A hungry man is not a free man. -Adlai Stevenson, statesman (1900-1965)
Hi Lads!
Weather permitting, I suggest we leave Heart Break Terrace at around 9:15am, making for Deep Cove. Raymondo and Giggster can pull up to the patio to say hello/goodbye to Ayn and then we can make for DP. Burnaboids can make arrangement to rendezvous if they so choose. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
I recommend that we delay the ride by a day. It calls for rain this morning and it is raining in my hood as I write this.
Maybe we should confer a bit later in the morning?
Too wet for me at the moment.
Have a wonderful trip to Winterpeg - take lots of OFF! Cheers, dj
Hi again, GD:
I gather Cora Lee is on Parking Duty! Thanks for tip about Aweiss. I'll be sure to look for the article. Give him my regards when next you see him. Perhaps we can all get together when we are back from The Peg and over our mossie bites! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corrine:
How are you both, hope you had a great holiday and have settled back
in at home.
We are arriving in Vancouver on Friday Augut 31st at 1303, is your invitation
still open for us to stay with you? We have two friends in Vancouver that we
must see on the Saturday because they are leaving for Europe on the Sunday, so it will be the only time to see them.
Please if our staying is inconvenient in any way we can make other arrangements, just let us know.We are really looking forward to seeing everyone it has been such a long time, do you believe 31 years since we left? Well guys look forward to seeing you all please let us know if there are any problems. Luv, Kev and Bev
Hi Bev and Kev!
I woke up the last night with Maggie, my family's grey cougar, I mean 40 lb cat, sitting on my chest and staring at me intensely...I think she was telling me my stay was up! Fine!!!
Thanks - FF sounds just wonderful. Jesie will die when I tell her you saw Arni dF.
I'm, back 26th, so hope we can catch up before I depart 29th. I'll call.
Hiking was wonderful - three good walks - one achieving an elevation of around 6000 feet.
Saw a Grizzly on the way down south - damned glad it was across a steep valley and engaged in tearing up small boulders in search of marmots or other bears. It was about 10 feet long, with mostly a beautiful cream fur.
Off to Telus Field today to see Scott and Stave play ball (its a beer league, they got the venue through a favour.
Keep well. S.
Hi Stefano!
Hello Il Conductore,
Trust you are bonding nicely with the ducks in the lagoons around the Island Inn given that is all this weather is good for.
Have you and the birthday girl decided on heading over to the Island this weekend or are you staying here? I think the General is back and you and I had talked about some potential bridge with the General once he was back from waging wars on the humidity in Onterrible. L'chaim, Legs
Hi Legs!
How do you tell the difference between a Canadian Police Officer, an Australian Police Officer and an American Police Officer?
QUESTION: You're on duty by yourself walking on a deserted street late at night.
Suddenly, an armed man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife, and lunges at you.
You are carrying a Glock 40 and you are an expert shot, however you have only a split second to react before he reaches you.
What do you do?
Firstly the officer must consider the man's Human Rights.
1) Does the man look poor or oppressed?
2) Is he newly arrived in this country and does not yet understand the law?
3) Is this really a knife or a ceremonial dagger?
4) Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
5) Am I dressed provocatively?
6) Could I run away?
7) Could I possibly swing my gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
8) Should I try and negotiate with him to discuss his wrong doings?
9) Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?
10) Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society?
11) Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
12) If I were to grab his knees and hold on, would he still want to stab and kill me?
13) If I raise my gun and he turns and runs away, do I get blamed if he falls over, knocks his head and kills himself? .
14) If I shoot and wound him, and lose the subsequent court case, does he have the opportunity to sue me, cost me my job, my credibility and the loss of my family home?
(Sergeant arrives at scene later and remarks: 'Nice grouping!')
Hi Grogg:
Hola ciclistas ambiciosos!
más adelante//bjp
Branko Perić
Lovely to hear from you! Of course you are still welcome. We are quite looking forward to seeing you both. Would you like me to meet you at the airport? I'm more than happy to do so unless you have arranged something else. If I am to collect you, let me know your airline and flight number. I won't park but will circle Domestic Arrivals. I assume you will be flying from Toronto. I estimate, from past experience, that it will take about 20-30 minutes, once you've landed, to collect your bags. I'll check flight time before I leave our place so that, with any luck, nobody should have to wait. I'll be driving a 2007 Ford Escape, Titanium Green, with a bike rack on the back.
Been quite a busy last few days as Cora Lee celebrated her 65th this past Thursday. Ayn, our eldest, flew up from LA to be part of celebration. Great party and wonderful visit. We'll see her at Christmas as we will be house-sitting for one of her cousins for two weeks over hols. Corinne's parents will drive down with us and Chloë will fly down closer to Christmas Eve. She was busy with a Vogt gathering on Friday and Saturday so on Saturday we drove up to Squamish to attend an annual summer party hosted by close friends, Ruth and Rick. I cycled out to Horseshoe Bay at 1:30pm and Cora Lee collected me there at 3:30pm. On Sunday, did the reverse. She dropped me at HB and I rode back home. Bit easier on return leg so I decided to do a spin around Stanley Park before making for The Island Inn. Lovely day though it threatened rain all the way from Squamish to Granville Island. One way trip is about 37K but I was able to push distance up to 51.33K with added leg around SP Seawall. Had a farewell bbq for Ayn that evening and rain held off so most of evening was spent there. A number of her friends she'd not seen in some time were able to attend so she was delighted to catch up with them, as well as with other friends of ours whom she knows well.
As well, could you let me know the names of people you'd like me to invite over for a bbq while you are staying. Anyone from VRC or other connections you might have. Please feel free to do the same if you know their numbers or email addresses. If you are pressed for time, pass along details and I'll try to contact them and see what dates/times might work best for most people.
We are off for Winnipeg early this coming Sunday, I hope by 4:00am as I'd like to make Calgary and want to visit my favourite wine store before it closes! We will be back in Vancouver by August 24th or 25th as Cora Lee has an important meeting on the 26th. Just in time to clean up the house, before you arrive, after Chloë has been living here for three weeks!
Let me know flight details and names of potential invitees. Enjoy Toronto. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick James Dunn Maggie has been nothing but disconsolate ever since you left! She wanders the apartmento meowing "Where is Tinsel Town and her ample bosom?"
Thanks - FF sounds just wonderful. Jesie will die when I tell her you saw Arni dF.
I'm, back 26th, so hope we can catch up before I depart 29th. I'll call.
Hiking was wonderful - three good walks - one achieving an elevation of around 6000 feet.
Saw a Grizzly on the way down south - damned glad it was across a steep valley and engaged in tearing up small boulders in search of marmots or other bears. It was about 10 feet long, with mostly a beautiful cream fur.
Off to Telus Field today to see Scott and Stave play ball (its a beer league, they got the venue through a favour.
Keep well. S.
Pleased that none of your hikes took you into direct contact with a Grizzly!
We popped downstairs, an hour or so ago, to sing Happy Birthday to Nicole. Yummy ice-cream birthday cake. This coming Friday, day after you arrive, Beckster and Kid CHelene are having their housewarming party. They live in Port Coquitlam and we'll be driving out after 6:00pm when Chloë finishes work. I knew you'd be welcome but I asked Sarge, just to be polite. So, if you are free and would like to join the party please do so. We can pick you up somewhere or, depending on your day, you could end up here at some point, before we head out. If you decide to attend, please bring an instrument if you'd like. There will be guitars there, according to Sarge.
Anyway, let me know about Friday evening or give a call once you are back in Vancouver. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Il Conductore,
Trust you are bonding nicely with the ducks in the lagoons around the Island Inn given that is all this weather is good for.
Have you and the birthday girl decided on heading over to the Island this weekend or are you staying here? I think the General is back and you and I had talked about some potential bridge with the General once he was back from waging wars on the humidity in Onterrible. L'chaim, Legs
Thanks for the message. Whirlygig said he saw you, briefly, yesterday. How did tourney go?
Unfortunately, this weekend simply isn't going to work for bridge. This coming Friday, Beckster and Kid Chelene, (Sarge's son), are having their housewarming party. They live in Port Coquitlam and we'll be driving out there after 6:00pm when Chloë finishes work. On Saturday afternoon/evening Cora Lee is on Parking Duty at Trinity, for Celebration of Light fireworks. Church collects parking fees for First United, etc. Finally, we had decided that we are going to leave for Winnipeg early on Sunday morning. I hope by 4:00am as I'd like to make Calgary and want to visit my favourite wine/malt store, Kensington Market, before it closes! We will be back in Vancouver by August 24th or 25th as Cora Lee has an important meeting on the 28th. Just in time to clean up the house, before our guests from Perth arrive, after Chloë has been living here for three weeks! If that weekend might work, let me know and we'll adjust our schedule to be back in time.
Again, sorry about not being able to get together this coming weekend but let me know about August. Fondestos, l'Chaim and Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Better show this to Sarge!
See you soon. Great tastings, a couple of new wineries worth a visit. Cheers, Grog
How do you tell the difference between a Canadian Police Officer, an Australian Police Officer and an American Police Officer?
QUESTION: You're on duty by yourself walking on a deserted street late at night.
Suddenly, an armed man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife, and lunges at you.
You are carrying a Glock 40 and you are an expert shot, however you have only a split second to react before he reaches you.
What do you do?
Firstly the officer must consider the man's Human Rights.
1) Does the man look poor or oppressed?
2) Is he newly arrived in this country and does not yet understand the law?
3) Is this really a knife or a ceremonial dagger?
4) Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
5) Am I dressed provocatively?
6) Could I run away?
7) Could I possibly swing my gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
8) Should I try and negotiate with him to discuss his wrong doings?
9) Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?
10) Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society?
11) Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
12) If I were to grab his knees and hold on, would he still want to stab and kill me?
13) If I raise my gun and he turns and runs away, do I get blamed if he falls over, knocks his head and kills himself? .
14) If I shoot and wound him, and lose the subsequent court case, does he have the opportunity to sue me, cost me my job, my credibility and the loss of my family home?
(Sergeant arrives at scene later and remarks: 'Nice grouping!')
Hi Grogg:
Just be glad you are not back in Redding!!!
We popped downstairs, an hour or so ago, to sing Happy Birthday to Nicole. Yummy ice-cream birthday cake. This coming Friday, Beckster and Kid Chelene are having their housewarming party. We'll be driving out after 6:00pm when Chloë finishes work. Stefano is back from Edmonton the day before so I asked Sarge if he'd be welcome. Of course, I knew he would be so everyone hopes he is free to join the party. We can pick him up somewhere or, depending on his day, he could end up here at some point, before we head out. If he decides to attend, I asked him to bring an instrument if he still has rental. Nevertheless, there will be guitars there, according to Sarge.
Curious to hear about your latest Okanagan junket. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Well I got this notice much too late to comply, but seriously guys, you have to cut back a bit on this distance craze. Next thing we know, a ride of less than 100.33K will not be worth inflating the tires for. Whatever happened to moderation? Hmmm … can one be an obsessive compulsive moderate?
ANWAY, playing squash this aft.
WARNING - sighting in Deep Cove - make sure Conductoré is in front!!!
más adelante//bjp
Branko Perić
[*] Depression is just anger without enthusiasm [*]
Hi Ragin' Bull!
You'll be happy to know that the rain dissuaded my riding companions from heading out to Deep Cove! Nevertheless, we are attempting to raise the Pelton's Standard!!!
If you will be around domani I'd like to try to pick up headphones to let Imre try them out. Hope to ride at some point tomorrow so I'll call. Don't worry if you are busy but if it works, great. Thanks. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
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Patrick James Dunn I think we need to profile the Profiles! |
Hi Derek and Gayle!
Thanks for last snaps of family and Whistler! Tristan is a handsome lad. Must take after his Grandfather! Loved the picture of Malpas as well. Simply gorgeous. Congratulations to you and Wiggans and the UK! Quite a showing indeed.
Thanks very much for the birthday wishes for Cora Lee. Foot hasn't been too, too bothersome of late, however, has been a very, very busy last few days, even without her celebration this past Thursday. As I might have mentioned in an earlier missive, Ayn flew up from LA to be part of festivities. Great parties and a wonderful visit, overall. (Cora Lee was exhausted by time Ayn left this afternoon and had her pajamas on by 8:30pm!) Ayn was busy with a Vogt gathering on Friday and Saturday, (Chloë was at a concert with Krissy on Friday night, (ourdoors at Deer Lake, Florence and The Machine, and they didn't get home until 3:30am! Bad enough for Chloe who was off but Krissy had to be up at 6:00am, I believe! Nice to be young, young and foolish or is that young and stupid!), so we drove up to Squamish to attend an annual summer party hosted by close friends, Ruth and Rick. I cycled out to Horseshoe Bay at 1:30pm and Cora Lee collected me there at 3:30pm. On Sunday, did the reverse. She dropped me at HB and I rode back home. Bit easier on return leg so I decided to do a spin around Stanley Park before making for The Island Inn. Lovely day though it threatened rain all the way from Squamish to Granville Island. One way trip is about 37K but I was able to push distance up to 51.33K with added leg around SP Seawall. Had a farewell bbq for Ayn that evening and rain held off so most of evening was spent there. A number of her friends she'd not seen in some time were able to attend so she was delighted to catch up with them, as well as with other friends of ours whom she knows well.
We popped downstairs, a few hours ago, to sing Happy Birthday to Nicole, Sutherland's youngest. Yummy ice-cream birthday cake. This coming Friday, Beckster and Kid Chelene, (their youngest son), are having their housewarming party. They live in Port Coquitlam and we'll be driving out after 6:00pm when Chloë finishes work. On Saturday afternoon/evening Cora Lee is on Parking Duty at Trinity, for Celebration of Light, fireworks display from a barge in English Bay. Church collects parking fees for First United, etc. Finally, we had decided, last week, that we are going to leave for Winnipeg early on Sunday morning. I hope by 4:00am as I'd like to make Calgary and want to visit my favourite wine/malt store, Kensington Market, before it closes! We will be back in Vancouver by August 24th or 25th as Cora Lee has an important meeting on the 28th. Just in time to clean up the house, before our guests from Perth arrive, after Chloë has been living here for three weeks! Give us or Chloë a call once you are settled and let us know what times might work for you to get together.
Walking books sound terrific. Thanks. Cora Lee is delighted to now know where you live in Cornwall. On the walking/hiking topic, perhaps we can do the Grind together when you are over. You can order the beer and nachos as I'm sure you'll be way ahead of me! Impressive time! Speaking of the Chief, I'm always struck by how magnificent it is when we drive by, both coming and going. Think one actually has a better view of the massive cliff face when heading back to Vancouver. Cora Lee spotted a number of climbers on Saturday afternoon as we drove into Squamish.
Fond snuffles from a 65 year old, gently snoring Cora Lee. Will probably be in touch while "on the road". Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Picture of hamlet of Malpas near Truro taken on our walk today |
Walking books sound terrific. Thanks. Cora Lee is delighted to now know where you live in Cornwall. On the walking/hiking topic, perhaps we can do the Grind together when you are over. You can order the beer and nachos as I'm sure you'll be way ahead of me! Impressive time! Speaking of the Chief, I'm always struck by how magnificent it is when we drive by, both coming and going. Think one actually has a better view of the massive cliff face when heading back to Vancouver. Cora Lee spotted a number of climbers on Saturday afternoon as we drove into Squamish.
Fond snuffles from a 65 year old, gently snoring Cora Lee. Will probably be in touch while "on the road". Cheers, Patrizzio!
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