![]() |
Gemütlichkeit: Warm friendliness; comfortableness; coziness. |
Ha Ha! You got me in a mood of antiopean irritability. Don't
change, no need to until you go and spend day after dreary day in
company of Poms.
Warrabilla durif eh? Great traveller. I must write the sargeant and escort, hope they're well, even after your leftovers.
Early summer brings on snakes here, and just after I wrote to you there were TWO in the yard. I got one, the other lurks still. I'll be vigilant and I'll get. Its image is carved on the shovel by the side door. In all my time I've only ever seen two snakes in a day, both times in the bush, one a copperhead fragilely laced through a thistle, the other a glistening black crosing the road. Having them in the yard is unsettling, but their penchant for snoozing on pathways at this time of year is well recorded.
Early summer brings on snakes here, and just after I wrote to you there were TWO in the yard. I got one, the other lurks still. I'll be vigilant and I'll get. Its image is carved on the shovel by the side door. In all my time I've only ever seen two snakes in a day, both times in the bush, one a copperhead fragilely laced through a thistle, the other a glistening black crosing the road. Having them in the yard is unsettling, but their penchant for snoozing on pathways at this time of year is well recorded.
Not going to Brissie after all. Colin rang with the disturbing
noos that Susan and he are splitting. This time, about the fourth, it
sounds pretty final. Sad thing is, he is, he seems incurably
depressed. I've talked openly with him, relayed my own
experience - which you know some of - but he's intractable. I'll say
no more, except that one of my inspirations is you. In deep moments of
black I welcome your laughter, cracking humour, determination, that I
have in a store of memories, they refresh me.
No easy feat. It just occurs to me that Colin probably doesn't have
enough people like you to love. Love. S
Sehr geehrte Snorkelmeister / Zimmer Dinosaurier!
Wie froh wir sein, um unsere Mahlzeit in der Gemütlichkeit Silber Chutney nehmen Lounge am kommenden Samstag sogar. Wir planen, in unserem Fancy Car Menschen Silver Cloud gelangen Rolls also bitte Valet Parken angeordnet.
Ich bleibe, Wunderkind Whirlygig, Ihrer geschätzten Rad mate, Veranda climber Begleiter und Namensgebung Erkrankung Lehrling.
Ich erwarte Ihren Anruf bezüglich des bewegten Bildes Verbindung. Gute Gesundheit, Boblikeit Die Krankenheimer!
(Dear Snorkelmeister/Room Dinosaur!
How delighted we will be to take our meal at the Gemütlichkeit Silver Chutney Lounge this coming Saturday even. We plan to arrive in our Fancy Car People Silver Cloud Rolls so please have Valet Parking arranged.
I remain, Wunderkind Whirlygig, your esteemed cycling mate, porch climber companion and naming disorder apprentice.
I await your telephone call regarding the moving image connection. Good Health, Boblikeit The Krankenheimer!)
Chumming around, frolicking in Cannes!
C'est trop(e)!
8^) cheers, Mark
Dear Poet Laureate of the HDPPL:
I am more than mightily impressed with your versification. I salute you, Dear Sir, with my own small, in comparison to your soaring, grand elegy, stumbling, clumsy verse:
Head (pants)
We should know about midday - to assign how my work schedule. Wirlygig
Hi Giorgio and Raymondo!
Forecast is for showers tomorrow morning, followed by a mix of sun and clouds. I would like to ride and towards noon, or when weather clears, is fine by me if this makes scheduling easier. Thursday is supposed to be sunny so I'd like to ride then as well, if only because it looks pretty bleak, (rain, rain, rain, Friday, Saturday, Sunday), until after the weekend.
Whirlage and I just saw Searching for Sugar Man. Cannot recommend it enough, Raymond. Fascinating story, beyond belief, actually, and more than uplifting. Remarkable, simply remarkable documentary. Sugar Man himself is Everyman and more. Part his music played in struggle against apartheid is just as unknown as Sixto. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patricio,
Hi Champagne and O Susannah!
Trust you are both well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Tomasino!
I'm delighted to have the opportunity to correspond so am glad Erich forwarded my latest email messages. It would seem, from your "biography" that we have much in common. For a start, my grandfather, Adam Danilevitch, worked for the CN all his working life, but on the extra-gang, at least when he started, not managing hotels. he and my grandmother lived in Rivers, Manitoba, wher my Mom, Anne, was born, at home, in 1913. This past August, the 29th, she died just three weeks short f her 99th bithday! After WWII, her younger brother, Walter, (As a bombardier with 617 Squadron, The Dam Busters, he is credited with sinking the Tirpitz in Tromsø Fjord on November 12th, 1944.), was first a brakeman and then a conductor running between Rivers and Melville, Saskatchewan. As a child, I loved riding in the caboose on the freights.
When we lived in Kits, we had a house on 12th and Mackenzie, just a couple of blocks west of Kits High. Our eldest daughter, Ayn, lived in Oak Harbour shortly after she was married. Her now ex-husband, Melvin, was stationed at the Navy Base on Whidbey. We are scheduled to leave Vancouver, (as of this writing!), on December 12th. We want to take our time driving south to LA to spend Christmas with Ayn and Los Horridos, our grandsons, both in university. Chloë, (She is presently working for Granville Island Brewery so you two can trade trade secrets!), our youngest daughter, and Clarisse and Dusty, my in-laws, will fly down. We are actually house-sitting for Ayn's cousin, Rick, who has a gorgeous home in Simi Valley. He and his family will spend holidays in Bora Bora to celebrate his 60th. Have already been in touch with David and Nancy, friends in Berkeley, and mentioned that we will probably arrive on their doorstep sometime around the 18th/19th/20th, depending on how long we spend wine-tasting in Sonoma and Napa!
A day or so after the 10th of January we are planning to continue driving south and east with a mind to seeing New Orleans, as one goal. I'd like to visit some bourbon distilleries in Tennessee and Kentucky but whether this transpires or not, remains to be decided. We hope to see friends, Randy and Ruth, formerly living in San Antonio, now in Dallas, en route to New Orleans.
I have had a number of cycling accidents myself and can only imagine how devastating the loss of your two friends must have been. I never take things for granted as I'm constantly reminded of just how fragile life is. Motor cycles are not the safest vehicles either, as I'm sure I need not remind you. Just a few days ago two people were killed, instantly, but three blocks from us between 1st and 2nd and Burrard. I gather that a rider and passenger were struck by a vehicle which pulled around a large truck at that intersection. Corinne came upon the scene coming back from a yoga class and had quite a time returning home due to street closure and backed up traffic. She didn't know the seriousness of the accident at the time but knew something was up, given the sheer chaos at the site.
Again, as a child, I lived overseas, on the island of Cyprus, from 198-1957 and on one trip we travelled from New York to Southhampton on the Queen Mary, sister ship to QE I. Cannot match your musical ability, however. I'd play the trumpet or the sax or mandolin if I could wish for a muscal talent. I'd even settle for a tin flute or harmonica, especially the lattter.
As far as initialisms go, I think HBC should really be HBT, Heart Break Terrace. Whirlygig, (an old squash nickname), and I always play around with names and our place in Kits used to be called Hotel Kits, now The Island Inn since we moved near Granville Island. (We often meet outside our place, hence the patio became HBT.) HK became The Islay Inn due to single malt consumption and on and on and on!
I loaded Dragon Speech on my iPad almost a year ago and still haven't dfound the time to master it. Wanted to try to use it when travelling in order to make keeping a diary easier. Good intentions at least! Terrific to make your acquaintance Tomas, aka TGV, not TVW! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
I about freaked out over our similar histories! I lived at 18th and McDonald after we moved from 28th and Balaclava. Attended Lord Kitchener after spending 5 years as a boarder at Athlone School for Boys during the war years. I was three. Also lived initially near the Endowment Land at 33nd and Crown. My fondest youthful memories of trotting thru the woods to the 'frog pond' where enterprising guys made rafts out of logs that we would pole about catching tadpoles. That recollection is clear as a bell 65 years later. Oh yes, I was born April 21, 1938. Same day as our Queen who I met at Brockton Oval on her visit to Canada in 1951. Princess then but that visit (recorded on Newsreel) was another great moment. Was famous for a day.
In 1969 my family trudged out on the Long Beach breakwater as the Queen Mary 1 arrived Long Beach to become a floating hotel etc. It was a most memorable event seeing this great ship sail thru Queens Gate on her 1,000th and final transatlantic crossing, looking a little worse for wear I might add!
So you live on Granville Island! What a transformation the developers made transforming it from a slum into a lovely attraction. Love going there for lunch when in Vancouver.
Yes, I concur that Dragon is not as simple as the ads want you to believe and to this end, confess this is lacking the 'fire and brimstone' they suggest. Will be more resolute in the future. After having lunch with a friend shortly, will do the tutorial. Never was a good student and it was a miracle I graduated, but that was from an American school whose academic standards were substantially below Canadian.
Well, I need to take Robert (my little Boston Terrier) for a walk and it will be time to meet Sidney for lunch. Thanks again for your nice reply and will hope someday to meet you in the flesh, seems we have a lot to chat about. Kind personal regards, Thomas
Calling me TGV reminds me of the SNCF train (trans Grand Vitesse) but didn't get the connection except maybe our railroad connection. Also your reference Tomasino! Many friends also affectionately call me thatwith a little variation, Tomasito Tomas Have a good one.
Hi again, Tomas!
You certainly have far more historical tenure in Vancouver than I do, I would give anything to have seen the city during the time you describe. However, we certainly enjoy living but two minutes from Granville Island. Buona Fortuna with Dragon. You can teach me once you have mastered program!!!
I suggest you to see the following film which cycling mate, Whirlygig, and I saw this afternoon: Searching for Sugar Man. Cannot recommend it enough, Tomasino. Fascinating story, beyond belief, actually, and more than uplifting. Remarkable, simply remarkable documentary. Sugar Man himself is Everyman and more. Part his music played in struggle against apartheid is just as unknown as Sixto Rodriguez. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Feline with toys!
Note special pillow under chin!
Maggie, The Devil Cat!
Hi Rebecca and Corey!
Deeply saddened to learn of the untimely death of Constable Oliver. As members, please accept our condolences. Corinne, Chloë and Patrick.
Gemutlichkeit: ze atmosphere unt ze Silver Chutney Lounge ziss Saturday, Mein Herr.
Carpet baggers just arrived. Will keep ya posted. Fliccage should work out, with a bit-o-luckage.
Tomorrow may work for a ride. W
Sehr geehrte Snorkelmeister / Zimmer Dinosaurier!
Wie froh wir sein, um unsere Mahlzeit in der Gemütlichkeit Silber Chutney nehmen Lounge am kommenden Samstag sogar. Wir planen, in unserem Fancy Car Menschen Silver Cloud gelangen Rolls also bitte Valet Parken angeordnet.
Ich bleibe, Wunderkind Whirlygig, Ihrer geschätzten Rad mate, Veranda climber Begleiter und Namensgebung Erkrankung Lehrling.
Ich erwarte Ihren Anruf bezüglich des bewegten Bildes Verbindung. Gute Gesundheit, Boblikeit Die Krankenheimer!
(Dear Snorkelmeister/Room Dinosaur!
How delighted we will be to take our meal at the Gemütlichkeit Silver Chutney Lounge this coming Saturday even. We plan to arrive in our Fancy Car People Silver Cloud Rolls so please have Valet Parking arranged.
I remain, Wunderkind Whirlygig, your esteemed cycling mate, porch climber companion and naming disorder apprentice.
I await your telephone call regarding the moving image connection. Good Health, Boblikeit The Krankenheimer!)
Chumming around, frolicking in Cannes!
C'est trop(e)!
Not to carp on or play koi, but you've left me floundering.
Oh what a tangled net we chance,When first we mock a salmon's dance!These Pilgrims true - no doubt will dieThat on our plates their kin may lie:It's good to know that Pat's the one,Whose film pays hommage to those chum.
(with apologies to Sir Walter)
Dear Poet Laureate of the HDPPL:
I am more than mightily impressed with your versification. I salute you, Dear Sir, with my own small, in comparison to your soaring, grand elegy, stumbling, clumsy verse:
Oh what an
outpouring of creativity,
Since first we’d
mocked the HDPPL company.
These Non-Readers
True – without doubt will drink,
That in their empty
cups their kith and kin will think
It’s them as one,
Whose ways have forlorn
Patrizzio undone.
The cupboard, once beyond
Now emptied all,
beyond repair!
With apologies to
Shakespeare In His Cups!
Cheers Dear Chums, Il Conduttore!
Leiter (hosen),
Wir sollten gegen Mittag Know - how meiner Arbeit Zeitplan zugewiesen werden. Wirlygig
Head (pants)
We should know about midday - to assign how my work schedule. Wirlygig
Hi Giorgio and Raymondo!
Forecast is for showers tomorrow morning, followed by a mix of sun and clouds. I would like to ride and towards noon, or when weather clears, is fine by me if this makes scheduling easier. Thursday is supposed to be sunny so I'd like to ride then as well, if only because it looks pretty bleak, (rain, rain, rain, Friday, Saturday, Sunday), until after the weekend.
Whirlage and I just saw Searching for Sugar Man. Cannot recommend it enough, Raymond. Fascinating story, beyond belief, actually, and more than uplifting. Remarkable, simply remarkable documentary. Sugar Man himself is Everyman and more. Part his music played in struggle against apartheid is just as unknown as Sixto. Cheers, Patrizzio!
![]() |
Sixto Rodriguez |
How dare you say my skin is thin! it is in fact very thick
especially around the skull! developed by a constant bombardment of
embellished accounts via email from my so called friends daily lives!
In all seriousness I’m Glad Barnacle was there to bail you out as I
did cringe at the visions swirling in my head of you guys being
stomped on by the tattooed, carpet chested Steveston Mafioso. I can now
rest peacefully again.
The world continues to shrink as I read your account of dinner with
Kareen and Peter Zebroff I was transported to the past and remembered
fondly one of my classmates Sylvie Zebroff who had a celebrity parent in
Kareen who we used to watch quite often on
T.V. . I was slightly smitten with Sylvie and I remember well being on a
school camping trip to Quadra island in grade 7 where I guess she had
been dared sidle up to me and pretend that she had the hots for me . I
thought my world had elevated to some wonderful
new level of course only to have the rug pulled out from under me when I
saw her friends chortling and looking over at us. My world crashed down
around me and I was whisked back to reality with a crushed heart!. I
forgive her of course and decided to try Googeling
Both Kareen and Sylvie. I couldn’t find any of those old videos of her
T.V. show unfortunately as she was very attractive back in the day as
well and probably still is I imagine. Here’s a clip of her daughter
describing her work.
Sorry to hear about you malfunctioning odometer/speedometer unit
but I guess you just plain wore it out by exceeding it’s capacity for
speed and mileage which should be some consolation for you!.
You may be interested in the fact that modern cell phones are equipped with GPS technology and you can be tracked for speed and position. Check out this article:
You may be interested in the fact that modern cell phones are equipped with GPS technology and you can be tracked for speed and position. Check out this article:
Look forward to seeing you at Gigsters and I’ll mark down the 2nd on our calender. Cheers, Al
Hi Big Al!
Sylvie Zebroff, Past Director of Programs, DHRN
Hi Big Al!
Quite a coincidence indeed, you falling in puppy love
with Sylvie Zebroff. We have invited Kareen and Peter to the December
2nd gathering so I'm sure they'd be delighted to hear this story! Thanks
for both links. One can certainly see both her parents in Sylvie. With
respect to cell phone technology, however, I don't own a mobile so I'll
just have to wander around until some svelte Stanchionette takes pity on
me and points me in the right direction!
Speaking of
Stanchionettes, it occurs to me that your early rejection on Quadra has
been repressed, over the years, and what with your inordinately thick
rhino cranial skin, has been unable to find an outlet, causing you to be
overly attracted to women you know will probably reject your advances.
You obviously suffer from advanced, tertiary SAAS, (Stanchionette
Approach Avoidance Syndrome), and I advise you to seek immediate
clinical help. Unless treated, you will invariably put yourself at risk
whenever you come into contact with a Svelte Stanchionette. You will
ever be drawn to such individuals, but fearing rejection, you will
somehow orchestrate events to actually prevent yourself from meeting,
self-mutilating yourself as a way to create an excuse to avoid painful
rejection. The Syndrome has other insidious side-effects, one being au
unwillingness to put yourself in any situation where you might possibly
see SS. This, I believe, accounts for your agreement to ride with the
Peleton only to cancel at the last moment.
Again, the Approach-Avoidance paradigm explains all. You wish to ride for exercise and pleasure but when you realize the psychological toll that will be inevitably be visited upon you, you drum up the flimsiest of excuses in order not to cycle so that you feel you have some measure of control in holding your childhood trauma at bay. In short, you are one sick rhinoceros, Big Al. However, it's not to late to seek help. As a start, I can supply you with a blindfold which you must wear whenever you ride. If you happen to run into anything, don't worry. At least the accident will be a chance one and not as a result of deeply repressed feelings. Take consolation in this, my friend. Furthermore, I know that drug therapy has been quite effective in many cases such as yours. Fortunately, I have an ample supply of over-the-counter-medication, (Single Malt in layman's terms), and I would be willing to prescribe the correct dosage when next you visit The Islay inn. I'll probably hear you coming, blindfolded as you will be, from all the racket you'll be making, bouncing from one Seawall stanchion to another!!! Do not despair. Help is on the way!
Furthermore, in order to lift your spirits, I order you to see Searching for Sugar Man. Cheers, (Take two Aspirins and call me in the morning!), Dottore Patrizzio!
The first novel ever written on a typewriter was
Tom Sawyer.
What do
bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers have in common?
All were invented by women.
Hi Champagne and O Susannah!
Trust you are both well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Stefano, aka, Saint Patrick!
Glad we didn't come across any snakes when we were visiting. Flamin' would have freaked! Deeply sorry to learn of Colin and his devastating situation. Clinically, I know very little about depression but what I do know is that it can be and often is utterly crippling. Certainly not at all sure how one so afflicted can deal with this most difficult affliction. I am heartened by the fact I seem to offer solace of some kind. Curse, I think, with such creative types as you, (musical talents, incisive political/social analyses, to name but a few shining abilities), is that you pay for your gifts with a sensitivity to life that can be remorselessly unforgiving, particularly when inner directed. Perhaps I'm lucky, (Who is to say?), inasmuch as I believe I inherited Annie's "common sense" about not dwelling over much, (to a certain extent), about "things and stuff". I will never forget how angry she was when she came out of a film she's seen with Cora Lee. She was simply furious and Corinne could see it in her face so she asked her what was wrong. "Who was doing the housework?" was her reply!
There is some truth that action, whether chopping wood or
doing dishes of going for a ride, can pull the focus away from one's
black thoughts and moods. Kathleen did mention that you had fallen into a
bout of depression, (How does one characterize such a state?), upon
returning from Canada, (I think that was the timeline but I might have
this wrong.), but I was/am somewhat reluctant to broach the subject as
it is rather delicate matter, as I certainly need not tell you. In the
first instance, I certainly don't have any real expertise nor any real
advice. Even if I did how does one communicate, particularly at a
distance? I guess, when all is said and done, that all I can offer is
unconditional support, friendship and love and hope that if you wish to
talk about anything that you will feel there is trust and empathy enough
to allow this to happen.
What I can suggest, however, is that you must see Searching for Sugar Man. I have taken the liberty of including the following exchange as I continue to be delighted by the lads in the NRBC, The Non-Readers Book Club. Loads of bafflebag, needling and skewering galore! Started with my posting of spawning chum vid.
As well, most of pics are from last Saturday night. Rebecca is Corey's girlfriend. She is a lovely, lovely young woman, (an RCMP member as well), who is now pregnant! (Flamin' is ecstatic, Sarge as well), so assigned to light duties. Good thing as a constable was killed this morning in Surrey. Don't really know the details but it involved a semi and his car. Doug and David helped at Mom's Memorial. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Glad we didn't come across any snakes when we were visiting. Flamin' would have freaked! Deeply sorry to learn of Colin and his devastating situation. Clinically, I know very little about depression but what I do know is that it can be and often is utterly crippling. Certainly not at all sure how one so afflicted can deal with this most difficult affliction. I am heartened by the fact I seem to offer solace of some kind. Curse, I think, with such creative types as you, (musical talents, incisive political/social analyses, to name but a few shining abilities), is that you pay for your gifts with a sensitivity to life that can be remorselessly unforgiving, particularly when inner directed. Perhaps I'm lucky, (Who is to say?), inasmuch as I believe I inherited Annie's "common sense" about not dwelling over much, (to a certain extent), about "things and stuff". I will never forget how angry she was when she came out of a film she's seen with Cora Lee. She was simply furious and Corinne could see it in her face so she asked her what was wrong. "Who was doing the housework?" was her reply!

What I can suggest, however, is that you must see Searching for Sugar Man. I have taken the liberty of including the following exchange as I continue to be delighted by the lads in the NRBC, The Non-Readers Book Club. Loads of bafflebag, needling and skewering galore! Started with my posting of spawning chum vid.
As well, most of pics are from last Saturday night. Rebecca is Corey's girlfriend. She is a lovely, lovely young woman, (an RCMP member as well), who is now pregnant! (Flamin' is ecstatic, Sarge as well), so assigned to light duties. Good thing as a constable was killed this morning in Surrey. Don't really know the details but it involved a semi and his car. Doug and David helped at Mom's Memorial. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Tomasino!
I'm delighted to have the opportunity to correspond so am glad Erich forwarded my latest email messages. It would seem, from your "biography" that we have much in common. For a start, my grandfather, Adam Danilevitch, worked for the CN all his working life, but on the extra-gang, at least when he started, not managing hotels. he and my grandmother lived in Rivers, Manitoba, wher my Mom, Anne, was born, at home, in 1913. This past August, the 29th, she died just three weeks short f her 99th bithday! After WWII, her younger brother, Walter, (As a bombardier with 617 Squadron, The Dam Busters, he is credited with sinking the Tirpitz in Tromsø Fjord on November 12th, 1944.), was first a brakeman and then a conductor running between Rivers and Melville, Saskatchewan. As a child, I loved riding in the caboose on the freights.
When we lived in Kits, we had a house on 12th and Mackenzie, just a couple of blocks west of Kits High. Our eldest daughter, Ayn, lived in Oak Harbour shortly after she was married. Her now ex-husband, Melvin, was stationed at the Navy Base on Whidbey. We are scheduled to leave Vancouver, (as of this writing!), on December 12th. We want to take our time driving south to LA to spend Christmas with Ayn and Los Horridos, our grandsons, both in university. Chloë, (She is presently working for Granville Island Brewery so you two can trade trade secrets!), our youngest daughter, and Clarisse and Dusty, my in-laws, will fly down. We are actually house-sitting for Ayn's cousin, Rick, who has a gorgeous home in Simi Valley. He and his family will spend holidays in Bora Bora to celebrate his 60th. Have already been in touch with David and Nancy, friends in Berkeley, and mentioned that we will probably arrive on their doorstep sometime around the 18th/19th/20th, depending on how long we spend wine-tasting in Sonoma and Napa!
A day or so after the 10th of January we are planning to continue driving south and east with a mind to seeing New Orleans, as one goal. I'd like to visit some bourbon distilleries in Tennessee and Kentucky but whether this transpires or not, remains to be decided. We hope to see friends, Randy and Ruth, formerly living in San Antonio, now in Dallas, en route to New Orleans.
I have had a number of cycling accidents myself and can only imagine how devastating the loss of your two friends must have been. I never take things for granted as I'm constantly reminded of just how fragile life is. Motor cycles are not the safest vehicles either, as I'm sure I need not remind you. Just a few days ago two people were killed, instantly, but three blocks from us between 1st and 2nd and Burrard. I gather that a rider and passenger were struck by a vehicle which pulled around a large truck at that intersection. Corinne came upon the scene coming back from a yoga class and had quite a time returning home due to street closure and backed up traffic. She didn't know the seriousness of the accident at the time but knew something was up, given the sheer chaos at the site.
Again, as a child, I lived overseas, on the island of Cyprus, from 198-1957 and on one trip we travelled from New York to Southhampton on the Queen Mary, sister ship to QE I. Cannot match your musical ability, however. I'd play the trumpet or the sax or mandolin if I could wish for a muscal talent. I'd even settle for a tin flute or harmonica, especially the lattter.
As far as initialisms go, I think HBC should really be HBT, Heart Break Terrace. Whirlygig, (an old squash nickname), and I always play around with names and our place in Kits used to be called Hotel Kits, now The Island Inn since we moved near Granville Island. (We often meet outside our place, hence the patio became HBT.) HK became The Islay Inn due to single malt consumption and on and on and on!
I loaded Dragon Speech on my iPad almost a year ago and still haven't dfound the time to master it. Wanted to try to use it when travelling in order to make keeping a diary easier. Good intentions at least! Terrific to make your acquaintance Tomas, aka TGV, not TVW! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
I about freaked out over our similar histories! I lived at 18th and McDonald after we moved from 28th and Balaclava. Attended Lord Kitchener after spending 5 years as a boarder at Athlone School for Boys during the war years. I was three. Also lived initially near the Endowment Land at 33nd and Crown. My fondest youthful memories of trotting thru the woods to the 'frog pond' where enterprising guys made rafts out of logs that we would pole about catching tadpoles. That recollection is clear as a bell 65 years later. Oh yes, I was born April 21, 1938. Same day as our Queen who I met at Brockton Oval on her visit to Canada in 1951. Princess then but that visit (recorded on Newsreel) was another great moment. Was famous for a day.
In 1969 my family trudged out on the Long Beach breakwater as the Queen Mary 1 arrived Long Beach to become a floating hotel etc. It was a most memorable event seeing this great ship sail thru Queens Gate on her 1,000th and final transatlantic crossing, looking a little worse for wear I might add!
So you live on Granville Island! What a transformation the developers made transforming it from a slum into a lovely attraction. Love going there for lunch when in Vancouver.
Yes, I concur that Dragon is not as simple as the ads want you to believe and to this end, confess this is lacking the 'fire and brimstone' they suggest. Will be more resolute in the future. After having lunch with a friend shortly, will do the tutorial. Never was a good student and it was a miracle I graduated, but that was from an American school whose academic standards were substantially below Canadian.
Well, I need to take Robert (my little Boston Terrier) for a walk and it will be time to meet Sidney for lunch. Thanks again for your nice reply and will hope someday to meet you in the flesh, seems we have a lot to chat about. Kind personal regards, Thomas
Calling me TGV reminds me of the SNCF train (trans Grand Vitesse) but didn't get the connection except maybe our railroad connection. Also your reference Tomasino! Many friends also affectionately call me thatwith a little variation, Tomasito Tomas Have a good one.
Hi again, Tomas!
You certainly have far more historical tenure in Vancouver than I do, I would give anything to have seen the city during the time you describe. However, we certainly enjoy living but two minutes from Granville Island. Buona Fortuna with Dragon. You can teach me once you have mastered program!!!
I suggest you to see the following film which cycling mate, Whirlygig, and I saw this afternoon: Searching for Sugar Man. Cannot recommend it enough, Tomasino. Fascinating story, beyond belief, actually, and more than uplifting. Remarkable, simply remarkable documentary. Sugar Man himself is Everyman and more. Part his music played in struggle against apartheid is just as unknown as Sixto Rodriguez. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Feline with toys!
Note special pillow under chin!
Maggie, The Devil Cat!
Rebecca Frazier |
Hey pat the medal is to remember those member lost in the line of duty. We lost one this am in surrey
Deeply saddened to learn of the untimely death of Constable Oliver. As members, please accept our condolences. Corinne, Chloë and Patrick.
Rebecca Frazier |
Thank you guys
Thanks for recommending the flic – that story was truly remarkable.
Would like a ride but need to be at 10th and Highbury at 3:20 for terrorist reconnaissance. W
Can't tomorrow but keen for Thursday.
Sylvia is looking for the new age
man but no signs to date. Haven't been to a movie in years but still
want to catch The Queen of Versailles at some stage. Ray
Hi Lads!
Give me a shout or messagio tomorrow morning, Giorgio, and we can decide upon departure time and route. What time suits you, on Thursday, Raymond? Let us know and we'll plan accordingly.
Tell Sylvia to scratch a little harder and deeper. Whirlygig and I both know there is most certainly a SNAM just trying to break out of its Hartlepool cocoon! Having already seen The Queen of Versailles I know it would make a fabulous pairing with Search for Sugar Man! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Give me a shout or messagio tomorrow morning, Giorgio, and we can decide upon departure time and route. What time suits you, on Thursday, Raymond? Let us know and we'll plan accordingly.
Tell Sylvia to scratch a little harder and deeper. Whirlygig and I both know there is most certainly a SNAM just trying to break out of its Hartlepool cocoon! Having already seen The Queen of Versailles I know it would make a fabulous pairing with Search for Sugar Man! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Cineplex Movie Tickets
Hi Movie Mogul!
Thanks for kind offer. I'll take five tickets. Let me know about payment. Thanks again, Cheers, Brad!
Hi Movie Mogul!
Thanks for kind offer. I'll take five tickets. Let me know about payment. Thanks again, Cheers, Brad!
Patrick Dunn
@CBCTheSignal Yes I did and was not able to discover artist. Any suggestions? Thanks again. Great show! Cheers, Patrizzio
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