Sunday, 24 June 2012

IIDS: Sunday, June 24th

Who will consider that no dictionary of a living tongue ever can be perfect, since, while it is hastening to publication, some words are budding, and some falling away; that a whole life cannot be spent upon syntax and etymology, and that even a whole life would not be sufficient; that he, whose design includes whatever language can express, must often speak of what he does not understand. -Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784) 

Sounds like a great ride and perfect weather. I regret that the timing does not work for me.

Enjoy. W

I am going to have to pass for today. Have a good ride. 

Yr damn right I had been tasting.  My arrivals:   Thu 28 Jun 1412, Westjet.  I think we discussed greet?  I recall saying I'd call from LAX, and you replied with phone details, outside the male toilets in Terminal M.  I'd sure appreciate being collected.  

Incidentally, I'm arranging to climb the Grouse Grind with Wayne on Friday p.m.  You interested?
Hiked through the Mount park today in drizzling rain - justifying it on the assumption it might rain while I'm on Grouse, or in Kannanaskis country.   Came home to a relaxing spa, 13C ambient a bit of a challenge, but being buffeted and rained on at the same time is relaxing - the wattyl birds thought I was nuts.
Take care o' that digit, ignore the sisterhood, tho' they mean well.  Givem my love.

Hi again Stefano!

Now that you reminded me about arrival details, etc., I do remember your message. However, I don't think at that time, you had included WestJet flight number, etc. All well and good now. I will probably be one to chauffeur you from YVR as The Sisterhood is off on some jaunt or other!

I'm keen to join you on The Grouse Grind and Robo Ray may well join us as well, tutoring schedule permitting. We went on a simply fabulous ride out to Horseshoe Bay this morning at 10:00am. Took the Lower Levels/Marine Drive once past Dundarave Village and it was a demanding ride, for me at least, let me tell you. Anyway, very, very pleasant. Not overly much traffic but plenty of serious bikers, (lycra, high-end road bikes, etc.), so ride was not at all uncomfortable from a vehicular point of view. Had 70.33K on the clock by the time I was home at just before 2:30pm so slightly more than four hours on the post. First time on that route for both of us so were delighted to have made the effort. Young friend of Ray's had mentioned doing it a few weeks ago and this sparked his interest. Lovely sunny day so that made ride even more enjoyable.

Main reason for this message is that I had a note from Peter and Lynne yesterday and they will be in Vancouver for a Canada Day bbq with friends next weekend. Party is on Sunday but Peter said they would like to come a day early, (Saturday), to visit. Great timing. I assume you will still be here but wanted to double-check as not sure when you plan to leave for Alberta. Please let me know your Vancouver plans so I can let Peter and Lynne know about possibility of connecting.

Fondestos to Kathleen. Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: I envy you your spa!

has Johnny the Shnoz seen these pics too?
I am pretty sure I'm around for the next week, not sure about the long weekend but probably here for some part of it, so that's my schedule for the near term.
ouch about your finger, and I almost threw up my toasted ancient grains bagel while scrolling to that pic....

Hi Leggage!

I'm going to suggest we play bridge at our place this coming Saturday. Peter and Lynne Lighthall, friends from Naramata, are going to be in Vancouver, as well as mutual friend, Stefano Carthew, from Melbourne. Sarge and Flamin' will be along as they know everyone. We can play one table while non-bridgers visit, prepare food and bring drinks!

Hope you and your gluten-free rhubarb crumble can join us. Let me know by this afternoon's post!
Anyway, let me know, as soon as possible about Saturday and we'll plan accordingly. If not this weekend then let me know your schedule for following week, etc. Fondestos, L'Chaim and Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Patrick,
Lynne and I are planning a quick trip to the big city next weekend to attend a Canada Day party at our friends Phil Salt and Kirsty Maxwell’s place on Sunday July 1.  We were thinking that, if it was convenient for you, we could come down a day early and visit Saturday night.  What’s your accommodation situation?  Is your spare room currently occupied?  If not, could you take on freeloaders for the night?  Please don’t worry about it if not convenient or you have other plans.

Yours in vineyard exhaustion, Peter

Hi Lurking Lynne and Jugos Dom Pedro!

Thanks for the sympathy regarding my self-inflicted wound, Lynne. Sorry if it has given you nightmares, however! 

What great news that you will be in town. I've just sent off a message to Stefano as he arrives on Thursday, June 28th. Not 100% sure of how long he will be in town, (He is heading to Alberta at some point.),  but I think he'll be around for Saturday night at least. I've told him about your visit and it would be great if you could connect. At any rate, you are welcome to stay. I have "arranged" for ChloĆ« to "vacate" The Annexe so you can have your own private suite. I'm sure this is the style you have become accustomed to since Vienna! Stefno, will, presumably, be in "your" bedroom. ChloĆ«'s close friends are off to Portland on the weekend so since she has to cat sit anyway the musical bedrooms work out. If it's Saturday, the Naramatians and Old Oakite must be here!

We plan to have dinner here with Sarge and Flamin' so we can all hear about each other's trips. (As well as setting a date for a visit later in summer.) On another matter, I have invited Legs Levine to join us as we have been trying to get together to play bridge. Not sure if she can come but I thought we'd have at least one table while the rest of The Sisterhood prepare food, bring drinks and simply look gorgeous as is their wont!

Once again, delighted that The Okanagan Freeloaders will be deigning to visit their poor city cousins. Will have to look for special chocolates for your pillows! Let me know what time you estimate you will be here and we'll try to co-ordinate some parking inside. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

venue change/ On the runway for a good cause!

The show is now at 1880 O'Connor at Victoria Park, 4th floor

Thanks you so much for your lovely note. I am back home now and putting the pieces together. While at 92 one must expect death, it was still an unwelcome visitor. 

David and I will be leaving for the East Coast on July12. We will be visiting his brother and his father, as well as making some genealogical side trips to historic grave sites.

We are looking forward to Michelle and Wayne's visit in August. Always nice to have a fresh perspective from the northern provinces!! 

Our best to you, Patrick and Family, N & D

Hi Donna Florida and Vinnie!

Your summer sounds busy. I know Clan Sutherland is looking forward to seeing you. This coming weekend will be full here at The Island Inn. Once again, sympathy on the death of your Mother. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Whirlygig and Jack Rabbit Slims!

You were sorely missed this morning. We went on a simply fabulous ride out to Horseshoe Bay, leaving the Heartbreak Terrace at just after 10:00am. Took the Lower Levels/Marine Drive once past Dundarave Village and it was a demanding ride, for me at least, let me tell you. (Jack Rabbit was always miles ahead, particularly on the hills!) Anyway, very, very pleasant. Not overly much traffic but plenty of serious bikers, (lycra, high-end road bikes, etc.), so ride was not at all uncomfortable from a vehicular point of view. Had 70.33K on the clock by the time I was home at just before 2:30pm so slightly more than four hours on the post. First time on that route for both of us so were delighted to have made the effort. Young friend of Ray's had mentioned doing it a few weeks ago and this sparked his interest. Lovely sunny day so that made ride even more enjoyable. Thought of friend Ted and the Grand Fondo, (He did Penticton last year.), on some of the hills. Had we been back sooner and I'd more time for training, I would certainly have wanted to enter. Am currently looking into a much lighter bike so perhaps next year! Coming past band stand off Beach, we thought of you as there was a free jazz concert on when we rode by, on way back!

Stefano, arrives this coming Thursday. Next day, he has arranged with Sarge to do the Grouse Grind. (In preparation for hiking in Kananaskis.) I'm keen to join them and Robo Ray may do so as well, his tutoring schedule permitting. We'd be delighted to have you along now that you have let your membership in the Peleton lapse!

Not sure if you, Giggster, received the message about Lee Bacchus and his very, very nasty fall last week. Raymundo and I rode out to Deep Cove on Friday morning, (While you were listening to jazz and sipping lattes, I presume!), and returned via Lions Gate, 57.33k round-trip. Once we neared Second Beach our thoughts turned to Piston Man and his terrible accident thereabouts, last Tuesday. Ray had seen the article in the Vancouver Sun that morning and mentioned it to me when we talked on the phone, prior to riding, to set departure time.

Dionysios doesn't really know what happened but believes that there might have been a crack in the front carbon fork. Traveling along at between 25-30k he was pitched face first onto the pavement, his helmet, fortunately, sharing some of the impact. Nevertheless, when the dust finally settled, after being ambulanced to St Paul's, he was fitted with a neck brace to help stabilize the torn ligaments in his neck and a fractured vertabrae. He also suffered a broken cheekbone and a dislocated finger. He looks like he has gone ten rounds with Muhammad Ali after being used as a punching bag for Jake LaMotta! His new nickname is Erich von Stroheim after his role in La Grande Illusion, as a German aviator and aristocrat, Rittmeister (Cavalry Captain) von Rauffenstein. I talked to him that afternoon and he is to see the results of some of the tests this coming week. He said he would like to join us for some "easy" rides once he is back in the saddle. He is very committed to riding unlike many we know!

Robo Ray and I are thinking about a strawberry ride come Tuesday or Wednesday. This advance warning should give you enough time to come up with an excuse for not joining us! I suggest Birak Berry Farm, 4200 No 6 Road, Richmond, 604 339-9335, but this is but one of many possibilities, of course. Let us know how many ways you can say NO or SORRY BUT...! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Pics: Which beast do you think might work best for polo berry picking?

Hey, some ride, you'll be half way across Canada before I get there.

I'll still be in Van Sunday - I leave for turkeyland at 7.40 pm.  Be good to catch up with Lynne $ Peter.

Hi Stefano!

Thanks for replying so quickly. The Naramatians will be delighted to see you, having missed you and Kathleen over Christmas. I'll be watching WestJet from LA this coming Thursday and for your phone call as well. Don't worry about latter, however, if things don't work out about phone working, time to call, etc. 

Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrice, et al.

Sounds like a great outing except of course for the horrid multiple foot
alighting episodes! I'm sure you will need multiple dips into the maltage
to diminish the terrible memory of those events!.

I managed to get out for a couple of different rides in my neck of the woods
this week. On Wednesday night I cycled over to Robert Burnaby park which is
across the highway from Burnaby lake and you see it as you are travelling
out on east on hwy. 1. It's a huge park with a lot of untouched forested
areas. I headed out and travelled along Elwell which parallels Imperial St.
but is much quieter and bike friendly until I came to Canada way, I crossed
there and worked my way south towards Edmonds St. zig- zagging through the
neighbourhoods Until I reached the park. I circled around the main center
of the park which has playgrounds, tennis courts and a large public swimming
pool which we frequent in the summer as it is the nicest one around and has
beautiful towering fir trees as it's backdrop. There are a large number of
walking / bike trails in the park some through forest and ravines with fast
moving creeks. I have done these before so I decided to try exploring the
less travelled forested area east of the main park area. I have looked at
this large forested area many times as I drive along the hwy. wondering what
is up there as it is extensive and I figured there must be some trails I
would like to explore.
I headed along the edge of the park where it borders the neighbourhood until
I found a large gravel trail heading into the forest. The trail was well
packed and wound around and up and down with various smaller trails going
off here and there. The forest is spectacular and thick with huge fir and
cedar trees, Philodendrons and Salal blanketing the floor in some areas as
well as the occasional wet spring fed ponds abounding with the fragrant
skunk cabbage in full bloom. filled with wild bird song and loaded with
Huckleberry and Salmonberry bushes at which I stopped frequently to munch
The trail thinned out eventually and I came to a set of stairs which I
descended and then had to get some speed up on the bike as the path went up
fairly steeply afterwards. There were some spots that I had to heaven forbid
actually get off the bike due to some large impassable roots crossing the
trail but these were few, Looking around I could see different thinner areas
in the forest where deep ravines gouged the land and hear rushing creeks
running through them. I also came across an old giant cottonwood on the edge
of a 60 or seventy foot cliff where some kids had rigged up a rope swing
which only the young and fearless would have thought about using. Nearby I
also saw where people had built a bike park in the middle of the forest with
huge jumps and banked plank and dirt courses. Only the same young and
fearless types would have dared to try this.

Heading south again and uphill I could start to glimpse houses and condos
through the trees and soon the trail got wide and well packed again and I
found and exit onto 16th Ave. across from Caribou hill high school ( I'm
sure Marcus will be familiar with this area as he uses the caribou route to
travel to and from Home to Windsor school.)
Once on 16th Ave I skirted the edge of the park back to where I had entered
before and continued on home quite satisfied that I had crossed something
else off the list which I had been wanting to do for a long time.

Yesterday I did my inaugural river run down to the Fraser and back of which
I am quite familiar. The only thing that made this outing different from
previous ones was the signs at all the main entrances to the foreshore park
trail saying they were closed to the potential danger of flooding of the
Fraser river. Of course I spit on warnings of danger so I blew right by them
and continued until I came to the edge of the river itself which did not
seem to overly high at that point. I could not help feeling some foreboding
and envisioning a wall of water coming down the river towards me . I found
myself scanning the trees on either side of the trail to see which one I
could climb to avoid the rising waters if it came down to it.
Needless to say I was happy to get to the end of the trail near Byrne rd.
and begin heading North again and away from Danger!.
I made my way up beside Byrne creek park along Tenth Ave. and then the left
at the light up and into the park. You gentlemen may remember that this was
fairly gruelling but I managed to go non stop all the way through the park
across Rumble and then through the condos until my rear tire literally
exploded like a shotgun!!.
Unfortunately I had to alight with my feet sizzling and walk the rest of the
way home which was only about ten minutes. all in all an adventurous,
enjoyable ride.

I will try and get my tire fixed and join in on one of your outings soon. Cheers, Al

Hi Big Al, et al!

Really enjoyed hearing about your latest rides. You will have to take us on a guided tour as I'm keen to  see Burnaby Park, with the exception of the giant roots, however. As well, I guess we better wait until the Flood Watch has been suspended on the Fraser, Are you sure that the your rear tire explosion wasn't caused by a drive-by. Perhaps it was a sawed-off shotgun blast that you heard. Revenge by some of the young and fearless types upon whose turf you strayed!  

Pics: Which beast do you think might work best for polo berry picking? Giggster made a mean comment, in an earlier email, about how I would have to come up with some sort of device to allow me to pick berries without touching the ground! And this, given the fact that the VI Jazz Fest has been his excuse for not making last few rides!

Hi Laura!

What simply wonderful pictures! Thanks so much for sending them. Please pass along congratulations to all concerned! Where are you off to on July 18th? Once again, congratulations on Edi Yukio/Yuki Eddie! Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Zircon!

Trust all goes well in Cochrane. I had a note from Bob saying you were back. Thanks for card from Titanic Museum. I'll bring it along when we pass through Cochrane, (some time this July or August), as it it probbaly more illegible than any of mine ever were! I suppose this is some form of twisted payback!!!

Fondestos from Cora Lee to you. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Karin and Jaap!

Trust all goes well in Amsterdam and environs. I assume you are still planning to visit. If so, could you please confirm your dates. Will your daughtwers be accompanying you? Let me know about your travel plans for Vancouver at our earliest convenience. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Gayle and Derek!

Trust all goes well in Cornwall. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Kjell!

Trust all goes well in Gavle and environs!  Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!


Sounds like missed a good ride to HB but for the trifling count on the
odometer. Are you going to tell me there were no ill winds? 

Unbelievable story about Lee. Is there any more direct news on his

Let me know about strawberry fields forever. My excuse is that I cannot ride
a bike and pick strawberries at the same time. 

As to the Grind, I may have to decline on the account of the slight incline
but will recline to consider. W

Hello One of a Thousand and One Excuses!

I trust you are lying down when you read this! In fact, there was a bit of a head wind on way back from HB but hills were so steep that the "upcline" protected us from most of the fiercesome blasts. Sailing down the anticline was a blast, however.

I thought that The Sisterhood was going to provide extra hands for picking and a 3 ton truck for muleage!

No word more on Piston Man's condition other than that reluctant Nurse Patti, (What about "In sickness and in heath"?), is becoming even more truculent than Hot Lips!

Ragin' Bull was never as slippery as you've become. I knew I shouldn't have left the Peleton for such a protracted period of time. I suppose you are listening to audio books now. Film version next? Slippery slope is the decline once the anticline becomes a way of life. How, oh how could this state of affairs have come about? Is there something in that anaemic, pedestrian malt you insist on tippling?

Cheers, Il Disappointore!

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