in Tokyo was certainly much warmer!
Anyway, Giorgio, trust you and The Sisterhood are well. I'll give you a shout in the next little while but don't hesitate to call if you've a minute. I should be able to manage holding the phone to my ear, if my truculent nurse can tear herself away from The Young and the Restless to bring it to my bedside! Cheers, On-the-Mend Conduttore!
PS: At least it's raining so another excuse for not riding!
PPS: Had to cancel attending VIWF Pre-view later today at GI Hotel where list of confirmed authors for this years line-up is released. Bit of a drag as it is always a great gathering. Always fun to see other volunteers and the rest of the staff as well. (Not to mention delicious appetizers!) I could probably have managed to drag myself there but know I would have not really enjoyed event, feeling as "wobbly" as I still do. Don't believe I'm infectious, (Not referring to my scintillating personality, Dear Reader!), but dottore doesn't want me visiting Mom, so best I keep a low profile, until all the nasty bugs drown in the RAN-Clarithromycin coursing through my bloodstream!
Subject:YVR Transport Systems to Speedy Recovery Ward, Over.

to hear from you - we were concerned. Did Chloe mention that I called on Sunday
after having had no word from the wanderers since they arrived home? I
was worried that Annie was in a precarious way.
have not missed any riding – the peloton has left the region for drier
climes I think. Not even Ray has surfaced from under the tarps.
is well with the sisterhood here – post dance and piano recitals and a
visit from Granny.
and I are off in the limo for a fishing trip to Hathume Lake
– leaving Saturday and returning Wednesday evening.
I will
try to call you tomorrow and hope you are indeed well enough to hold the phone. W
Gone Fishin'!
Hi Ahab!
I think Chloe did mention you called but I was feeling so poorly that the message barely registered, if at all. However, thanks for thinking of Sharktooth!
If you are going to get wet, might as well do it on the lake. Fish usually bite when it rains, at least that was some of the lore my Uncle swore by. Unlike The Sisterhood which can and usually does, bite under any and all circumstances, rain or shine.
Look forward to a chat. Among other topics, we can discuss penalties to be levied against AWOL Peleton Members. Why not commandeer the Inside Passage and arrive at Hathume Lake in style? Forfeiture for chronic non-ridership! I think you could obtain a large trailer from Kitsilano Coast Guard Station now that Fedrales are closing its doors. You were right, The Lexus Polizei really are taking over! For my part, I could throw in four large bags, filled with women's shoes, for either ballast or anchors.
Cheers, Il Conduttore!
I think Chloe did mention you called but I was feeling so poorly that the message barely registered, if at all. However, thanks for thinking of Sharktooth!
If you are going to get wet, might as well do it on the lake. Fish usually bite when it rains, at least that was some of the lore my Uncle swore by. Unlike The Sisterhood which can and usually does, bite under any and all circumstances, rain or shine.
Look forward to a chat. Among other topics, we can discuss penalties to be levied against AWOL Peleton Members. Why not commandeer the Inside Passage and arrive at Hathume Lake in style? Forfeiture for chronic non-ridership! I think you could obtain a large trailer from Kitsilano Coast Guard Station now that Fedrales are closing its doors. You were right, The Lexus Polizei really are taking over! For my part, I could throw in four large bags, filled with women's shoes, for either ballast or anchors.
Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello MOA!
Trust you are well. We returned on May 31st and re-entry was pretty good, in spite of almost 20 hours worth of waiting in airports, (4 hours), and flights, (Narita to HK, HK to Vancouver), before we were finally home.
Neither my wife nor I really suffered from any significant jet-lag so I felt pretty good until last Sunday evening when I started to feel a bit funny after dinner. One thing led to another and by Tuesday I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I am currently on a ten day course of RAN-Clarithromycin. I did leave a couple of messages at the office number. I understand it is a very busy line so having not received an answer, I thought it best to send an email to alert you to my current health situation.
Am more than pleased to say that the pain from the coughing has abated, as well as headache and extremely high temperature/fever. However, I still feel lethargic and still have a ways to go to achieve full recovery. I will be taking my medication until June 17th. I assume, frustratingly for me, as I'm sure you can understand, that surgery on June 14th will be ruled out. Nevertheless, please let me know what the options, if any, might be.
Thanks in advance. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Trust you are well. We returned on May 31st and re-entry was pretty good, in spite of almost 20 hours worth of waiting in airports, (4 hours), and flights, (Narita to HK, HK to Vancouver), before we were finally home.
Neither my wife nor I really suffered from any significant jet-lag so I felt pretty good until last Sunday evening when I started to feel a bit funny after dinner. One thing led to another and by Tuesday I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I am currently on a ten day course of RAN-Clarithromycin. I did leave a couple of messages at the office number. I understand it is a very busy line so having not received an answer, I thought it best to send an email to alert you to my current health situation.
Am more than pleased to say that the pain from the coughing has abated, as well as headache and extremely high temperature/fever. However, I still feel lethargic and still have a ways to go to achieve full recovery. I will be taking my medication until June 17th. I assume, frustratingly for me, as I'm sure you can understand, that surgery on June 14th will be ruled out. Nevertheless, please let me know what the options, if any, might be.
Thanks in advance. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Mr. Dunn,
My apologies for not getting back to you today. I received both your messages, unfortunately I had to deal with a few issues regarding surgery for tomorrow and June 14th that had to be dealt with and I also had to leave early today to attend to a meeting outside of the office.
I am well, thank you. But I could use a vacation, especially one as exciting as the one you have been on. Yes, traveling on airplanes and having layovers is not fun. My first trip to Cape Town, South Africa I think took us 32 hours to get there! And when we got to Cape Town I was jet-lagged for 3 days.
Pneumonia, I am sorry to hear that. Especially since you just returned. I wish you a fast recovery.
Please do not worry about June 14th. I did not place you on this day for surgery as I recall that it was too close to your return home. What I will do is call you tomorrow to discuss booking a follow-up appointment as well as Sx dates for July - Dr. was not given many OR dates for June. If July is not a good month for you, we are waiting on our August OR schedule which should be out soon.
I thank you for your patience and your lovely phone messages.
Please take care and rest. Chat soon, MOA
My apologies for not getting back to you today. I received both your messages, unfortunately I had to deal with a few issues regarding surgery for tomorrow and June 14th that had to be dealt with and I also had to leave early today to attend to a meeting outside of the office.
I am well, thank you. But I could use a vacation, especially one as exciting as the one you have been on. Yes, traveling on airplanes and having layovers is not fun. My first trip to Cape Town, South Africa I think took us 32 hours to get there! And when we got to Cape Town I was jet-lagged for 3 days.
Pneumonia, I am sorry to hear that. Especially since you just returned. I wish you a fast recovery.
Please do not worry about June 14th. I did not place you on this day for surgery as I recall that it was too close to your return home. What I will do is call you tomorrow to discuss booking a follow-up appointment as well as Sx dates for July - Dr. was not given many OR dates for June. If July is not a good month for you, we are waiting on our August OR schedule which should be out soon.
I thank you for your patience and your lovely phone messages.
Please take care and rest. Chat soon, MOA
Hi again, MOA!
Thanks very much for your more than speedy reply, especially knowing how pressed you must be.
We've always wanted to visit South Africa and our youngest daughter worked as a volunteer in a creche/day care centre for HIV infected children, not far from Stellenbosch, in 2007. Unfortunately, for us, we were not able to make our travel plans connect at that time. However, I know about the length of the flight from her! Punishing is an understatement!
Thanks for your kind comments about the voice mail. To tell you the truth, when I worked at UBC, my boss, before I retired, was annoyed by my messages. My feeling was that since she was originally a medical librarian at Woodward, she had had her funny bone surgically removed early on in her career there!
At any rate, look forward to talking to you tomorrow. I'm at home all day so call whenever you can find time. Thanks as well, for your wishes for a quick recovery. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Olga Marilyn Dutton
May 13, 1922 – June 4, 2012
Predeceased by parents Charles and Phyllis Dutton and brother Vernon, Marilyn leaves behind a brother Ian, nephews Gilbert, Michael and Brian and niece Marguerite.
Marilyn was born and raised in Birtle, Manitoba. In 1943 she joined the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRENS) and was stationed in Halifax until 1946.
After discharge she traveled to Vancouver and used her credits at UBC where she got a B.A.
In 1962 she earned her BLS at UBC’s recently opened Library School. She became a Reference Librarian in the Social Sciences Division at the UBC Library until retiring in 1985.
The mountains presented recreational opportunities for Marilyn. Shortly after arriving in Vancouver she joined the BC Mountaineering Club, becoming a life member. She was a dedicated skier until a broken leg ended that hobby.
She joined the Vancouver Natural History Society in the mid 1960’s. An avid birdwatcher, she happily shivered through many Christmas Bird Counts. She served as Archivist for the society for many years.
As a member of the West Point Grey Lawn Bowling Club since 1989, she was an active participant, both on the green and socially.
Bridge was a favorite activity since her student days and she became a skilled player.
Marilyn loved traveling. She saw much of the world while camping and climbing with BCMC and through her many birding trips within Canada as well as around the world. Even lawn bowling took her to South Africa.
A Memorial Service will be held at Brock House on Tuesday June 12, 2012 from 12:30 to 3:00.
First email was your homework assignment. Here is the "answer sheet"! Not sure about my translation, (You see, I'm learning Japanese already!), however!!!
ま あ、我々はやっと家です! 、素晴らしい素晴らしい旅、(大部分では、あなたの両方に感謝!)、それはいつものようによく家になることが素晴らしいです。私はすぐに書いていないこと をお詫びする必要がありますが、それは私があなたにも想像することができる確信しているように私たちは、バンクーバーに戻って到着して以来、非常に忙しい 時期であった。私たちの親しい友人、Whirlygigは、非常に親切に空港から私たちを収集し、我々は午後3時、現地時間でアイランドインに戻った。す べての私達の袋を管理するために弟のバンを必要として!私は今、あなたのアパートに移動する部屋を持っていることを確認だ!私達のどちらも確かに非常に暖 かかった東京の時差ぼけが、天候によって克服感じました!ここではなく、不快な雨と涼しい。
コリーヌは、私たちの訪問の過程で、そのお母 さんは、心臓発作を起こしていた、我々が言及したと考えているようだ。 (私はそうしたことを覚えてすることはできません。)それにもかかわらず、我々は(我々が日本を残すためであった約2週間前)、ダーウィンにいる間、クロ エに話しに我々が、返すことによって、我々が行うことが少しあったことを決定した任意のイベント。彼女の精神状態を考えると、我々はそれを残した前でさえ も、彼女も私達を認識してかどうかを知ることは困難である。我々はクロエがママの死のイベントで素晴らしいだろうと満足した後、我々は旅を続けることにし ました。当時、彼女は楽に休んでいた、彼女は酸素を入れたままクロエは毎日訪問することができました。もちろん、それは我々が先木曜日返されたとき、彼女 はまだ生きていたことが祝福であり、比較的良好。
いずれにせよ、我々は我々の袋を捨てたのと同じくらいすぐにアニーを見ました。彼女は確 かにタフな古い鳥である!そうは言っても、彼女は今ベッドで彼女のほとんどの時間を費やしている。スタッフは昼頃彼女を取得し、金曜日、土曜日と日曜日 に、私は彼女の昼食を養うためにロッジに行ってきました。彼女はまだ食欲があり、私はこれが彼女の周りにまだある主な理由の一つであると仮定します。私の 過去のために、私は素晴らしい感じていた。でも、ママと訪問した後、短い乗車に行ってきました。一つ目はトランジット中に、香港で没収された2コルク栓抜 きを収集するためにYVRに出ました!我々は成田でチェックイン時、私は、機内持ち込み、我々の受託手荷物のいずれかで負荷を軽減するために、私のナップ ザックにいくつかの小さなパッケージを入れなければなりませんでした。私はほぼ2ヶ月前、オーストラリアで買った2お土産ワインオープナーは、私はもちろ ん、チェックインする袋から出した小包のいずれかであったが、2オープナーは、ときに没収されたことを認識しませんでした私は香港でのセキュリティを通過 した。 (妙な話だが、彼らは私が今まで私のヒップに置き換えたので、にさらされた中で最も完全な "パットダウン" /本文検索を受けたにもかかわらず、成田で "ピックアップ"されていない!約10分取ったにちがいないと私は笑っていたコーラ·リーで非常にきれいな若い女性は、すべて私の上に彼女の手を 実行しながら!
いずれにせよ、私は没収アイテムの領収書を与えられ、彼らは2週間の香港のキャセイパシフィック航空の事務所に保管される ことを言われました。私は彼がそれらを収集することができるかもしれないと思ったとして、彼はそうする時間と機会があったら、そこに我々の友人ダニエルに 電子メールを送信させていただきました。残念ながら、私は私が彼を家一回メールを送信するだろうと思って乗り込んだ前に無料のWiFiに接続できませんで した。いずれにせよ、それはオープナーは高価ではなかったように大したことはなかったが、可能であれば、私は、それらをしたいんでした。私が行ったどこで それらを詰めている可能性があるため、それらを置くための自分自身ともっとイライラでしたチェックインしたまったくトラブルもなく袋!
我々 はYVRに荷物を待っていたときに私は私のオープナーについて何ができる手荷物カルーセルの近くにCPスタッフのいずれかを尋ねることにしました。 CHAPは、非常に有用であったすべての適切な詳細を降ろし、私に彼の名前とカードを与えて、一日かそこらで彼を呼び出すために言った。気分が良くなっ て、私たちのバッグのほとんどが掲載されていた見つけるために返された!私は、ハンドルIIのいずれかが一時的に、さらにダメージを受けたかもしれない が、すべてが順調でしたが、修正しようとしたことを少し心配でした。とにかく、金曜日の朝、私はCPでティモシーからの呼び出しを受け、彼はオープナー は、その日の午後に到着するしたことを私に伝えた。我々は、CPの国際線出発のインフォメーションデスクでは午後4時満たすために配置されている。パンチ のように喜んで私はママと数時間を過ごした後、私は空港に出て循環し、ビットはより自宅で解凍。
本当に乗り心地を楽しんでも若干異なる戻 りのルートを取った。むしろサイプレスまたはヘザーより、私はショーネシーを通じて、Aderaに決め、私はラインの大邸宅が通りを埋め尽くしている素晴 らしい木々によって作成された緑のトンネルでほぼ感じました。アウト日曜日のUBCへ。実際に話すように、任意の時差を持っていなかったと私のサイク リングの友人の何人かレッグウォーマーのものカップルの後、我々は最終的にアンパックと後ろに定住していた、お母さんが訪問し、彼女の状態の安定した、等 への呼び出しを送信するつもりだった。
残念なことに、かなり初期の日曜の夕方、私は夕食後に少しおかしいと感じ始めました。我々は、 Flamin 'とSargeとチャットリビングルームに座っているとニコールは、その娘とした美味しいお食事を楽しんでいた、私は私の目はガラスを見にベッドに行くた めに必要なような気がしていると述べた。私は実際にはまったく疲れませんでしたが、私はビットを "オフ"と感じなかったので、私は感謝を与え、二階に行きました。コーラ·リーは、訪問するとどまり、私は彼女は今、午後9時まで働いているインチ歩 いた時クロエはかまを持ったときに夜のシフトに。時間によって私はほとんど発熱と悪寒で震えていた家であったと咳を開始しました。私たちの場所の周囲に、 白いふわふわした "もの"、私が思うにハナミズキかなりあります。さらに私たちのパーキングビルと私のそれのボールがたくさん来るとUBCに行くその通りを通って循環。私 は私が家に帰る途中エリコの近くにあったときに咳を開始し、単にそれがアレルギー反応であったと仮定。まあ、それは恐ろしい夜だったと私の体のすべての骨 や筋肉が痛んだ彼らは万力で圧迫されていたように、私の寺院はドキドキ頭痛の分割は、私の頭蓋骨を感じていた。私は咳をするたびに私の胃の筋肉は、特に、 私の肋骨のように、非常に非常に苦痛でした。痛みは、おそらく耐え難いものではないが、そのようなだった私は私が咳をするつもりだった知っていたときにた じろぐだろう。
私は正直、私は今までので、具合が悪くなって、自分のそばにきたとは思わないと言うことができます。私は、これは成田/香 港とバンクーバーの間のどこかに巻き込ま24時間インフルエンザのバグだったこと、期待、想像し続けた。私が顕著提供している(2001年または2002 年にプエルタバジャルタ中に恐ろしい咳に苦しんでたときに私は、ほとんど偶然、出くわした。丸薬)、でも、いくつかの "メキシコ"を風邪/インフルエンザ薬やアドビルのすべての種類を取った救済、過去に、このような持続性の咳である。私が管理できる限りを飲んで、それぞ れの咳試合後うめき声、痛みが障るフィットした後に沈静化として浅いあえぎ呼吸で、ベッドの中で月曜日のすべてを費やしました。あなたはそれを知らない場 合には(それをすべての "霧"を通じ、私は、1997年にジョンKrakauer、跡形もの著者、ひどく間違ってエベレストの登頂の信じられない物語、と考える。よく読んで 価値がある。ほとんど一度開始それを置くことができなかった。ある時点で、極端な条件のために、彼は咳を開発し、彼の痙攣は、彼の肋骨の少なくとも一つ、 そうでない場合より、壊したり、割れているので、暴力的になります。私としては私は本当に私が呼吸を続けたかどうか気にしませんでしたように必死に病気と 不快感を感じた。私は単に彼の苦悩と、彼はそれに耐えることを余儀なくされた状況を想像することはできませんが、それは私に、特定の個人が集めることがで きるものの強さのいくつかの暗示を与えた。)
少しは、私がもう少し明確に考えることができましたが、火曜日の朝によって変更され、私は私 はおそらく肺炎を持っていたと思ったコリーヌ言っていました。彼女は、先に彼女の、私の予定を絞ることができた私たちのGPを見て、私の胸などを聞いて素 早く後、彼女は私の自己診断に同意した。彼女は片手に抗生物質の処方を握りしめ、血液検査とX線のために送ってくれた。以上の咳の痛みも同様に頭痛や高温 など、後退していると言うことを嬉しく思います。しかし、私はまだ無気力を感じる。私は食べて3〜4時間読むとスリープして、すべての上に、このプロセス を繰り返す必要が一口持っています。
私は医者を見て、持っていることから一度戻って、電子メール、二日前に送信することを意図していた薬 を服用し始めましたが、私は単純にエネルギーを持っていませんでした。同じ昨日のほとんどの真の開かれたが、かなり軽い夕食後の夜は、(私は味噌汁を必要 として!)、私が実際に機能するようにしようと起動するために必要なことを決めた。だから早く連絡しないという、このむしろ長ったらしい謝罪/説明。私は メッセージを作成し始めたが、私の頭と指がなくなってしまったとして約半分の時間かそこら後、ドラフトとして保存しなければなりませんでした。私は通常、 結果として少し良い感じた私は、(本当に必要な温泉!)、シャワーを浴びた。さらに、私はビットのため、最大滞在してみたかった。私は一日の大半を寝てい たのでそれは私がそうしたい場合でも、眠りに落ちるのが難しい場合があります。コーラ·リーと私たちが留守の間にクロエが私たちのために記録された MI5のエピソード、(BBCスパイスリラーシリーズ)を、見ていた。
とにかく、登美子とトシ親愛なる、私はあなたが両方ともよくある信 頼しています。ホープiPadは、今登美子第二の天性です。私は一緒にすべての素晴らしい集まり、時代の優れたビットを感じていたら、写真のすべての種類 を送信するように計画しています。 (この点では、 "解凍"ファイル、トシが。もしそうなら、私は一度に複数のスナップを送ったりすることができます。あなたは分を持っているか教えて下さい。)コーラ· リー、I.乾杯、PatrizzioからFondestosと愛!
パトリック·ダン、pdunn@interchange.ubc.ca EdradourカスクストレングスWarrabilla Durif Dailuaine 16薫ILAのカスクストレングス
Hi Tomiko and Toshi!
(I sent a number of messages with pictures but files were too large so undeliverable. I hope this goes through!)
Well, we are finally home! Wonderful, wonderful trip, (In great part, thanks to you both!), but it is always wonderful be to be home as well. I must apologize for not writing sooner but it has been a very busy time ever since we arrived back in Vancouver, as I'm sure you can well imagine. Our close friend, Whirlygig, very kindly collected us from the airport and we were back at The Island Inn by 3:00pm, local time. Needed his brother's van to manage all our bags! I'm sure you have room to move in your apartment now! Neither of us felt overcome by jet-lag but weather in Tokyo was certainly much warmer! Rainy and cool here but not unpleasant.
Corinne seems to think that we mentioned, over the course of our visit, that Mom had suffered a heart attack. (I can't remember having done so.) Nevertheless, while we were in Darwin, (about two weeks before we were to leave for Japan), in talking to Chloe we decided that there was little we could do, by returning, in any event. Given her mental state, even before we left it, is hard to know if she even recognizes us. Once we were satisfied that Chloe would be fine in the event of Mom's death, we decided to continue our trip. At the time, she was resting comfortably and Chloe was able to visit every day while she was on oxygen. Of course, it was a blessing that she was still alive, and relatively well, when we returned last Thursday.
At any rate, we saw Annie almost as soon as we had dumped our bags. She certainly is a tough old bird! That being said, she is spending most of her time in bed now. Staff get her up around noon and on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I went to the Lodge to feed her her lunch. She still has an appetite and I assume this is one of the main reasons she is still around. For my past, I was feeling great. Even went for short rides after visiting with Mom. First one was out to YVR to collect two corkscrews confiscated in Hong Kong, while in Transit! When we checked in at Narita I had to put a few small packages into my knapsack, carry-on, in order to lighten the load in one of our checked bags. I didn't realize that two souvenir wine-openers I'd bought in Australia, almost two months earlier, were in one of the small parcels I took out of the bag to be checked in. Of course, the two openers were confiscated when I went through Security in HK. (Funnily enough, they were not "picked up" in Narita even though I received the most complete "pat-down"/body search I have ever been subjected to since having my hip replaced! Must have taken about ten minutes and I was smiling at Cora Lee while a very pretty young woman ran her hands all over me!
At any rate, I was given a receipt for the confiscated items and was told that they would be kept at Cathay Pacific's office in HK for two weeks. I was going to send an email to our friend Daniel there as I thought that he might be able collect them, if he had time and opportunity to do so. Unfortunately, I was not able to connect to the free WiFi before we boarded so thought I'd send him an email once home. In any event, it wasn't a big deal as the openers were not expensive but I did want them, if possible. I was more annoyed with myself for putting them where I did as I could have packed them in the checked-in bags without any trouble at all!
When we were waiting for our luggage at YVR I decided to ask one of the CP staff near baggage carousel what I could do about my openers. Chap was very helpful and took down all the pertinent details and said to call him in a day or so, giving me his name and card. Feeling better, I returned to find most of our bags had appeared! I was a bit worried that the one with the handle I I tried to fix, temporarily, might have suffered even more damage but all was well. Anyway, Friday morning I received a call from Timothy at CP and he informed me that the openers were to arrive that afternoon. We arranged to meet at 4:00pm at CP's International Departures Information Desk. Pleased as Punch I cycled out to the airport after I had spent a few hours with Mom and then a bit more unpacking at home.
Really enjoyed the ride and even took a slightly different return route. Rather than Cypress or Heather, I decided upon Adera, through Shaughnessy and felt I was almost in a green tunnel created by the the wonderful trees that line the mansion filled streets. Out to UBC on Sunday. Didn't really have any jet-lag to speak of and was going to send out a call to some of my cycling friends after those couple of leg warmers and we had finally unpacked and settled back in, Mom visited and her condition stable, etc.
Unfortunately, fairly early Sunday evening I started to feel a bit funny after dinner. We had enjoyed a delicious meal with Flamin' and Sarge and were sitting in the living room chatting and Nicole, their daughter, said I looked like I needed to go to bed as my eyes looked glassy. I actually didn't feel tired at all but because I did feel a bit "off" I gave my thanks and made my way upstairs. Cora Lee remained to visit and Chloe was having a bite when I walked in. She is now working until 9:00pm when on evening shift. By the time I was at home I was almost shaking with a fever and chills and started to cough. There is quite bit of white fluffy "stuff", Dogwood I think, around our place. Lots of balls of it even in our Parkade and I cycled through streets of it coming and going to UBC. I started coughing when i was near Jericho on way home and simply assumed it was an allergic reaction. Well, it was a horrible night and every bone and muscle in my body ached, my temples felt like they were being squeezed in a vise, a pounding headache splitting my skull. My stomach muscles, in particular, were, like my ribs, very very painful whenever I coughed. The pain, while perhaps not excruciating, was such that I would wince when I knew I was going to cough.
I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever felt so ill and beside myself before. I kept imagining, hoping, that this was a 24 hour flu bug, caught somewhere between Narita/Hong Kong and Vancouver. I took all sorts of cold/flu medication and Advil, even some "Mexicans", (Pills I came across, almost by accident, when suffering a horrible cough while in Puerta Vallarta back in the 2001 or 2002.), that have provided remarkable relief, in the past, with such a persistent cough. I spent all of Monday in bed, drinking as much as I could manage, and moaning after each coughing bout, breathing in shallow gasps as the pain subsided after the wracking fit. (Through the "fog" of it all, I thought of Jon Krakauer, author of Into Thin Air, an incredible tale of an ascent of Everest gone terribly wrong, in 1997, in case you don't know it. Well worth a read. Could hardly put it down once started. At one point, due to extreme conditions, he develops a cough and his spasms becomes so violent that he breaks or cracks at least one, if not more, of his ribs. For my part, I felt so desperately ill and uncomfortable that I really didn't care whether I continued breathing or not. I simply cannot imagine his agony and the circumstances under which he was forced to endure it but it gave me some inkling of what strength certain individuals can muster.)
Little had changed by Tuesday morning, although I was able to think a little more clearly and told Corinne that I thought I probably had pneumonia. She was able to squeeze me an appointment, ahead of her, to see our GP and after a quick listen to my chest, etc., she agreed with my self-diagnosis. She sent me for a blood test and X-ray, clutching a prescription for antibiotics in one hand. Am more than pleased to say that the pain for the coughing has abated, as well as headache and high temperature. However, I still feel lethargic. I have a bite to eat and read and sleep for three or four hours and then repeat this process all over.
I had intended to send an email two days ago, once back from seeing the doctor and having started taking medication but I simply didn't have the energy. Same held true for most of yesterday but after a fairly light dinner that evening, (I needed Miso soup!), I decided I really needed to start trying to function. So this rather long-winded apology/explanation for not being in touch sooner. I started to compose the message but had to save it as a draft after about half an hour or so as my head and fingers gave out. I took a shower, (Really needed an onsen!), as I usually feel a tad better as a result. Furthermore, I wanted to try to stay up for a bit. Since I've been sleeping most of the day it can be difficult to fall asleep even when I want to do so. Cora Lee and watched an episode of MI5, (BBC spy thriller series), that Chloe recorded for us while we were away.
Anyway, Dearest Tomiko and Toshi, I trust you are both well. Hope iPad is second nature now, Tomiko. I plan to send all sorts of pictures once I'm feeling a bit better, of all the wonderful gatherings and times together. (In this regard, can you "unzip" files, Toshi. If so, I can send more snaps at one time. Let me know when you have a minute.) Fondestos and Love from Cora Lee and I. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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