We should tackle reality in a slightly jokey way, otherwise we miss its point. -Lawrence Durrell, novelist, poet, and playwright (1912-1990)
Went to the Ben Nevis Destillery yesterday and gonna visit the one in Oban tomorrow. Thought of you while tasting it but still can't stand the taste of Single Malt Scotch! Cheers
from Scotland!
Thanks for all the effort you put into dinner Wednesday. We enjoyed the company and food. Will call if it looks like we might be on the island. Polly
Hello Pat & Corinne,
Many thanks for a wonderful get together last night for Kevin & Bev! Cheers, Richard & Julie
Hi there
Thank you for the gorgeous gold earrings! They’re amazing and my co-worker wanted to steal them immediately when I opened them!
Loved the small frame with my picture in it…I was so darn cute as a baby!! Ha ha ha
Great ride today, thanks. I expect the km count for you two to be no less than 100.33 on the day.
I will have to pass on the Velocity trade fair tomorrow if you intend to go. It might work for me on Friday. W
I baled out at 73-75K depending on
whose odometer, for reasons of fatique, hunger. Pat, of course,
continued to complete the 100+.
Friday for the bike show is fine
with both Pat and I. We're thinking of a short ride around the Park
starting at HBH 9am and on to Bike display. Ray
Hi Horseshoeless Joe Riders!
Fab ride indeed! Just for the record book, no stinkin' 100.33K BUT 102.3K over 5:03:31, (Please note "3's"!), for an AVG of 20.2kph, courtesy of dipsy-doodling at UBC, after wholesale abandonnement by les domestiques!
I'm up for 9:00am take-off at the HBH domani so let me know if this is agreed, settled upon. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Fab ride indeed! Just for the record book, no stinkin' 100.33K BUT 102.3K over 5:03:31, (Please note "3's"!), for an AVG of 20.2kph, courtesy of dipsy-doodling at UBC, after wholesale abandonnement by les domestiques!
I'm up for 9:00am take-off at the HBH domani so let me know if this is agreed, settled upon. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
The next gathering was scheduled for next Sunday, the evening of the 9th of September. The Islay Inn and the
Inn keeper appear to be double-booked that evening. It
has been suggested that we meet in the afternoon next Sunday OR on the
evening before, the 8th of September. Please let me know if either of these times are preferable or even
workable for you.
Is that the sun on your face of the glow of Single Malt? |
Looks like Sunday afternoon is the time at least for the four of us that are gracious enough to respond.
Shall we say 3PM, 2PM? You tell me. What time do we need to vacate the Inn? W
Hi Giggster!
Why don't we start at 2:00pm so that we have time for another Horseshoe Bay run beforehand! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Thus Velosprachen: HBT 9AM!
Why don't we start at 2:00pm so that we have time for another Horseshoe Bay run beforehand! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
9AM at the HBT. See you there.
The exhibition is Velospoke: (not Velocity as I had recalled)
Vancouver Convention Centre East 999 Canada Place, SEPTEMBER 6th and 7th, 2012
Hours of Operation Thursday, September 6th – 11am – 8pm Friday, September 7th – 11am – 8pm G
Hours of Operation Thursday, September 6th – 11am – 8pm Friday, September 7th – 11am – 8pm G
I'll be there on my old yellow bike. Ray
I'll be on my old white bike in my old biking shorts, wearing an old
T-shirt fit for cleaning bicycle chains if dabbed in porch climber,
mumbling non sequiturs in Middle to Old Velosprachtliflugelkeitheim, in
rhyming quatrains. Ye Olde Conduttore!
Saluton Fellow Velosprachers!
Mi estos en mia malnova blanka biciklo en mia malnova biciklo mallongaj, portante malnova ĉemizo adapti por purigi biciklo ĉenoj se dabbed en portiko escalador, murmurante ne sequiturs en meza al Old Velosprachtliflugelkeitheim, en rimo quatrains. Ye Olde Conduttore!
The next gathering will be this Sunday, the 9th of September, starting at 2PM.

Hi All! Ayn asked for some more photos of the little bundle...I miss him sooo much. Gosh- he is so damn’ cute and charming. You guys should try and skype with Tommy to get a better look while he is at this wonderful age! Laura xoxox
Saluton Fellow Velosprachers!
Mi estos en mia malnova blanka biciklo en mia malnova biciklo mallongaj, portante malnova ĉemizo adapti por purigi biciklo ĉenoj se dabbed en portiko escalador, murmurante ne sequiturs en meza al Old Velosprachtliflugelkeitheim, en rimo quatrains. Ye Olde Conduttore!
The next gathering will be this Sunday, the 9th of September, starting at 2PM.
Thought that you or Corinne may be interested. W
This might be something for Pat and Corrine.
SFU and Vancouver Public libraries received funding from the Vancouver
Foundation for a six-day community summit, which is where they’re
holding the “Big Ideas for Libraries
in Communities” event. It’s on the VPL Facebook page but I’m not a
Event announcement:
Event description:
Hi Kids!
Thanks very much for thinking of us. Unfortunately, we'll be in leading the lives of the Rich & Famous in Parksville on September 19th! Cheers, Donald Trump!
The book is
Ithaca, by David Davidar (George). The title to follow the Davidar is to be chosen by Dave if he is willing.
I am back in Vancouver and I will be there at 2PM. Cheers, Moe
Thanks very much for thinking of us. Unfortunately, we'll be in leading the lives of the Rich & Famous in Parksville on September 19th! Cheers, Donald Trump!
The next gathering will be this Sunday, the 9th of September, starting at 2PM.
I am back in Vancouver and I will be there at 2PM. Cheers, Moe
Hi All! Ayn asked for some more photos of the little bundle...I miss him sooo much. Gosh- he is so damn’ cute and charming. You guys should try and skype with Tommy to get a better look while he is at this wonderful age! Laura xoxox
I f you would like to see photos from my Cambodia trip here they are!
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