Hi Flash!
Thanks for the quick work indeed. I probably should have mentioned it earlier but I was thinking of the 11x17, folded, with the order of service, readings, etc., as an insert. I'm wondering if, when we meet, with other pictures and text of order of service, we can "play a bit with various formats, to see what might work best.
As soon as I send this message I'm going next door to The Annexe where we have been storing most of Mom's possessions, to look for a few more pictures. If you could let me know when you might be free to work on format, etc., we can plan accordingly. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Lurchesca was gone by the time I read your message so I'll let them know when next I talk to Madroña Manor. Grogg and Tony da Lip will be playing one of Mom's favourite songs, Before I Met You, at the memorial.
Hi Misha!
I haven't actually quite finished the book, (contrary to what Whirlygig, Club Secretary and Agent Provacateur, wrote!), but plan to do so by the end of this weekend. I'm happy to pop it by your place, at some point, or leave it with Giorgio or have you pick it up here if you happen to be coming this way sometime. Whatever is easiest for everyone involved in the exchange! My book for a bottle of the finest Russian vodka, three first editions of Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov's Машенька, Король, дама, валет, Защита Лужина, and a used Kalashnikov! I'll send you a message when I'm ready, written in invisible ink. I might well finish it this evening as Cora Lee is out with a friend, Agneta, who is leaving for Mexico tomorrow, for six months. If I don't attend some of the VIFF showings tonight, I'll be devouring David Adams Richards, probably with Maggie on my lap and a bottle of malt beside me! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Gran Duggaccio!
On Wednesday I rode from Parksville to Departure Bay, (35K), and then from Horseshoe Bay to The Islay Inn, (36K), so it was another grand ride. Found that the return from HB was far easier than in the past and I assume it has to do with the distances I was able to log during our stay on VI. Was a beautiful day, sunny but not overly warm, so rides were most pleasant indeed. Funnily enough, I chatted with a chap at Departure Bay while we were waiting to board the ferry. he was carrying a small, surfing kayak and I asked him about the sport. One thing led to another and I determined he lived in Kamloops and knows a close friend of ours, David McDougall, (He lived with us while attending Law School at UBC back in 1976/77), as he, Sheldon Shore, (kayaker), lives with an ex-girlfriend of Dave's! More to the cycling point is that he and his girlfriend rode in the Penticton Gran Fondo this past July so I was keen to obtain his opinion of route, difficulties, etc. Walking off the ferry at HB we said goodbye and he said that he would look for me in Penticton next year!
Closer to home, I just talked to Imre. There was a message on our voice mail, left by him, while we were away, informing me that had been in St Paul's, (D-10, 604-684-6532, loc 67087) since last Friday, for pain management. He will be discharged on Monday, around noon, and I will collect him and see him home to his apartment. However, he probably won't be staying there for very long as he has reached the point where he simply cannot manage on his own, even with outside help for cleaning, shopping, meal preparation, bathing and the like. One of his doctors suggested hospice care and I believe he has resigned himself to this next step. How long it will take to make the necessary arrangements, I don't know, but of course, this is a very difficult time, as I'm sure I need not tell you.
At any rate, just wanted to let you know about his present situation. Will chat more on Sunday. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Just an FYI in case you haven't got one; you can get a free map from Translink with the included [?] promo code MAP12 at:
:^) cheers, Mark
Hi Marcus Aurelius!
Glad to hear, via Whrlygig, that your back isn't bothering you. Thanks for the cycling map info and the "photogenic" advice! I'll keep it in mind on my next photo-odyssey/bike marathon!
We came back from VI this past Wednesday and I rode from Parksville to Departure Bay, (35K), and then from Horseshoe Bay to The Islay Inn, (36K), so it was another grand ride. Found that the return from HB was far easier than in the past and I assume it has to do with the distances/long grinding hills I was able to log/encounter during our stay on VI. Was a beautiful day, sunny but not overly warm, so rides were most pleasant indeed. Funnily enough, I chatted with a chap at Departure Bay while we were waiting to board the ferry. He was carrying a small, surfing kayak, (He'd been at Tofino for a few days., 7'-14' waves, at times, and he said he and his freinds looke for a sheltered bay where the breakers were between 7'-8'!), and I asked him about the sport. One thing led to another and I determined he lived in Kamloops and knows a close friend of ours, David McDougall, (He lived with us while attending Law School at UBC back in 1976/77), as he, Sheldon Shore, (kayaker), lives with an ex-girlfriend of Dave's! More to the cycling point is that he and his girlfriend rode in the Penticton Gran Fondo this past July so I was keen to obtain his opinion of route, difficulties, etc. Walking off the ferry at HB we said goodbye and he said that he would look for me in Penticton next year!
I gather, from the Giggster, once again, that you are wearing your nautical hat for next little while. Trust weather cooperates and that sailing is fair. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks again for the great pictures, we'll have to do it again sometime in Oct or Nov. Joanne
Hi JT!
Congratulations on the new twins! Trust all goes well! We'll have to have next gathering at our place as you'll be too, too exhausted to lift even a little finger!See you when you return. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and the grand-twins! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al!
Enjoyed reading about The Wild Ones! More than impressive stats, althought I think our "bug" count was higher coming back from Winnipeg! Furthermore, I didn't think you had that many brains cells in the first place!!!
Yesterday, Robo Ray, Giggenheimer and I rode out to Iona and then back, via CSTB/Heather to 37th and then out to UBC. Raymondo took off down 16th or home but Giorgio and I returned via Spanish Banks as we both wanted to stop at Young Brother's on Broadway for some fruit/vegetables. He watched my bike while I shopped and then he picked up a few items while I stood guard. Left him at 6th and Macdonald and made my way home, via Kits Point. had 63.2K over 3:12:06 for an AVG 19.7kph, MAX 54.6kph so it was a fairly leisurely ride. Not official as I had to touch the ground outside YB!
Had to be home by 12:30pm as I had my first VIFF shift from 2:00pm-7:00pm. Much the same as last year so pretty familiar with tasks, etc. Watched almost all of Museum Hours, Austria/USA, (Had to put up a number of posters about half-way into film but didn't miss but a few minutes.), a simply fascinating story about two people, museum guard, Johann, (Bobby Sommer), and Anne, (Canadian music legend Mary Margaret O'Hara!), who meet in the Breughel room of Vienna's Kunsthistoriches Art Museum.

I rode to Pacific Cinémathèque, (Howe and Helmcken), and it was such a gorgeous afternoon that I only needed a short-sleeved shirt. I took along a warmer jacket for ride home but it was not particularly cool when I crossed the Burrard Bridge and still light enough that I really didn't need my halogen, at just after 7:00pm. Hope to take in quite a few more films over next week or so as I don't have another shift until October 5th. However, have to finish working on the order of service for Mom's memorial on October 14th. Friend Flash is helping with template and he leaves for Cuba on October 2nd so we hope to have it pretty well organized by tomorrow afternoon. I'm busy between 8:00am-10:00am, as we are taking Maggie to the SPCA to have her teeth looked at! I'm hoping that Alastair won't be called upon, by Cora Lee, to do memorial programs for both Chloë and I, as we may well be "shredded", attempting to get The Devil Cat into a carrier cage!
Let me know what your schedule might allow and we'll try for a ride, as long as the weather continues to hold. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Tinsel Town!
This from Laury Dahners, childhood family friend from Cyprus, now living in Chapel Hill. His sister Gail, lives on Orcas. I think you may have met them, (Gail/Jack), over the years of living in Oak Harbour but I'm not sure. Entire family has always been highly conservative, Republicans to the core!
"I really liked, Laury
This band sings a version that will knock your socks off ... a Navy vet sings the lead."
Aside from anything else, the "navy vet" reminded me to ask you for Melvin's email. UBC's email system changed and I don't have access to my old email address book. He left a very sympathetic voice mail after he learned of Mom's death and I wanted to thank him. Just haven't had time to attend to everything. I'm meeting with Alastair tomorrow to put together order of service for Mom's Memorial. Hello and Fondestos to Los Horridos. Thanks and Love, Dad!
PS: As I was finally going through some of Mom's possessions, (primarily looking for snaps to use in program), from Broadway Lodge, I was wondering if there might be somethings you might wish to have, some small ornaments, pictures, etc. I could take shots of things and you could decide and we could bring any items that you might want down at Christmas. Anyway, let me know. Probably won't have time to itemize things until after VIFF/VIWF are over.
Hi Laury and Nora!
Not sure if you heard from Gail or not but sad to report that Mom died on Wednesday, August 29th, around 1:00pm. All the best. Patrizzio!
Pics: Mom and I this past June. Mom and Dad, in Cyprus, early '50's!
Hi Flash!
I came across a couple of these snaps so I thought I'd send them along. Cheers, Patrzzio!
These look so great.
Hi again, Flash!
Glad you like them. Guess I inherited the love of hootch from Mom!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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