Saturday, 16 June 2012

IIDS: Sunday, June 17th

I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream. -Vincent van Gogh, artist (1853-1890)

B.C. poet Susan Musgrave was honoured with the Spirit Bear Award

wishing all the Dads out there a very special Happy Father's Day...sending all our love to Poppa in Vancouver, who thankfully is recovering from pneumonia!.. also missing those Dads who have passed but all always remain in our hearts!
Patrick James Dunn Starting to feel much, much better so celebrated with another ride around Stanley Park, taking a detour to Canada Place, before circumcycling Seawall. Two cruise ships docked there: Statendam and a Celebrity Cruise liner. Tide was lowest I've seen for so lots of young children exploring on the exposed rocks not far from Third Beach. Dragon Boat Festival on in False Creek and I saw a number of races as I passed Plaza of Nations, both coming and going. Better weather today than yesterday when it was pelting down on paddlers for most of the day. At moment Chloe is busy in the kitchen preparing a Greek dinner for tonight: fried haloumi, scordalia, humus, tzatziki, olives, pita, Greek salad, spanakopita with baklava and bougatsa for dessert. Joint Mother's/Father's Day as we were in Japan for former. Happy Father's Day to all those other lucky dads out there!

  • Happy Father's Day to my Daddy D!!!!! And all you other dads out there, enjoy your day.
    Thinking about you Georgie. xx
    Patrick James Dunn Our hearts go out to Gaelan and Steph on the recent death of their father, George. How lucky I am to have my girls.

    Happy Father's Day Pat!!!

      • Patrick James Dunn 
        Thanks, Prince Valiant! Cheers to you and Meggarina!

        Happy Father's Day Poppa-San. Hope you back to...
        Pierre Prince17 June 12:15
        Happy Father's Day Poppa-San. Hope you back to standard health after your short battle of pneumonia.

        • Thanks Xavierino! Glad the nasty bug didn't have a mean Turkish bouncer to protect itself! Love, Poppa "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Antibiotics" San!

Muddy Waters sings Hoochie Coochie Man (1960) 

Ayn P
Ayn P updated her status.: "I have found a magical bathing suit that makes me feel happy when I am wearing it...either that or "I am older and have more insurance" and just don't give a flying F*"k!"

  • Ayn P Poppa, you really should behave's Father's Day.

  • Patrick James Dunn Went to see Cole Porter's High Society last night at the Stanley and enjoyed it immensely. One of the best numbers was Let's Misbehave! Just following cast's orders!!!

Hi Karen, would love a bridge night, rhubarb dessert fest, catch-up. We have been home for 2 weeks but as Patrick may have told you he has been ill. Now almost normal, health wise. Love to see you soon,

Hi Giggster!

Not sure if you received my last phone message. Gather you were otherwise engaged so left at just before 10:00am for another ride around Stanley Park, taking a detour to Canada Place, before circumcycling Seawall. Two cruise ships docked there: Statendam and a Celebrity Cruise liner. Tide was lowest I've seen for so lots of young children exploring on the exposed rocks not far from Third Beach. Dragon Boat Festival on in False Creek and I saw a number of races as I passed Plaza of Nations, both coming and going. Better weather today than yesterday when it was pelting down on paddlers for most of the day. At moment Chloe is busy in the kitchen preparing a Greek dinner for tonight: fried haloumi, scordalia, humus, tzatziki, olives, pita, Greek salad, spanakopita and Wild BC Spot Prawns done with garlic. Baklava and bougatsa for dessert. Joint Mother's/Father's Day as we were in Japan for former. Happy Father's Day from one lucky dad to another!

Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hello NRBC Lads!

I'm happy to offer the Island Inn for next gathering if this is agreeable to one and all. July 1st is out for me as we have the 2nd Annual Harbour Terrace Canada Day Block Party that Sunday. Of course, if NRBC would like to attend bbq, (you are all invited, by the way), we could convene at 7:30pm. Otherwise, I'd prefer following weekend, July 8th, but June 24th could work. I await consensus, desperately seeking same.

Cheers, Patrizzio!

HI Patrick:

Horrified to hear about your bout with pneumonia - not much fun to arrive home from a fabulous holiday and fall into a life-threatening illness, and I speak from experience. Hopefully your immunity levels will now be super-strong, and you will be able to fend off any other infection that comes your way for quite some time. 

Wes Anderson, yes! Zoe, Jessie and I are big fans and have seen every one of these movies. I haven't got to the latest but it's on my list; what about The Darjeeling Limited? I liked that one especially. Thanks to my resurrected Video Ezy membership I have seen two good movies this week  - The Boys are Back with Clive Owen set in rural South Australia; and a nifty little never-heard-of with William Hurt set in post-Katerina Louisiana called The Yellow Handerkerchief. I am supposed to be reading my book club book for tomorrow night, about a South African feminist named Oliver Schreiner, but may be scrambling to finish it on the train tomorrow at 6am.

lAlthough the Met Bureau is talking up the coming drought it's drizzly here today, slowing down my urge to pick up the pruning shears this morn. BUt I am going to give the driveway hedge a haircut, and help dad pick up the remaining bits of the old dead poplar that fell across the road out front in a high wind a few weeks ago.  Firewood, yay.
I spent a Jess 26th bridthday annual leave day very happily- circling around the suburbs in search of landscaping inspirations for her courtyard -  fake turf tiles from Burwood; the Oasis Bakery in Murrumbeena; side trip to visit new god-daughter Emmy at 3 days old; the inevitable Ikea in Richmond... Although the actual poking around in shops was a huge treat for your ivory-towered correspondent, it felt like I had used a full tank of gas and driven on arterial roads forever; a salutary reminder of how nice it is not to live in the suburbs. 

Apart from the above, it was a busy week at work for me - two 7AM starts with ehealth industry types; thank goodness for the Monday holiday, on which we went to the Rotary Art Show in Castlemaine and Steve  splashed out on a big 3-D paper collage-y piece depicting a cello made of little tiny square images, which are little paper-covered boxes.  It's on our bedroom wall, where he can lie in bed and study the details in the morning light.  

Thanks for photos too! Perhaps we can set up a Skype visit while you and Steve are together, or another time for that matter. Cheers to all from Kathleen

Hi Kathleen!

Enjoyed hearing about your latest gardening ventures and firewood gathering! Don't know if I approve of days off at the drop of a hat, however! Must say that I really did feel pretty sick, once pneumonia set in. Surprisingly, felt nothing at all before the wall of bricks came tumbling down! 

Last evening we went to see Cole Porter's High Society at the Stanley. It was raining so Chloë gave us a lift. Going up Hemlock we spied Zoe and Matt, (Happy Belated 26th Birthday to Jess, by the way!), en route to GI! Had a brief chat while we waited for lights at Broadway to change. They both looked well and we said we'd talk in next little while, to arrange something when Stefano is here. Quite enjoyed the musical. We had seats in the second row, almost centre stage, so didn't miss much. I'd never seen it before and particularly liked the way "I Love Paris" was done by Tracy and her younger sister, Dinah. Tracy played an accordion and Dinah was dressed in a ballet tutu. They put on exaggerated French accents and "camped" it up! Delightfully funny.

Lovely soft evening when we strolled home about 10:30pm, streets washed clean by all the rain, heavy at times, earlier in day. En route, was telling Cora Lee a bit about the Wade Davis I'm reading, Into the Silence: The Great War, Mallory, and the Conquest of Everest. I've only just started but what an incredible story, the horrendous war years and the simply larger than life characters who made up the three expeditions, 1921, 1922 and 1924. My next Book Club text is John Buchan's Greenmantle. Interestingly enough, Buchan enlisted in the British Army in 1916 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Intelligence Corps, where he wrote speeches and communiqués for Sir Douglas Haig. You probably know that he commanded the British Expeditionary Force from 1915 to the end of the War. He was commander during the Battle of the Somme, the battle with one of the highest casualties in British military history. According to Davis he was almost criminally incompetent in terms of "modern" warfare, tactics and strategy. He never ever visited the Front, for example. One shudders at the thought of the senseless, basically unnecessary loss of so much life. When will we ever learn?

On a slightly happier note, went for another ride this morning as I wanted to beat the rain forecast for later. Left at just before 10:00am, making for Stanley Park, taking a detour to Canada Place, before returning to Seawall near entrance to SP. Two cruise ships docked there: Statendam and a Celebrity Cruise liner. Tide was lowest I've seen for some time so lots of young children exploring on the exposed rocks not far from Third Beach. Dragon Boat Festival on in False Creek and I saw a number of races as I passed Plaza of Nations, both coming and going. Better weather today than yesterday when it was pelting down on paddlers for most of the day. At moment Chloe is busy in the kitchen preparing a Greek dinner for tonight: fried haloumi, scordalia, humus, tzatziki, olives, pita, Greek salad, spanakopita and Wild BC Spot Prawns done with garlic. Baklava and bougatsa for dessert. Joint Mother's/Father's Day as we were in Japan for former. 

Will try to track down films you mentioned as I'm fond of Clive and William. (Note that we are on first name basis!) Plan to watch the Royal Tenenbaums after dinner. Swotting up on Wes Anderson as you can tell! Skype would be fun so let us know what time is best and we can "synchronize watches"!

Time to do a few stretches and then shower before dinner. Miss your hot tub! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Corinne and Patrick,
Welcome home, you must tell us all about your exciting adventures when you come to visit in July.  So sorry we missed your call Corinne we must have been out walking dear Benson and then probably settled into a movie.
So sorry to hear of your sickness Patrick and glad you are recovering nicely.  Speaking of sickness I did say that I had a severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic Nitrofurantoin for a urinary tract infection, about three weeks ago and just starting to recover.
The experience has been quite weird to say the least. Allergic reactions usually show up on the seventh day and then again seventy two hours later.
On May 24th prescribed the antibiotic by our Locum Doctor. Seven days later on a Tues. John calls an ambulance as I woke up to severe dizziness with Vertigo couldn’t focus, couldn’t move my head left, right, sit, stand or walk. Nausea and vomiting. We assumed it was a heart attack. Could not walk for five hours. Doctors at ER did not ask for the name of the drug and assumed it was an acute Vertigo.
Next day John drove me to my doctor and she said it must have been my Physio who caused the reaction. (I went to a physio the day before to see about the dizziness I was experiencing (which was from the drug) and she assumed it was crystals in my ear.) I had to remind the locum doctor that I was on an antibiotic and she did not relate the symptoms to the drug.
Sat. seventy two hours later I awoke with the same symptoms, but this time I was freezing, shaking, and my body was burning hot with a severe rash up and down my arms and legs. Started to develop urticarial (hives) which was leading to anaphylactic shock as my throat was restricting). Pressure was building in my head and I seemed to be suffering neurological problems. Called the doc. On call and she said get off the drug. I should have been given 10 pills not twenty. Went on line and there were over fifty sites clearly stating the symptoms I suffered from this drug.
Mon. phoned and left a message for my doctor to call and left a serious of symptoms that I was suffering from the antibiotic. She never called.
Tues. I try to drive and find the pressure is building in my head, Cranial Hypertension and Neurological problems; I am not making clear decisions and confused. I start to panic and now I am a little worried.
Wed. John drives me to the doctor.  The locum walks into the room and says “what is your problem”, she is indifferent and sitting a good distance away from me.  I state the symptoms and she denies that any of the symptoms are related to the drug. She has prescribed hundreds and has never seen this reaction. (Here was a doctor who prescribed a drug and had never bothered to check the side effects.) I stated that on line there are many sites clearly listing the symptoms. She denied this and blamed the symptoms on my physio. (I was faced with a doctor totally caught up in her fragile ego.) She says she doesn’t want to argue with me and I say ”Dyane I am sick. I have a lot of pressure in my head and would like a requisition to go to ER for a CT scan. (I had phoned ER and they said to get a requisition and I could get in right away). She says “No, a requisition would not help and if you want to go you will have to sit there like everyone else”. She says well do you still have the rash and I show her the rash and she just about jumped out of her chair and went into action almost shaking.
Later that day I took a cab to ER and my doctor phoned with a requisition, John says she sounded shocked that I went.
The next day she called me at home and said she had talked to a few specialists and that yes I did suffer a severe allergic reaction and that I will not be able to drive for a few weeks and that it was a good thing that I went for a CT Scan She has been calling since but I just do not want to go in and see her.
The odd think is this is the first drug I have been on, my doctor who now only works part time knows I do not like drugs and yet somehow I found myself trusting his locum. The manual of the College of Physicians and Surgeons clearly states. “When a medication is prescribed the physician has a responsibility to advise the patient about drug effects, side effects, etc.  I can’t believe I trusted without doing my homework.
Anyways, as my doctor is well into his sixties and working part time, I just cannot go back to his locum and so I am looking for a new doctor for John and I.  Perhaps you could ask your friends Kathryn and Mat if they know any doctors here in their forties that might take on new patients. We have been with my doctor for twenty five plus years and I know he will be leaving in a year or two. I have been checking everywhere and you cannot get in without a referral or if the doctor is good friends with the doctor. On line there is only one doctor taking patients and her rating is very poor.
I am actually quite better I went to a physio on Fri. to get IMS ‘Intra muscular stimulation’.  Have you heard about this procedure?  It is incredible. The physio applies needles like acupuncture in all your muscles and it actually relieves the pain in the muscles. 
This time I had them put in my neck and I am pain free. I originally found this procedure when I was having a lot of difficulty walking and went to a physio and she said it is not arthritis but all of your muscles are tight. She places needles, in your shoulders, back, hips, buttocks, thighs etc. and really I am pain free.  John went to and he is now pain free. I now go every couple of months as the process keeps the body loose.  It is absolutely amazing and I hope you both try it.
Talk to you soon,
Love Jean

Hi Jean!

Lovely to chat last night. Only sorry to hear about your more than traumatic allergic reaction! Will be in touch about visit in July. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Peyton, waving, and Sammy

Hope you haveve recovered from that bug! My leg is feeling a little better today. It has been 6 weeks of Wally's cooking. ..well me explaining while he follows along.. Somewhat...
There is quite a storm raging and the river was high yesterday!
I am taking Dana and Wally out for Fathers's Day after she gets off work. Poor girl hasn't had a day off since they moved and really hasn't had a chance to unpack. With Dan's help they do have a garden planted with some deer fencing surrounding it. The chicken coop as been cleaned out as they have been promised residents soon. This farm opens up a whole lot of ideas for gifts!
How s Chloe doing these days? I am gad to hear your Mom was Ok when you got home. That must have weighed heavily on your mind!
I keep leaving out letters as I type... I sound like i ave a Cockney accent when i read it over.
Here is a picture of my granddaughters, Peyton waving,and Sammy who turns 8 next week. The oldest girl just lives down the street from my sister so she came over a little later that day. We had a great mixed grill as a barbeque in their outdoor kitchen.

My brother Warren, Keith, Janice and her son David. David looks just like my son Ian

Hi Brenda Louise!

Great snaps! Saw Mom today and she was pretty sleepy but she did slurp down all of the drink I gave to her, using a straw. Chloë is doing well. Doing a fair bit of volunteer work with Boys & Girls and hopes to learn how to use some of their sophisticated fund-raising software. Glad your "injury" is on the mend. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Voodoo Mama Hot Sauce


Hi Goils!

I'd like some of this hot sauce!   

Hi Grand Duggacio!

Trust you are well! Cora Lee says you are retiring in September! bravo!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!



Saw George's obituary in the paper this weekend. You probably knew already and I remember you telling me that his daughter was a friend of Chloe. Also saw an article in the sports section of the Sun about Gary Pennington still playing baseball for a league team at age 76! Ray

Hi Raymond!

Yes, we knew about George. In fact, Chloë was at the hospital for most evenings for the week before George died. She took food along to the family as they were exhausted with non-stop vigil, as you can imagine.

Gary just keeps on going! Quite remarkable in that sense. Any chance of a ride this coming week? Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks for this thoughtful card, turning two solos into a melodious duo! 
Isn't that the way to happiness? 

We're just, sadly, back from the memorial for Nancy's mom, who passed away on Tuesday. Luckily, wine helps one through such sorrow... 

Looking forward to an eventual reunion, and of course, surviving another arrow-laden year at 64! Cactus

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