Impressive log on the post. You failed to reveal that your
clip-less pedals are locked in by the sisterhood before you leave and
will not release until the odometer reaches the 160 mark thus allowing
adequate time for Bodum shopping...
I will invest in Doodlestrong and recommend subsidiary Noodlestrong.
Amira and I rode up Galiano Friday. Great ride, uphill both ways as
she put it. We could do that some day - tranquil like Semo-Demfo. You
could do it three times to unlock the pedals while Ray and I sit at
pub. W
Hi Giggster!
You are the first investor so I'd like a transfer of funds into my unnumbered Cayman Islands account. However, I must say, that reading between the lines, I note the undue influence of The Sisterhood, with respect to the clip-less pedals, as Cora Lee inadvertently sent me a message intended for Big Al in which she outlines a dastardly scheme to have him weld my shoes to the pedals, a la The Kingston Trio: "He's the cyclist who never returned/He may ride forever on the hills of Semo-Demfo/He's the rider who never returned!"
Furthermore, the undue, deleterious influence of Cap'n Barnacle, the Latte Lout, is quite apparent, with the suggestion of the pub scenario you and Raymondo will play out while I struggle, "both ways" on Galiano, much to your besotted amusement. I take it that you actually think that the subsidiary should be renamed Weak-in-the-Noodle and I am not amused!
Speaking of pubs, perhaps you and Robo Man should consider taking the bus out to Horsehsoe Bay and be sitting on the patio at Trolls, laughing uproariously, on Wednesday, when I return to tackle the hill out of the village. In preparation I plan to do The Fairwinds Loop early this aft. Heard from Grogg that they should be on the 8:30am ferry so imagine they will be a home around 11ish. This being the case, I'd better make a quick run to the Recycling Depot in Parksville to get rid of all the incriminating evidence of all the hootch of his we have consumed since being here!
With regard to the NRBC, I will be finished with the River of the Brokenhearted shortly so you are welcome to my copy, should you need it. Any of the other non-readers as well, of course. That way everyone won't have to read a word, as per usual! Cheers, Dipsy Noodlenik Dunn!
At horseshoe bay-should be on 8:30AM Will call from Ferry G
Hi Giggster!
You are the first investor so I'd like a transfer of funds into my unnumbered Cayman Islands account. However, I must say, that reading between the lines, I note the undue influence of The Sisterhood, with respect to the clip-less pedals, as Cora Lee inadvertently sent me a message intended for Big Al in which she outlines a dastardly scheme to have him weld my shoes to the pedals, a la The Kingston Trio: "He's the cyclist who never returned/He may ride forever on the hills of Semo-Demfo/He's the rider who never returned!"
Furthermore, the undue, deleterious influence of Cap'n Barnacle, the Latte Lout, is quite apparent, with the suggestion of the pub scenario you and Raymondo will play out while I struggle, "both ways" on Galiano, much to your besotted amusement. I take it that you actually think that the subsidiary should be renamed Weak-in-the-Noodle and I am not amused!
Speaking of pubs, perhaps you and Robo Man should consider taking the bus out to Horsehsoe Bay and be sitting on the patio at Trolls, laughing uproariously, on Wednesday, when I return to tackle the hill out of the village. In preparation I plan to do The Fairwinds Loop early this aft. Heard from Grogg that they should be on the 8:30am ferry so imagine they will be a home around 11ish. This being the case, I'd better make a quick run to the Recycling Depot in Parksville to get rid of all the incriminating evidence of all the hootch of his we have consumed since being here!
With regard to the NRBC, I will be finished with the River of the Brokenhearted shortly so you are welcome to my copy, should you need it. Any of the other non-readers as well, of course. That way everyone won't have to read a word, as per usual! Cheers, Dipsy Noodlenik Dunn!
At horseshoe bay-should be on 8:30AM Will call from Ferry G
Good Morning Early Birds!
Cora Lee and Cimcky should just be crawling out of bed as you pull down driveway! Quite a lazy pair. No wonder they bond so well!!!
us know when you are coming in on the ferry. Maybe Ray & I could
meet you in our limo, using our new expense accounts from Doodlestrong
and Sisterhood Affiliates Ltd. We can heckle you from the plush
environs of the stretch Bentley as we sip our Newcastle brown ale and
watch you struggle up the HB agony climb. W
Hi Bentley Brigands!
I plan to catch the 10:40am ferry out of Departure Bay tomorrow. Since I'll be riding, the 8:30am sailing would mean quite an early start. If all goes well, I should be disembarking around 12:20pm. Let me know if you might be my welcoming committee, streamers and all! I'll keep an eye on Trolls' patio for the drunken and disorderly or a stretch limo idling curbside. Don't worry if timing doesn't work as I a hardly need the aggro of soccer hooligans mocking me as I make the tortuous climb up the agony, certainly not the ecstasy, hill! Cheers, Cayman Conductor!!!
Hi Margareta!
Must apologize for not replying sooner! Thank you for your kind words and condolences. Happy Belated 50th Birthday! Hip Hip Hooray! Glad the boys' speeches went so well and that Johan is doing well. Give them our fond regards. When are you off to the Canary Islands? Hello to Cecillia as well.
Hi Karin!
How are you? We have spent a lovely time here in Parksville. Went on two of the longest rides of my "professional" career while here: 143.3K last Friday and 161.4K yesterday. Back to Vancouver tomorrow. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Joan!
How are you? Back to Vancouver tomorrow. Will give you a shout, when we have dispensed with our volunteer duties at the VIFF and VIWF, and we'll have a Winnipeg re-Union! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey Pat!
Sounds like you're having a ball! Want to hear all about the trip.. All is well here and we're getting fall weather now.. without the rain!! Look forward to the Wpg Reunion ! Thanks for the email! Chat later gater! P. Flower.
Hi Rosemary!
How are you? Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Andre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Can't make it tomorrow as I have
tutoring at 1:30. Owen Laukkenan is a graduate of the UBC creative
writing program. He was a pro poker player for 3 years and has worked as
a commercial fisherman - from his web site.
I would have joined if it were an earlier sailing. Hope to ride Thursday and or Friday. Safe riding, W
As you can see below I have to fight for everything, just like with you lot!
As you can see below I have to fight for everything, just like with you lot!
always ask for revenues below to be allocated to my channel for more
movies and am often accused of “whinge-ing” too loudly…hence the teasing
But in the end….I win! Ha ha ha
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:06 AM
To: Ayn Prince
Subject: RE: Time to Remember
Directly to the Ayn Prince fund for underprivileged movies…
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 7:52 AM
Subject: Time to Remember
Subject: Time to Remember
- Retirement Living will take this title for 2 non-exclusive runs in
November for $20,000. We want nothing. I can paper this in your name
if you want and send it to
you for signature? RSVP.
Hi Whinge-er Extraordinaire!
Hi Whinge-er Extraordinaire!
Thought that I would share yesterday's ride with you, the better to help you understand what it really means to fight! Cheers, Poppa "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Underprivileged Movies" San!

Whinge-ing works outside the family!!
We are at last day at the Madrona Manor. I will no longer be a cat
slave. Constant demands for brushing are getting in my reading time.
Lovely sunny day here! Expecting Grog and Lurch anytime now.
Looking forward to undemanding Maggie! Lv Mom
Hey, Jean it was great to see all three of you. The cat has finally emerged from the bedroom, with more demands to be brushed.
Greg and Fran arrive this am as got in too late last night to come home.
Must admit that I'm ready to get back to the city. Life is just a little to slow here for me. Hope to see you this winter and meet Tess. Enjoy your American sojourn. Love Corinne
Maggie likes having the bed to herself...she says stay another week!!
Hi Goils!
Lurch and Grogg just walked in the door and after Grogg saw all the hootch we'd consumed he doesn't even want us to stay until tomorrow! Nana may go into Nanaimo this afternoon. If she does she'll scope Jar. I plan to go for a ride. Grogg is going into Parksville to play ball. Lurch will be bonding with Cimcky! Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Maggie likes having the bed to herself...she says stay another week!!
Lurch and Grogg just walked in the door and after Grogg saw all the hootch we'd consumed he doesn't even want us to stay until tomorrow! Nana may go into Nanaimo this afternoon. If she does she'll scope Jar. I plan to go for a ride. Grogg is going into Parksville to play ball. Lurch will be bonding with Cimcky! Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick, sad to hear the news about Annie. At age almost 100,
she had a long and exciting life and I will remember her as the lady I
met in 1998, when I visited Vancouver last time. I hope and trust, that
you feel that you have said goodbye to her
in the right way. Tomorrow would be her birthday - will send her my
warmest thoughts.
Life here goes on. Biggest event this summerwas
my 50th birthday. I celebrated with af big dancing party nearby
Hjortshøj, and on the day itself, in Sweden, at the summer resiidence, I
held a dinner party for relatives, who could attend,
Little by little I realize,and accept that I am a 50+ woman. Greatest
of all was Johan and Peter's speaches , each of them making a very
personal speach about their and mine various joys and troubles in life.
Very brave and very touching.
Johan is feeling better and I hope this school
year will be easier for him. Life for us is concentrated on daily
activities, soccer , home work and skate boarding. I work and I am not
energetic, but keep up swimming and flute playing
as always.
Next thing to look forward to is a holiday on
FueRte vEntura - a Canary Island - with my sister CHi Rosemary!
How are you? We have spent a lovely time here in Parksville. Went on two of the longest rides of my "professional" career while here: 143.3K last Friday and 161.4K yesterday. Back to Vancouver tomorrow. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Andre. Cheers, Patrizzio!ecilia and her family. Place for lots of sports etc . BIG HUG FROM MARGARETA
Dear Patrick Dunn
Sorry if I answer only now, even though we knew little, I keep a good memory.
I've been too little time in Kyoto, but enough to understand that a civilization is interesting.
About Winnipeg let me know if in 2013, there are any conferences exhibitions, interesting technology or biotechnology in the food industry. See you soon, cheers Giovanni Spagna
Hello Giovanni!
How delightful to hear from you! Must apologize for not replying sooner! Has been a very busy time, for us, ever since arriving back in Vancouver, at the end of May. At present, we are near Parksville, on Vancouver Island, house/cat sitting at Madroña Manor, Il Palazzo di Millionaires. Cora Lee went over on Saturday, September 15th to meet with lady who had been there ever since Grogg and Lurchesca left in early August. I attended a Memorial for former UBC Librarian, Basil Stuart-Stubbs on Sunday. When I received notice of memorial service I decided I'd like to attend. Since, (weather permitting), I'd planned to ride to Horseshoe Bay and then to Parksville from Departure Bay, I knew I'd not be able to make the two-stage bicycle journey during daylight, given timing of service. Having to be on the Island Highway between Lantzville and Nanoose Bay, in the dark, (let alone GI to HB), isn't a good idea!
At the end of the stay, I'm going to have to be home by tomorrow, September 26th, as my first Vancouver International Film Festival volunteer shift, (orientation), is scheduled for that evening. As things eventually turned out, Lurch and Grogg came home a day early, (They just walked in the door a few minutes ago!), as they were able to obtain a more direct flight from London. This being the case, Cora Lee will return to Vancouver tomorrow, as well, as she has a number of meetings with volunteer organizations that she can attend now that she is not required to stay to take care of the resident feline, Cimcky. For my part, I really would like to stay and find it a bit frustrating that I'm not able to do so. Ironically, my next shift, after the 26th/27th, isn't until October 5th! Then the Vancouver International Writers Festival. Never a dull moment at the Islay Inn, our nickname for our home near Granville Island, in Vancouver!!!
At any rate, we don't live in Winnipeg, rather Vancouver, as you might have gathered. That being the case I'm not really familiar with what conventions/exhibitions might be taking place in Winnipeg in 2013, particularly those involving the food industry. I did a quick search and only came up with the Winnipeg Wine Festival, in May, 2013, I believe. Might be interesting, especially if you can obtain funding to attend! However, if you are interested in coming too Vancouver, (a far more interesting city than Winnipeg!), you could attend:
EAT! VANCOUVER 5/24/2013 - 5/26/2013
Venue: BC Place Stadium, Vancouver, Canada
Categories: Bakery, Confectionery, Food Processing
Celebrity chefs, popular local restaurants, wineries, food and beverage manufacturers, cookbook authors, retailers, artisans, and many others from the culinary world will come together for a three day public extravaganza at the new Vancouver Convention Centre. EAT! Vancouver encompasses unique food experiences, opportunities to learn behind-the-scenes culinary magic from professional chefs, dynamic entertainment through celebrity chef cooking demonstrations and culinary competitions.
You are more than welcome to stay with us, should you care to do so. We will probably be in Winnipeg sometime next summer, dates not yet set, so let me know if you have information about a conference there. At any rate, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
How are you? We have spent a lovely time here in Parksville. Went on two of the longest rides of my "professional" career while here: 143.3K last Friday and 161.4K yesterday. Back to Vancouver tomorrow. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Andre. Cheers, Patrizzio!ecilia and her family. Place for lots of sports etc . BIG HUG FROM MARGARETA
Dear Patrick Dunn
Sorry if I answer only now, even though we knew little, I keep a good memory.
I've been too little time in Kyoto, but enough to understand that a civilization is interesting.
About Winnipeg let me know if in 2013, there are any conferences exhibitions, interesting technology or biotechnology in the food industry. See you soon, cheers Giovanni Spagna
Hello Giovanni!
How delightful to hear from you! Must apologize for not replying sooner! Has been a very busy time, for us, ever since arriving back in Vancouver, at the end of May. At present, we are near Parksville, on Vancouver Island, house/cat sitting at Madroña Manor, Il Palazzo di Millionaires. Cora Lee went over on Saturday, September 15th to meet with lady who had been there ever since Grogg and Lurchesca left in early August. I attended a Memorial for former UBC Librarian, Basil Stuart-Stubbs on Sunday. When I received notice of memorial service I decided I'd like to attend. Since, (weather permitting), I'd planned to ride to Horseshoe Bay and then to Parksville from Departure Bay, I knew I'd not be able to make the two-stage bicycle journey during daylight, given timing of service. Having to be on the Island Highway between Lantzville and Nanoose Bay, in the dark, (let alone GI to HB), isn't a good idea!
At the end of the stay, I'm going to have to be home by tomorrow, September 26th, as my first Vancouver International Film Festival volunteer shift, (orientation), is scheduled for that evening. As things eventually turned out, Lurch and Grogg came home a day early, (They just walked in the door a few minutes ago!), as they were able to obtain a more direct flight from London. This being the case, Cora Lee will return to Vancouver tomorrow, as well, as she has a number of meetings with volunteer organizations that she can attend now that she is not required to stay to take care of the resident feline, Cimcky. For my part, I really would like to stay and find it a bit frustrating that I'm not able to do so. Ironically, my next shift, after the 26th/27th, isn't until October 5th! Then the Vancouver International Writers Festival. Never a dull moment at the Islay Inn, our nickname for our home near Granville Island, in Vancouver!!!
At any rate, we don't live in Winnipeg, rather Vancouver, as you might have gathered. That being the case I'm not really familiar with what conventions/exhibitions might be taking place in Winnipeg in 2013, particularly those involving the food industry. I did a quick search and only came up with the Winnipeg Wine Festival, in May, 2013, I believe. Might be interesting, especially if you can obtain funding to attend! However, if you are interested in coming too Vancouver, (a far more interesting city than Winnipeg!), you could attend:
EAT! VANCOUVER 5/24/2013 - 5/26/2013
Venue: BC Place Stadium, Vancouver, Canada
Categories: Bakery, Confectionery, Food Processing
Celebrity chefs, popular local restaurants, wineries, food and beverage manufacturers, cookbook authors, retailers, artisans, and many others from the culinary world will come together for a three day public extravaganza at the new Vancouver Convention Centre. EAT! Vancouver encompasses unique food experiences, opportunities to learn behind-the-scenes culinary magic from professional chefs, dynamic entertainment through celebrity chef cooking demonstrations and culinary competitions.
You are more than welcome to stay with us, should you care to do so. We will probably be in Winnipeg sometime next summer, dates not yet set, so let me know if you have information about a conference there. At any rate, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
want to say thanks again for your investment in ForestEthics. This has
been an extraordinary year for our organization, and with more exciting
initiatives and announcements on the horizon, I want
to make sure I keep in touch with you in the best way possible.
means finding out some things about you, especially your campaign
interests and communication preferences. Do you prefer a quick email
every now and then; specific news from our Sacred Headwaters
and Enbridge Campaigners; or something else entirely?
Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey:
I put together a few quick questions (10 to be exact) to help me learn
more about you. It’s an anonymous survey (with an option to include your
name if you’d like). I would love to get your candid feedback.
Take a moment now to fill out the survey. I look forward to hearing from you by Friday, October 5.
Thanks in advance for the taking the time to do this!
Mary Humphries
Director of Development
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