Lovemaking is radical, while marriage is conservative. -Eric Hoffer, philosopher and author (1902-1983)
Andy Griffith, as Matlock, 1926-2012 |
Mendoza, Plaza Italia |
Amanda Barnes |
I think Ralf could join them too.
Are we riding rain or shine today? I am good for a couple hours on the post
today starting about 1:30 ish -- maybe before. What think you? Iona bound? W
Hi Librarian Emeriti,
I think Ralf could join them too.
Are we riding rain or shine today? I am good for a couple hours on the post
today starting about 1:30 ish -- maybe before. What think you? Iona bound? W
Hi Librarian Emeriti,
The University is migrating
all Interchange users onto FASmail (Faculty and Staff Email). The
Interchange service is at end of life and the move is
necessary. Interchange
accounts will no longer be available after the migration. Librarians
Emeriti are scheduled to be migrated July 3, 2012.
*All users will be able to access their new UBC email accounts through the web at using your CWL id and password.
Your new email account will be where it was previously
Your email alias will be updated to work with the new account.
*Please note that the mailing list will not change. It will continue to be used to send communications.
* If you wish to access your FASmail account using an email client or your mobile device (phone or iPad) please see UBC IT's
website for details at
*Any questions or problems that arise can be directed to the Library's technical support at by calling 604-822-6275 or
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Tracey Douglas
Hi Tracey!
As I mentioned on the phone, it was great to chat! I followed your sage advice and was able to change my password and login to new mail system. Quite a surprise, let me tell you! I'm going to have to get used to it as I really don't know how to navigate through it. My wife uses gmail and this new system reminds me of it. Even though I have an account as well, I have not used it as I liked Interchange better. I guess it was simply because I was more familiar with where things were and how most of the functions worked. At any rate, I'm sure I'll learn how to use this new system to its advantage at some point but decided I'd send this message on "old" system as I couldn't find your email address in new one!
Once again, thanks for getting me started. Have a simply wonderful time in Hawaii. Bon Voyage and Buona Fortuna! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat,
Unfortunately, UBC IT is not able to migrate the address book from myUBC over to FASmail
(using Outlook Web app).
You can export and import into an Email client (like Thunderbird or full Outlook client (not OWA)
UBC IT has instructions available at
The other option is to log into myUBC and open up the address and then cut and paste
the addresses into the OWA contacts section. If it's just a few addresses it's not too bad.
Sorry, it's not a perfect solution.
Hi Tracey:
Thanks for latest hints and suggestions. I had thought that this might
be the case and had already "steeled" myself to cutting and pasting. At
least I can use the process to weed out my address book and in the short
term will simply add to the contact list as messages arrive. Onward!
Fight! Cut and Paste 'til the Cows come Home! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Except tonight, I am unfettered for the rest of the week.
Also, tengo el boleto de mi compañoré (Juan de Balaclava) para el juego
July 18th (Wed) 7pm. Pre-game dinner at a great little Mexican cantina
just 2 blocks from the stadium is a strongly recommended option.
más adelante//bjp
Branko Perić
[*] Toro rabioso - a menudo mal, pero nunca en duda [*]
Branko Perić
[*] Toro rabioso - a menudo mal, pero nunca en duda [*]
Hi Ragin'!
Sorry I didn't respond sooner but I didn't realize that the new mail system introduced by UBC today would be so different from Interchange. Eventually I was able to change my password and login to new mail system. Quite a surprise, let me tell you! I'm going to have to get used to it as I really don't know how to navigate through it. Cora Lee uses Gmail and this new system reminds me of it. Even though I have an account on former as well, I have not used it as I liked Interchange better. I guess it was simply because I was more familiar with where things were and how most of the functions worked. At any rate, I'm sure I'll learn how to use this new system to its advantage at some point.
However, UBC IT is not able to migrate the address book from myUBC over to FASmail
Thanks again for accommodating us for the weekend. Your hospitality as always was superb. It was great to get caught up with you and Corinne. Thanks also for the pics of your Grind ascent. It looked like a pretty
gloomy day. We had a good drive home yesterday and I got in 3 hours in the vineyard.
Cheers, Peter
Glad you made it home in time to do some pruning! With respect to the Canada Day Album, please try the link again. Once more, I gather there have been some system changes and I needed to "authorize" public access. I hope I have done that so I'd appreciate it if you could let me know if you can view album now.
Have to sign off now as I have to try to find a spot outside to park. Power washing of Parkade takes place tomorrow and we have to move our vehicles by 8:30am. With limited parking, I'm hoping to score a place tonight to make things a bit easier for musical cars. At least I had some practice on the weekend! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hope the CD party turned out good as it started. 'Course you stayed sober and restrained, so don't have much to report.
I slept on the plane. "Like a window Sir?". "Thanks, I haven't
looked over the Canadian Rockies in a long time". Ladies and gentlemen
in just a moment we'll be landing in Edmonton. Red Deer Lake below - at
least I saw something I knew, and a thousand-green
roll of fields. We came right out there, Garry and Susan have been
dewinterising for a week.
A badger crossed the road - kind of floating just above floor level
like a small flying rug, stripes brown to red. A White Tail Deer leaps
fences just like kangaroos do, same grace, elevated purpose.
Sorry I didn't respond sooner but I didn't realize that the new mail system introduced by UBC today would be so different from Interchange. Eventually I was able to change my password and login to new mail system. Quite a surprise, let me tell you! I'm going to have to get used to it as I really don't know how to navigate through it. Cora Lee uses Gmail and this new system reminds me of it. Even though I have an account on former as well, I have not used it as I liked Interchange better. I guess it was simply because I was more familiar with where things were and how most of the functions worked. At any rate, I'm sure I'll learn how to use this new system to its advantage at some point.
However, UBC IT is not able to migrate the address book from myUBC over to FASmail
(using Outlook Web app).
Apparently, one can export and import into an Email client (like
Thunderbird or full Outlook client (not OWA). UBC IT has instructions
available at:
The other option is to log into myUBC and open up the address and then cut and paste the addresses into the OWA
contacts section. This, of course, is rather labour intensive. I'm
wondering if you might have any "elegant' solutions.
Robo Ray and I are going to make the rounds of a number of bike shops tomorrow, in search of some ultra-light carbon road bikes. Simply a first cut to get some idea of prices, options, etc. We plan to start around 10:00am and I assume we'll be done by 2:00pm at the latest, probably earlier. I'll give you a shout tomorrow morning before I leave and see what arrangements we might make.
Thanks for invitation for July 18th but Ayn will be in town to celebrate Coriandre's 65th the next day and I know there will be plenty to do beforehand.
Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Robo Ray and I are going to make the rounds of a number of bike shops tomorrow, in search of some ultra-light carbon road bikes. Simply a first cut to get some idea of prices, options, etc. We plan to start around 10:00am and I assume we'll be done by 2:00pm at the latest, probably earlier. I'll give you a shout tomorrow morning before I leave and see what arrangements we might make.
Thanks for invitation for July 18th but Ayn will be in town to celebrate Coriandre's 65th the next day and I know there will be plenty to do beforehand.
Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Waterwheel Petit Verdot Bruichladdich Barley 2004 Warrabilla Durif
Hi Patricio,
Thanks again for accommodating us for the weekend. Your hospitality as always was superb. It was great to get caught up with you and Corinne. Thanks also for the pics of your Grind ascent. It looked like a pretty
gloomy day. We had a good drive home yesterday and I got in 3 hours in the vineyard.
Cheers, Peter
PS - Picasa said, ``Sorry, that page was not found``
PS - Picasa said, ``Sorry, that page was not found``
Glad you made it home in time to do some pruning! With respect to the Canada Day Album, please try the link again. Once more, I gather there have been some system changes and I needed to "authorize" public access. I hope I have done that so I'd appreciate it if you could let me know if you can view album now.
Have to sign off now as I have to try to find a spot outside to park. Power washing of Parkade takes place tomorrow and we have to move our vehicles by 8:30am. With limited parking, I'm hoping to score a place tonight to make things a bit easier for musical cars. At least I had some practice on the weekend! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hope the CD party turned out good as it started. 'Course you stayed sober and restrained, so don't have much to report.
The poults come this afternoon. We've fixed heaters, made
cardboard holding pens, raked shavings, cleaned air filters, eaten,
drunk. And Appleton before bed. No Eldorado, but we'll keep searching.
O Canada night we had fireworks. In Australia its illegal to do
private fireworks, says Nanny. One neighbour is a fireman - hat, mask
and all. Across the Lake was another show, ours went about 10 minutes
longer. Beers and AaaaaH. Stumbled back to
a huge campfire, listened to good 'ol Prairie stories of fun and
misdemeanours long past. Love Y'all.
Hi Stefano!
Am glad to learn you are earning your keep and not holding back on the Appleton!!! Not sure if you had a chance to look at CD album but Peter mentioned that Picassa informed him that the page was not found! If you encountered a similar problem, please try the link again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Am glad to learn you are earning your keep and not holding back on the Appleton!!! Not sure if you had a chance to look at CD album but Peter mentioned that Picassa informed him that the page was not found! If you encountered a similar problem, please try the link again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Gran Duggaccio!
Sorry I didn't respond sooner but I didn't realize that the new mail system introduced by UBC today would be so different from Interchange.
Sorry I didn't respond sooner but I didn't realize that the new mail system introduced by UBC today would be so different from Interchange.
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