Good ride this morning -- thanks. The leg where the pig bit me seems to be okay. I will let you know better when the endorphins wear off.
I thought you would like this Facebook site of son Cobby. http://www.facebook.com/jake.escobare The naming disorder (dis-naming order) does not fall far from the tree.
GF dessert for Wednesday – 6PMish. We were thinking low fat sugar free kale wafers with chard sprinkles. Let me know if you think of something else. W
Hi Giggster!
Grand ride indeed! I left Robo Man at Wesbrook Village to make his way home to do some house painting before three hours of tutelage! I proceeded, into campus, to dipsy-doodle, unencumbered by the endorphin junkie and the Constant Gardener, to my heart's content, eventually logging 81.33K by the time I rolled into HBT. Felt pretty good so can hardly wait to CF up a storm! Plan to pick up my Team Holland steed later this aft.
We should connect Escobar Jingleheimer with Dodi Dodenheimer. What a duplicate bridge combo!!! The Heimers Squared, almost as formidable as the Maddison Sisters Squared!
Kale/chard combinazzione sounds wonderful, sustainable and probably an emetic to boot. The Kale Cleanse is all the rage in Tinsel Town these days. Instead of Ecstasy the In-Crowd snort chard sprinkles and achieve Cabbage Nirvana. I didn't know until Ayn's visit that God is actually a Red Cabbage, Brassica oleracea. (I wonder if this has anything to do with the state of the world? Why is there war, famine and pestilence, You Poiple Sauerkraut!) I think a touch of St John's Wort, flash frozen, might go well as a further garnish with a few thistles thrown in for aesthetic reasons only.
Let me know how your leg feels and we''' talk about a ride. Cheers, Trizzio!
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http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/downton-abbey/9423708/Downton-Abbey-first-review.html |
Hi Raymond!
Thanks for piece on Downton. Cora Lee will be delighted as well.
Terrific ride so thanks for that. As i wrote to Giorgio, after I left you at Wesbrook Village to make your way home to do some house painting before three hours of tutelage, I proceeded, into campus, to dipsy-doodle, unencumbered by the endorphin junkie, (His leg felt fine when he sent me the message.), and the Constant Gardener, to my heart's content, eventually logging 81.33K by the time I rolled into HBT. Felt pretty good so can hardly wait to CF up a storm! Plan to pick up my Team Holland steed later this aft.
Will be in touch about domani. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Ksenia is a friend of ours – a former work colleague of Kerry’s. I am forwarding her CV to you on the off chance that you or Corinne know of someone in the library community who may be interested. Ksenia is seeking employment in an academic library.
Obviously we cannot say enough good things about her.
Thanks, W
Dear Kerry,
I am attaching a resume that I have used to apply for a job at an academic library (SFU), so it lists most of my experiences relevant to the field. This resume is pretty much what I have on my LinkedIn profile, so you could choose to look at it instead. Here are a few more things that are more recent and I did not have the time to add to my records yet:
- Researcher and Programming Coordinator in collaboration with CAUSA (The Collective for Advanced and Unified Studies in the Visual Arts) (February 2012-December 2013) - Developed educational programming to accompany an exhibition at the North Vancouver City Library for the duration of 6 months
- UBC Career Days Volunteer Leader and Marketing Strategist (July-Septmebr 2012)
- Curator and Coordinator of an international exhibition, accompanying the Digital Humanities 2012 Conference, in Hamburg, Germany (August 2011- July 2012)
My ultimate aspiration is to be an academic librarian, as it offers an opportunity to teach and to engage in scholarly research. I also really enjoy developing programs and workshops, so ideally, i would like to have a position where I can use my creative strategies to help educate the public. More broadly, I am really interested in collaborations between different institutions on both local and international levels.
Thank you so much once again Kerry, it is very kind of you to be wanting to put in a good word for me...have a wonderful week, ksenia
Hi again, Giorgio!
I'm happy to put in a good word for Ksenia with any contacts I might have but to be quite frank, these days, as I'm sure I don't need to tell you, the prospective candidate simply has to go through all the HR hoops at a given institution. Her credentials seem impressive but she needs to make herself known to HR departments at UBC, SFU, Emily Carr, Langara, TRU, etc. Invite her for this coming Wednesday if she's free and interested. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey Patrick, thanks for news - and the pics - looks like you al had a great time, I had thought the b'day was later this week. HB to C from us.
Thanks for thinking of me for the Port C party. As it goes that's the only eve I can see Zoe and Matthew before they depart for Portland to meet some Australians travelling USA, so I'll be caught up. Thank Sarge and Michele anyway.
I hope I can catch you say Saturday? I'll call.
Love to y'all S.
Hi Stefano!
Sorry that you won't be able to join us on Friday evening but I thought that your schedule was probably going to be pretty tight. Why don't you plan to come over for lunch on Saturday, if that might work for you. Call when you have a better idea of your other commitments.
Terrific ride with the lads out to Iona this morning. Giorgio had a bit of a sore knee from squash tourney on weekend so on way back from Iona he headed for home at 37th and Cypress. Robo Ray and I made for Marine Drive and after I left him at Wesbrook Village and 16th, to do some house painting before three hours of tutelage. Abandoned and forlorn I proceeded into campus to dipsy-doodle, unencumbered by the Endorphin Junkie, (Giggster's leg felt fine when he sent me a message later.), and the Constant Gardener, to my heart's content, eventually logging 81.33K by the time I rolled into Harbour Terrace. Felt pretty good so can hardly wait to Carbon Fibre up a storm! Plan to pick up my Team Holland steed later this aft.
Let us know about Saturday. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Marcus Aurelius!
Sorry that it has taken me so long to say how much I enjoyed the Cycle Path! I gather from Whirlygig that you and Susan are somewhere off the east coast of Vancouver Island so you probably won't read this message for a bit. Nevertheless, need to keep you in the Peleton Loop!
Plan to pick up my Team Holland steed tomorrow morning and take it for a longish test ride to see how it fits/feels. Will save using clips until I'm at Falcon Lake. Trust all goes well with voyage. Hello to Susan. Cheers, Patrizzio!
happy to be home but man I had a great week with my family and friends in Vancouver...I feel rejuvenated in every way and so grateful to have all of them in my life (Dunns, Durstons, Vogts, Princes and so many more in my L.A. family...Tanners, Livingstones, Crawfords, Johnsons,Espinozas, Lords and more!!)
Patrick James Dunn "Mutual, I'm sure!" Name the movie, Smarty Pants from Tinsel Town!
- Ayn P That is a quote from White Christmas (1954)
Patrick James Dunn "Quotation", Please! "Quote" is a verb, (Whenever I quote my dear Father, I always remember how maddeningly annoying he seemed, sometimes wrong but never in doubt!), per esempio), while "quotation" is a noun! An egregious grammatical error akin to using "impacted" as a verb! No Hedgehogs for you Miss Ayn. Please sit in the corner with your Dunce Hat on, your arms folded and a frown on your face!
- Ayn P That is a quote from White Christmas (1954)
Patrick James Dunn "Quotation", Please! "Quote" is a verb, (Whenever I quote my dear Father, I always remember how maddeningly annoying he seemed, sometimes wrong but never in doubt!), per esempio), while "quotation" is a noun! An egregious grammatical error akin to using "impacted" as a verb! No Hedgehogs for you Miss Ayn. Please sit in the corner with your Dunce Hat on, your arms folded and a frown on your face!
- Patrick James Dunn
Thanks for the support Gina! By the bye, it is not "my tea"! In fact, as you well know, it belonged to your darling Nana. Furthermore, in addition to Fridge Management 101, you obviously need Suitcase Packing, Beginner's Level. I think I'll be able to squeeze in a couple of sessions of both over Christmas hols. No charge as "My Malbecs" were AbFab! Thanks muchly indeed. Unfortunately, the "My" appellation didn't keep Nana and Co. from tippling aplenty. Both bottles much to my dismay and annoyance. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!! (The sound of two-hands clapping!)
- Gina Gabriele LATWTTD?
Good riding. I was out again in the afternoon and into the evening on my tutoring travels. Would like to make it for the inaugural run with the new bike but not sure I can make it. I'll give you a call around 8 in the morning.
Hi Lads!
I plan to pick up my new Team Hollander around 9:30-10:00am. (I had hoped to take possession this afternoon but events beyond my control conspired against my innocent self!) WPC opens at 9:30am and I thought I'd head out to UBC and do some version of the Imperial Loop. I have a reflexology session, (wedding anniversary present from Chloƫ), with Coriandre at 1:00pm on 4th near MacDonald so I probably need to be home by noonish. (I might be too, too relaxed and cosmically centered to pour drinks later that evening so I trust you'll be able to help yourselves!) If that rough outline fits with anyone's plans let me know in the morning and we'll take things from there. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Thanks so much for offer of a bed, especially under the "chaotic" circumstances! Finally decided that we are going to leave for Winnipeg early on Sunday morning. I hope by 4:00am as we'd like to make Cochrane before the cows come home! Either we can pick something up in town or go out for a bite to eat. See how your packing goes and you decide. We can give you a call once we are past Banff.
Looking ahead, give Chloƫ a call whenever you know what your plans for Vancouver will be. You can arrange where the key will be left, etc. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good. I'll see you for dinner on Sunday. Indian or Thai?
Hi Zircon!
After consulting with Coriandre, she decided upon Thai! So much for democracy! May well be in touch before we head out but thanks again for hospitality! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise
Dear Patrick,
The 2012 Hoop-a-Thon for the Basketball program at Stratchcona Community Centre was a great success with the kids scoring a record 598 baskets.
What makes this such a special event is the kind donations made by the many people who, like you, support this wonderful program.
To pay your pledge of $50.00, you can either:
(1) Pay by Credit Card here. When filling in the information, please make sure the you include your email address
(2) Send a cheque made out to "Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise Foundation" to 2158 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver BC, V6K 2A4.
If you have already paid your pledge to Robert French, thank you very much. Please just reply to this email and let me know.
Thank you very much for your generosity in these uncertain financial times.
Yours sincerely,
Robert French.
Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise
Hi Robert!
I tried to pay by credit card but link was disabled. I've put a cheque in the mail. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks Patrick. For some reason that link did not work in all browsers.
My son Patrick is 20 years old and is autistic. As in past years, I am raising funds for Autism Speaks Canada in the hope of finding a cure so Patrick and others like him can lead better lives.
Funds are needed to do research, help families with autistic family members, awareness and advocacy. Please consider making a donation. Thank you so much.
Best Regards, Brian
My son Patrick is 20 years old and is autistic. As in past years, I am raising funds for Autism Speaks Canada in the hope of finding a cure so Patrick and others like him can lead better lives.
Funds are needed to do research, help families with autistic family members, awareness and advocacy. Please consider making a donation. Thank you so much.
Best Regards, Brian
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