Tuesday, 17 July 2012

IIDS: Tuesday, July 17th

Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. -Carl Jung, psychiatrist (1875-1961) 

Hello Patrick and Cora Lee,
This morning we took the 11.00 O'clock ferry to Vancouver Island. We visit the Butchart gardens. Beautiful. At this point we are at the hotel Harbour towers in Virginia. Very nice hotel. Tomorrow we will go whale watching.
Again we will thank you for your hospitality the first days of our holiday.
Famiglia Harkema.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Karin Harkema

 Hi Famiglia Harkema!

Delighted to learn that all went so well with ferry, Butchart Gardens, hotel and whale watching arrangements for domani! For our part, we certainly enjoyed your visit. Flamin' and Sarge send their regards as well. They celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this evening. I drove them downtown after we had drinks and appetizers on their deck.

Just waiting for Chloe to bring Ayn from the airport. Cora Lee sends best wishes to everyone. We both hope that the rest of your Canadian holiday goes smoothly and is all you hope it will be. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: I plan to roast aardappelen tomorrow so we have plenty of overlefts!

my plane...me and a bunch of Canadians who just left Disneyland

Sorry not to join you all on Thursday.  We’ll have to come another time to take a look at your garden.
Japanese Beetles are here in the thousands!  Only today I bought a trap and within 60 seconds of putting it out the air was full of beetles flying toward me.    Fortunately we do not have the trees they prefer.Our neighbours said their phlox and roses were black with them last summer.  Hope you do not have this problem.
See you at the driver’s workshop.  We arrive that morning , have to shop, & drive out so I’ll probably be an hour late. Trish

Hi Zircon!
Simply loved your description of the Stampede. Makes me want to attend now! Thanks for opening my eyes to the possibilities. Must apologize for not replying sooner but seem to have been almost as busy as you, starting with last Friday!

Unfortunately, not sure if or when we might cross paths. At the moment, we are planning to leave on the 29th but this is not writ in stone. Depending on a whole host of other issues, (Mother, other social comitments, etc.), we might not leave until the 30th or even the 31st. We plan to be back some time around the 24th or 25th. It goes without saying that even if we are not here when you are in Vancouver, you are more than welcome to stay. Chloe will be here to look after Maggie and any itinerant preachers! Will know more by next week so let us know what "windows" you think you might have, given our respective travel plans and we'll see if we can arrange a bit of a visit somewhere! 

Anyway, hope your packing goes well.  Cheers, Patrizzio!

We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn, novelist, Nobel laureate (1918-2008)

no cavities!

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