Wednesday, 12 September 2012

IIDD, Try: Wednesday, September 12th

The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it. -Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel laureate (1879-1955) 

Hi Patrick

just a brief note of condolences after hearing your news of your mother last night.

Good that you were back for her last few days although it sounded like a shock in the end.

I can understand that a celebration is in order at our mothers' ages.

Thinking of you and yours. Jim and Chris

Hi Kev:

No excuse for not joining now! Cheers, Patrizzio!


I think I can join you although I have the same constraints – 9:15 start and I need to return here by noon.

I will confirm in the morning. G


Sorry for the tardy response.

I cannot leave from here until 9: AM and I need to return by noon. If we can get a ride in with those constraints that would be great for me – probably not HB.

Thursday will also work for me although I need to be at UBC Sports Med in the early afternoon.

Please call and let me know. W

Hi Giorgio!

You can call anytime now to let me know where you'd like to meet. I'll assume 9:15am, or thereabouts, either here at the HBT or else at Macdonald/Point Grey. Cheers, Bad Boy Bodum!

Hello Sieur de LieAbout and Vassal Giggs!

Any Bodums on sale?

How did your leisurely morning go, Relaxed Man? How many lattes did you enjoy with Blanko? (Kev's name for Branko. Franco is what Bev calls him!) Whirlagge and I left The HBT at 9:15am for a leisurely up-and-over, coming to a screeching halt just before the north end of the bridge deck where traffic cones and plastic tape signaled work of some kind. Had to walk our bikes past the open manhole cover and chatted with the three chaps installing fibre optic cable. Yesterday, they told us, a biker came along at 70kph, (I assume rider imparted this information.), and complained to the workers that he hadn't seen them or safety cones. One of the men said that they had discovered that those wearing Spandex "have attitude"! When I replied, "I spit on Spandex!", they cheered! Foraying onto Squamish land first we could easily have been run over by a large pick-up, at one of the streets leading out of the reserve, as the driver only looked left the entire time he was in the intersection. As soon as a break in the traffic flow occurred he literally gunned right, accelerating onto the main thoroughfare without once checking the sidewalk/bike path to his right.

Then, an even more dangerous trek into Weaselside. The disapproving looks were sharper here than the feathered arrows we had to endure in North Van. Aggro yet unfinished, back over Lions Gate, where a cranky street vendor, near Davie, castigated me, "Please ride on the bike path!" as I had to avoid a flock of pedestrians on the cycle path! Further along, closer to the Aquatic Centre, a woman was tying her shoe on the curb of the bike path and we bit our tongues and didn't remonstrate at the violation of our space. Perhaps a raised eyebrow or two but nothing vocal. Doesn't seem fair. We could only imagine you, soaking in the luxury, the sheer luxury, of the new kitchen, eating a BLT, sipping countless cups of java, far, far away from the cares and woes of the much-maligned, outcast  velopodists.

If Your Relaxedness deigns to join everyday riders tomorrow and/or Friday, please reply, by evening post, at the latest. Cheers, Il Conduttore
The clip shows what happens when you sleep-in and drink too many lattes!

    I think I might be able to summon up the energy for a quick ride tomorrow. By the sound of the events this morning, I was best off at home. My suggestion is out to Queensborough Bridge return via River Road far away from the West Vanites commencing at 9:15 from HBH or via the Ridgeway route meeting at the Power Station on Maple/King Ed. Ray

Great pics. We very much enjoyed the evening with you all and it was good to meet and chat with your Aussie friends. Met them again at Granville Island shopping. Seems Bev will be relieved to get back to Perth. Yes Friday will be fine if that's ok with you. We are just on our way out for cocktails and then dinner with the kids for our anniversary. Although we will be paying! Krissy said she could manage to pay for a beer but not cocktails! To think of all the hours I have been putting in at the kitchen at below slave labour rates of pay! I am cooking in the van on Sunday at the Waldorf. Mark said he will give me a 10% raise on Sunday but my Maths tell me that 10% of nothing is still nothing! Will give you a call tomorrow to firm up a time to meet. The pants are very unflattering by the way!
Cheers Derek

Hi Gayle and Derek!

Happy Anniversary from everyone, (Perthites included), at the Islay Inn! Sorry to hear about the fact that you are working for Capitalist Parasites, living off the back of the workin' man. However, I've included a clip of what happens if you allow your parents to pay for their own wedding anniversary celebration. Perhaps if you show it to Krissy and Mark they will foot the bill next time and start to pay you a living wage!!!

Had a most enjoyable ride this morning. Whirlagge and I left The Islay Inn at 9:15am for a leisurely cycle part way round Stanley Park and then an up-and-over Lions Gate, coming to a screeching halt just before the north end of the bridge deck where traffic cones and plastic tape signaled work of some kind. Had to walk our bikes past an open manhole cover and chatted with the three chaps installing fibre optic cable. Yesterday, they told us, a biker came along at 70kph, (I assume rider imparted this information.), and complained to the workers that he hadn't seen them or safety cones. One of the men said that they had discovered that those wearing Spandex "have attitude"! When I replied, "I spit on Spandex!", they cheered! Foraying onto Squamish land, to the east of LG, first we could easily have been run over by a large pick-up, at one of the streets leading out of the reserve, as the driver only looked left the entire time he was in the intersection. As soon as a break in the traffic flow occurred he literally gunned right, accelerating onto the main thoroughfare without once checking the sidewalk/bike path to his right.

Then, an even more dangerous trek into Weaselside, West Van's uppity Ambleside, filled with unpleasant "toffs" or at least they think of themselves as better than the hoi poloi from across the bridge! The disapproving looks were sharper here than the feathered arrows we had to endure in North Van. Aggro yet unfinished, back over Lions Gate, where a cranky street vendor, near Davie, castigated me, "Please ride on the bike path!" as I had to avoid a flock of pedestrians blocking the cycle path! Further along, closer to the Aquatic Centre, a woman was tying her shoe on the curb of the bike path and we bit our tongues and didn't remonstrate at the violation of our space. Perhaps a raised eyebrow or two but nothing vocal. Doesn't seem fair the much-maligned, outcast  velopodists..

Talk to you domani! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Champagne!

This is what having a glass of wine causes you to do! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Donna Florida and Cactus!

I gather Clan Sutherland had a wonderful time at Villa Vicente, spiders notwithstanding. I gather my "stash" suffered as a direct result!!!

Patrick, I'm sorry to hear the news about Annie (although we all know she was going to pass at some point) and also sorry to hear bout your bike crash. I just browed the paragraphs about your wild adventures at the end, but gather that you were well enough to begin riding again and I hope that there isn't a tale of another accident at the bottom that I missed.  Nancy and I will be thinking of you, Corinne and Chloe....

And it's OKAY to get stop your bike and dismount if the alternative is dangerous. You have to make this part of your rules of the road-my advice! Cactus 

Patrick & Family,

Condolences to all.  I know all to well how expected/unexpected plays out after so many years of sudden comebacks.  She was a trooper that is for sure.  You and Corinne took wonderful care of her.  She was fortunate to have you both.

On a lighter note, we did indeed, 'deed we did, survive the Sutherland onslaught. Fun was had by all.  Thank you for contributing to our merriment!  Wouldn't you know the Mounties would want to go to Alcatraz.  It was all I could do to keep them from locking me up there!

All is quiet on the California front at present.  We did enjoy a local play that has made it on Broadway  "Chinglish."  Funny!  About an American businessman who goes to China on business and all the many ways people from 2 cultures fail to communicate. That has been our big cultural event for the month.  Boy the Theater tickets are pricey.  I knew there as some reason we weren't lining up more frequently.

Well, once again, sorry about the passing of Annie, but as you said she had a long and healthy life for many many years. Best, Nancy

One Crazy Norwegian

This is absolutely fabulous!  A Norwegian jumps off of a mountain top in a "flight suit". 
And lands on his feet at a predetermined  spot on a road!

Hi Patrice,
Sounds like you could make a little game out of moving your Mom’s ashes back to the spot you / Annie chose and claim that you have no knowledge of how it happened. I’m sure you could convince Corrine that some higher power is making it happen and then I’m sure she would not want to interfere!.
Today is definitely out as far as a long ride goes however I may cycle down to my Chiropractors near Brentwood and do another errand over at 12th and Commercial and then head for home. Friday is a possibility  although time is the biggest thing as I have a lot of stuff to get done but I will see if I could at least join up for part of the ride as I would love to get together for a while. I’ll let you know tomorrow. Take care, Al

Greetings from Cap d'Antibes,
So sorry to hear about Annie, but what amazing strength that she had! As I mentioned, we were there when she had her heart attack, and that was an incredible recovery. Glad that you were there, and not traveling-you can never know what and when will happen in life. We will toast Annie tonight, and look forward to the celebration of life in October.
Also good to hear that your cycling mishap was not serious-I recall visiting you at VGH when you had your spill on the UBC hill (as I recall, Cora Lee refused to answer her phone that day, and I was next on the call list!!) Sounds like some great rides, and late summer weather looks good back in B.C.
We are for 2 days, then finish the France sector in Nice for 3 days, with temps around 30 plus degrees, so ocean is very nice. Next Monday, off to London, looking forward to it, as have not been for quite a few years. Will see the War Horse, live theatre production, apparently fabulous.
Sorry we'll miss you at Madrona this time, but will be many more visits, and the wine cellar is amply supplied! Will look forward to at least a day or 2 with Cora Lee. By the way, any further thoughts for you 2 as to wether Hawaii is going to work? Cheers, Gregg

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