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The Lament for Icarus
Art: H.J. Draper (1863-1920)
Thanks for the "engineering solutions"! I will keep the iron in mind when we are travelling. Great for cooking up some Italian sausage in our motel room for hors d'oeuvres!
This past Wednesday we had a visit from a close friend, Rhoda Benson, in town from Cape Breton, to visit her eldest daughter, Dinao, who is taking an Art Therapy course here. I met Rhoda when I worked at the Curric Lab, (now the Education Library), at UBC and she was a Student Assistant, back in the late '70's! She came for dinner with her daughter, Dinao. Funnily enough, Rhoda's husband, Ron, was Flamin's paddling coach in Dartmouth when Flamin' was 13. He is now an oncologist and when at UBC, on sabbatical, about seven years ago, now, I invited the Sutherlands to dinner to meet the MacCormacks, as Flamin' had lived in Sydney at one point. We discovered, before the day of the dinner, their connection when I told Flamin' some of the details of how I met Rhoda and how she met Ron, etc.
Next day Rhoda joined Whirlygig and I for a ride. We left our place at 9:30am and took her around Stanley Park and over the Lions Gate into North Van. Giorgio left us on the Spirit Trail there and returned as he had an appointment later that morning. After turning around, we continued on into West Van, cycling past Ambleside and then back over LG. Once at Coal Harbour we rode to Canada Place as Rhoda was meeting another friend for lunch at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel. I left her there and did another circuit of SP before heading home. By the time I was finished, doing a few dipsy-doodles on way back, I had logged 71.7K over 4:07:06, AVG 17.4KPH, MAX 43.6KPH. I told Rhoda when she arrived at our place after lunch that my slow time was due to her!
That evening we had our close friends, Elaine and Ted, for bridge. Earlier that day Ted had had the cast removed form his right leg. About a month ago he had tripped over the curb at YVR and had to be rushed to hospital. He had torn his Quadriceps Muscle and required emergency surgery. As is if that was not bad enough, they had to cancel their planned trip to India, scheduled for November 1st. Since they did not have cancellation insurance, they lost the $7,000 air fare! (They obviously need TPI Travel Consultants!) Feeling quite sorry for them, we let them win!We still won as I forgot to hand out the fabulous bridge prizes!
I guess, once he's able to ride, he'll have to use the bicycle/shopping cart to collect empty bottles to pay for loss! Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
Hi Gail and Jack!
Thanks for the lovely Thanksgiving card! Both beautiful and delightful! Trust your holiday weekend is going well. Ayn and the boys seem to be having a grand time, judging from the photos she has sent!
This past Wednesday we had a visit from a close friend, Rhoda Benson, in town from Cape Breton. Over the course of the evening Rhoda mentioned that she and Ron will be spending three months in Saint Maarten/Saint Martin, beginning in January. Ron will be teaching there and they have a two-bedroom place provided. Now that the possibility of going to the Caribbean exists, we are trying to determine where best to fly from in the US. Am wondering if you will be in Florida towards the end of January. If so, would you like a visit, before or after we journey to St Martin? If we did make it as far as Florida, would there be a place for us to leave our vehicle for a week/ten days? Anyway, let us know and we can plan accordingly.
Fondestos and Cheers to you and Jack, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
Hi Kids!
Sorry I've not been in touch sooner! Trust everyone is well and that your holiday weekend is both fun and relaxful. Most importantly, we hope to see you, in Dallas, en route to New Orleans! Would you like us to visit? Now that the possibility of going to the Caribbean exists, we are trying to determine where best to fly from in the US. We are wondering about visiting other friends in either North Carolina and/or Florida but not quite sure if we will or want to go that far. If you are happy to entertain a visit, before or after we journey to St Martin, would there be a place for us to leave our vehicle for a week/ten days? It also occurs to me that you might consider coming to St Martin, if interested, work allowing, etc. While we can't offer accommodation, for the obvious reasons, I'm sure Ski can suggest any number of places that would be comfortable and we could explore together! Furthermore, depending on the timing, we ourselves might need to stay elsewhere as they are expecting other visitors. If this happens to be the case and you ere keen to come we could share a luxury space! Anyway, let us know and we can plan accordingly.
Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Clarisse, Coat-Hanger, Cora Lee, Chloë, Maggie and Patrizzio!
Pics: Ski beside our "Christmas Tree"! Not putting a real one up this year as we won't be here for holidays. Chloë, of course, is grumpy! Dinao and CL: Jo-Anne, neighbour; Sarge with The Babes! The Peleton and Bridge Players!
Hi Pumpkin Cheesecakers!
I have been meaning to ask you to send me Melvin's postal address. I would like to send him a copy of Program of Service for Mom's Memorial. Thanks. Fondestos and Cheers, Poppa "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Pumpkin' Cheesecake Induced Food Comas" San!
-icarian-I-carrion-I carry on
it was over ambitious of me to attempt to ride home at high speeds to
meet my elusive mechanic for lunch. I was still on the spirit
trail when a stray dog, of no small stature, chased me into the ditch.
Almost road kill in north Van. On the ramp into Stanley Park I am nearly
smoked by a passing SUV -- nnd on and on.
Is this my punishment for leaving the Maritimer-led peloton floundering in the leaf blown wilderness of North Vancouver? W
American Thanksgiving, (Road Kill in lieu of Turkey!), Greetings from The Islay Inn!
Hi Victim of Rhadamanthine Justice!
"Let thine stomach dictate the ride and thou shalt be dealt a mighty blow, if not many! Yea, many shall rain most plentiful and forceful upon thine unhelmeted pate for thy shameful disobedience to the law of the burning ground! Of Poisonous Sulphur and Choking Brimstone shall be your feast, un-fermented, weak Howe Sound Devil's Elbow India Pale Ale your quaffage! Other than that, glad you are still in one piece. (See attached snap for another scenario!)
After you turn-coated us on the Spirit Trail, we turned around at Llyod Road, just before ped/bike overpass as sidewalk was closed for block before! (The Sisterhood will get you either coming or going!) Anyway, when next we ride perhaps you'll be of a mind to stay with The Peleton, instead of breaking away! Strength in numbers, Gino! Cheers, Il Condutore!
PS: I'll probably have to fine you a number of bottles of HSB hootch for infraction noted above!
Pics: Dinao, Ski's eldest, doing an Art Therapy program here. She is a very talented artist.
So whose knee? (pic)
It would be great if you dropped in last part of Jan.
We have company who will be leaving 1/20 so we are open from then to 2/2. If you are flying, the closes airport is Ft Myers and we can pick you up real easy. If you have to fly to Miame or Ft. Lauderdale that is a 2 hr drive one way. If you are renting a car for more running around that is fine as there is stuff to see between there and here. Crocs & birds etc. Should that not be of interest then I would encourage you to fly into Mt. Myers.
For here all you need is swimsuit, shorts and sandles. Jack can take you out in the boat so you can climb thru the Mangroves. We have white beaches with lots of shells. Lots of wine in the stores. What else do you want?
This is not an Orlando/Disney World. It is pretty layed back. We don't have bikes but I suppose you could rent them. Remember FL is pretty much flat.
Let us know if this works out. If it doesn't be sure to put us on your bucket list for the future. Gail
American Thanksgiving, (Road Kill in lieu of Turkey!), Greetings from The Islay Inn!
Hi Victim of Rhadamanthine Justice!
"Let thine stomach dictate the ride and thou shalt be dealt a mighty blow, if not many! Yea, many shall rain most plentiful and forceful upon thine unhelmeted pate for thy shameful disobedience to the law of the burning ground! Of Poisonous Sulphur and Choking Brimstone shall be your feast, un-fermented, weak Howe Sound Devil's Elbow India Pale Ale your quaffage! Other than that, glad you are still in one piece. (See attached snap for another scenario!)
After you turn-coated us on the Spirit Trail, we turned around at Llyod Road, just before ped/bike overpass as sidewalk was closed for block before! (The Sisterhood will get you either coming or going!) Anyway, when next we ride perhaps you'll be of a mind to stay with The Peleton, instead of breaking away! Strength in numbers, Gino! Cheers, Il Condutore!
PS: I'll probably have to fine you a number of bottles of HSB hootch for infraction noted above!
Pics: Dinao, Ski's eldest, doing an Art Therapy program here. She is a very talented artist.
So whose knee? (pic)
It would be great if you dropped in last part of Jan.
We have company who will be leaving 1/20 so we are open from then to 2/2. If you are flying, the closes airport is Ft Myers and we can pick you up real easy. If you have to fly to Miame or Ft. Lauderdale that is a 2 hr drive one way. If you are renting a car for more running around that is fine as there is stuff to see between there and here. Crocs & birds etc. Should that not be of interest then I would encourage you to fly into Mt. Myers.
For here all you need is swimsuit, shorts and sandles. Jack can take you out in the boat so you can climb thru the Mangroves. We have white beaches with lots of shells. Lots of wine in the stores. What else do you want?
This is not an Orlando/Disney World. It is pretty layed back. We don't have bikes but I suppose you could rent them. Remember FL is pretty much flat.
Let us know if this works out. If it doesn't be sure to put us on your bucket list for the future. Gail
Hi Maggie and Frank!
Trust you are both well. Sorry I've not been in touch, of late, but has been a very busy Spring, Summer and Fall.A day or so after the 10th of January we are planning to continue driving south and east with a mind to seeing New Orleans, as one goal. I'd like to visit some bourbon distilleries in Tennessee and Kentucky but whether this transpires or not, remains to be decided. We hope to see friends, Randy and Ruth, formerly living in San Antonio, now in Dallas, en route to New Orleans. Now that the possibility of going to the Caribbean exists, we are trying to determine where best to fly from in the US. At any rate, am wondering if you will be in Yuma sometime between January 11th-14th, and if so if you'd like another visit? We plan to visit other friends in Phoenix so if a brief stay is not convenient or possible don't worry. At any rate let us know and we can plan accordingly.
Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
Hi Patrizio,
Trust you are both well. Sorry I've not been in touch, of late, but has been a very busy Spring, Summer and Fall.A day or so after the 10th of January we are planning to continue driving south and east with a mind to seeing New Orleans, as one goal. I'd like to visit some bourbon distilleries in Tennessee and Kentucky but whether this transpires or not, remains to be decided. We hope to see friends, Randy and Ruth, formerly living in San Antonio, now in Dallas, en route to New Orleans. Now that the possibility of going to the Caribbean exists, we are trying to determine where best to fly from in the US. At any rate, am wondering if you will be in Yuma sometime between January 11th-14th, and if so if you'd like another visit? We plan to visit other friends in Phoenix so if a brief stay is not convenient or possible don't worry. At any rate let us know and we can plan accordingly.
Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
Hi Patrizio,
shopping in the a.m. tomorrow and be around maybe 12 to 1pm. However,
no worries. If not around we’ll leave forms under the door, in the box,
Trust bridge went well and you didn’t beat everyone too badly. Sure you missed all our great prize donations. Charlie
Hi Champagne and O Susannah!
Pretty sure I'll be home, even if Coriandre is out and about! Drop by for a java and one of Clarisse's pecan tarts! Better than at GI!!! Now that the possibility of going to the Caribbean exists, we are trying to determine where best to fly from in the US. Have looked at a few options but not sure what the best/most convenient place might be, in terms of flight costs and leaving our vehicle. At any rate, am wondering if you have any ideas or suggestions. Perhaps we could chat about this on Saturday. At any rate let us know and we can plan accordingly.
Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Cora Lee and Patrizzio!
Hi again, Gail!
Looks like our tentative schedule should mesh with your availability dates! Since we are planning to drive to Florida, we are trying to determine where best to fly from there, to St Martin. Have looked at a few options but not sure what the best/most convenient place might be, in terms of flight costs and leaving our vehicle. At any rate, am wondering if you have any ideas or suggestions. Where, exactly, do you live? Just outside Fort Myers?
Clothing requirements sound wonderful. Not all that different from my garb here although most other Vancouverites stare at my shorts and Croc at this time of year! "Knee" in question belongs to Ted!
Will be in touch in a day or so as our friends and travel agents are popping by tomorrow to drop of insurance forms for our coming trip and I've asked them about flights, etc.
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pretty sure I'll be home, even if Coriandre is out and about! Drop by for a java and one of Clarisse's pecan tarts! Better than at GI!!! Now that the possibility of going to the Caribbean exists, we are trying to determine where best to fly from in the US. Have looked at a few options but not sure what the best/most convenient place might be, in terms of flight costs and leaving our vehicle. At any rate, am wondering if you have any ideas or suggestions. Perhaps we could chat about this on Saturday. At any rate let us know and we can plan accordingly.
Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Cora Lee and Patrizzio!
Hi again, Gail!
Looks like our tentative schedule should mesh with your availability dates! Since we are planning to drive to Florida, we are trying to determine where best to fly from there, to St Martin. Have looked at a few options but not sure what the best/most convenient place might be, in terms of flight costs and leaving our vehicle. At any rate, am wondering if you have any ideas or suggestions. Where, exactly, do you live? Just outside Fort Myers?
Clothing requirements sound wonderful. Not all that different from my garb here although most other Vancouverites stare at my shorts and Croc at this time of year! "Knee" in question belongs to Ted!
Will be in touch in a day or so as our friends and travel agents are popping by tomorrow to drop of insurance forms for our coming trip and I've asked them about flights, etc.
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Zircon!
Trust you are well and life is grand in Medicine Hat. Sorry I've not been in touch, of late, but it really has been a very busy Fall. Off to Squamish tomorrow, for the night, and more bridge, with Ruth and Ricardo. Back next day as we are to see Jill Barber, in concert, at the Electric Owl, on Main, not far from the Georgia Viaduct. Was there for a Macallan's Malt Tasting a month or so ago and noticed a poster advertising her appearance. Am taking Madame Coriandre there for dinner and show as my 41st Anniversary of Meeting, (Halloween, 1971, Champs Motor Inn, beer parlour, 1971!), present. She gave me a pair of spiffy, quick wash/dry travel underwear and Rick Steves Eastern Europe, to help with next year's travel planning. Latter is really for her but I didn't make mention of that fact! The Sisterhood is quite sly about managing to buy what they want under all sorts of false pretenses!!!
Having a pre-Yuletide Open House on December 2nd. Please come if you will be in town!!!
Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Chloë, Maggie and Patrizzio!
PS: Please send along your postal address when you have a moment.
Pics: Cora Lee, Rhoda, Dinao; Rhoda, Whirlygig, Patrizzio; brace; Clara, Elaine, Ted, Dusty; Sarge and another neighbour, Jo-Anne, and Chloë
Hi Patrizio,
Don’t believe we’ve had any info on any your travel plans! (until this email), but of course at our senior age who knows??
In any case, hope to pop in tomorrow and discuss things further. Thanks, CC
Travel insurance, dementia and More!
Hi again, whatever your name is!
Can't seem to remember who you are and why I started this message! No wonder your bidding is so abominable. Can we review the bidding? Not again, Carlos!
O Susannah mentioned the insurance questionnaires in her voice mail and with the message inquiring about Cora Lee's parents' address I understood that you understood that we required coverage as well. I only have three points but what the hell, Seven No Trump!
Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: You probably got the date for bridge wrong as well and could have joined the fray!
Hi CC Rider!
As always, you are ever so humble! Humble but, of course, ever so right! Cheers, Patrizzio "Sometimes Wrong but Never in Doubt" The Perfect Son!
This Carr family picture was taken at Beth (our baby, 30) & Terry Martyn's home on October 21, 2012. As you can see, it was not easy to get everyone looking at the camera or keeping still! It was definitely candid and fun!
5 grand kids with another due March 1st to our middle daughter Stephanie, 34, with partner, Adam Champagne. Elijah, 8, is excited to be a big brother..
We celebrated an early Halloween, 2012 & Christmas, 2012 as well as:-
an early 4th bday for Indi Witt (Nov 22, '08) and 5th bday for Kennedy Martyn (Dec 8, '07)
and an early 5th anniversary (Nov 4, '07) for Beth & Terry Martyn.
Back Row- left to right:-
Jake (Allison) Witt, hidden under his kids, Grammie Maggie, Allison Carr (Witt) (our eldest, 37), Stephanie Carr ( Champagne), Terry ( Beth) Martyn
Front Row- left to right;-
Cassius, 1 3/4 & Indikah Witt, 4; Grandpa Frank with Kennedy Martyn, almost 5; Adam Champagne & Elijah Carr, 8; Oliver, 2 3/4 & Mommy, Beth Martyn (aka Cash aka Indi aka Ollie)
Thx for the update and for sharing your Mom's amazing life@ Truly a life to celebrate. You look good and omg, I love that lamp behind you. We are well and back in Yuma for yet another winter as snowbirds. We are both healthy and keeping really active. Frank is Pres of the Pickleball Clnb and playing tennis. We got 2x a week, Nine and Dine, with our regular group of retired French Canadian farmers from the Peace Country. I am coordinating Zumba in our Park and dancing up a storm to Latin music at least 5x a week. I am also still in a seniors' 10 pin bowling league.
We are here over Christmas since we now only go home every second year.
We have 6 grandkids with another one on the way, 8, 5, 4, 2 3/4 and 1 /3/4. Our middle daughter Steph is expecting with her partner Adam Mar 1st. Elijah 9 is excited to be a big bro.
Happy to hear from you, Hi to Corinne. Maggie
Hi again, Maggie!
I'm almost exhausted hearing about your grandchildren! You have almost enough for your own ball team! You and Frank sound more than busy in Yuma. President, Coordinator! I won't be welcome at the same dinner table with you folks and Cora Lee, Chair of Friends of VPL, as I'm but a lowly cyclist with no titles to my name! Have attached latest snaps of our grandsons, taken yesterday, by Ayn, overcome by Thanksgiving dinner!
Terrific that you will be there this January as it would be grand to see you both. Do I take it that we might be welcome for a night or two? Who knows, I might even try 10 pin if you need someone to laugh at! Cora Lee would like to golf. I suspect that there are numerous public courses. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Lads!
I came across these snaps some time ago but it was only today that I realized the sad story they told and how well they describe most of the members of the group who pay but mere lip service to the core activity for which the group was originally formed! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Cute! Hi Misha!
Of course those snaps did not apply to you as you only drink Vodka! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Can't seem to remember who you are and why I started this message! No wonder your bidding is so abominable. Can we review the bidding? Not again, Carlos!
O Susannah mentioned the insurance questionnaires in her voice mail and with the message inquiring about Cora Lee's parents' address I understood that you understood that we required coverage as well. I only have three points but what the hell, Seven No Trump!
Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: You probably got the date for bridge wrong as well and could have joined the fray!
As always, you are very perceptive! CC
Hi CC Rider!
As always, you are ever so humble! Humble but, of course, ever so right! Cheers, Patrizzio "Sometimes Wrong but Never in Doubt" The Perfect Son!
Christmas Carr/Witt/Martyn/Champagne family photo, 2012 |
This Carr family picture was taken at Beth (our baby, 30) & Terry Martyn's home on October 21, 2012. As you can see, it was not easy to get everyone looking at the camera or keeping still! It was definitely candid and fun!
5 grand kids with another due March 1st to our middle daughter Stephanie, 34, with partner, Adam Champagne. Elijah, 8, is excited to be a big brother..
We celebrated an early Halloween, 2012 & Christmas, 2012 as well as:-
an early 4th bday for Indi Witt (Nov 22, '08) and 5th bday for Kennedy Martyn (Dec 8, '07)
and an early 5th anniversary (Nov 4, '07) for Beth & Terry Martyn.
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Reader! |
Back Row- left to right:-
Jake (Allison) Witt, hidden under his kids, Grammie Maggie, Allison Carr (Witt) (our eldest, 37), Stephanie Carr ( Champagne), Terry ( Beth) Martyn
Front Row- left to right;-
Cassius, 1 3/4 & Indikah Witt, 4; Grandpa Frank with Kennedy Martyn, almost 5; Adam Champagne & Elijah Carr, 8; Oliver, 2 3/4 & Mommy, Beth Martyn (aka Cash aka Indi aka Ollie)
Thx for the update and for sharing your Mom's amazing life@ Truly a life to celebrate. You look good and omg, I love that lamp behind you. We are well and back in Yuma for yet another winter as snowbirds. We are both healthy and keeping really active. Frank is Pres of the Pickleball Clnb and playing tennis. We got 2x a week, Nine and Dine, with our regular group of retired French Canadian farmers from the Peace Country. I am coordinating Zumba in our Park and dancing up a storm to Latin music at least 5x a week. I am also still in a seniors' 10 pin bowling league.
We are here over Christmas since we now only go home every second year.
We have 6 grandkids with another one on the way, 8, 5, 4, 2 3/4 and 1 /3/4. Our middle daughter Steph is expecting with her partner Adam Mar 1st. Elijah 9 is excited to be a big bro.
Happy to hear from you, Hi to Corinne. Maggie
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First Pint! |
I'm almost exhausted hearing about your grandchildren! You have almost enough for your own ball team! You and Frank sound more than busy in Yuma. President, Coordinator! I won't be welcome at the same dinner table with you folks and Cora Lee, Chair of Friends of VPL, as I'm but a lowly cyclist with no titles to my name! Have attached latest snaps of our grandsons, taken yesterday, by Ayn, overcome by Thanksgiving dinner!
Terrific that you will be there this January as it would be grand to see you both. Do I take it that we might be welcome for a night or two? Who knows, I might even try 10 pin if you need someone to laugh at! Cora Lee would like to golf. I suspect that there are numerous public courses. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Blotto! |
I came across these snaps some time ago but it was only today that I realized the sad story they told and how well they describe most of the members of the group who pay but mere lip service to the core activity for which the group was originally formed! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Cute! Hi Misha!
Of course those snaps did not apply to you as you only drink Vodka! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi SikorSki and WhirlybirdSki!
Now I know why you two enjoyed each others' company so much, for the very short time you rode, by the way! Both of you are missing a few screws in your rear rotors!!!
Giorgio already has these snaps and some of the discourse, Ski, but he probably won't remember receiving either, given his need for neural maintenance. Apparently he was rushing away, on Thursday, to have lunch with his brain surgeon to receive the bad news that the limited warranty on his circuitry has expired!
That evening we had Elaine and Ted for bridge. (Giggage's friends, as you might well expect, Guy and Nancy, ended up not coming as he begged off. His "short" meeting turned into something much longer so he pre-excused himself from bidding. I didn't read my email until quite late last night to discover this fact. When they had not arrived by 8:00pm we assumed that they had misunderstood date and half expected them to arrive tonight, a la Rhodinski and her missed plane departure of last visit!) Earlier that day Ted had had the cast removed from his right leg. About a month ago he had tripped over the curb at YVR and had to be rushed to hospital. He had torn his Quadriceps Muscle and required emergency surgery. As is if that was not bad enough, they had to cancel their planned trip to India, scheduled for November 1st. Since they did not have cancellation insurance, they lost the $7,000 air fare! Feeling quite sorry for them, we let them win! We still won as I forgot to hand out the fabulous bridge prizes! Sea glass from Nova Scotia!
Anyway, when next we ride perhaps you'll both be of a mind to stay with me rather than dashing away to re-fuel! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
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