Hello from London,
Enjoying a NZ lager on tap at a local pub in Marleybone, while Lurch soaks in tub.
About another 15 K on foot today, so beer tastes great!
Have found many wonderful little eateries, pubs etc, along with the amazing sights of this city.
They were playing some some old Bob Dylan when I walked in with I Pad to check emails,
So figured this was the place for a brew!
Glad you are enjoying Madrona-we always look forward to our return no,matter where we have been.
Great to hear that Cimcky is adapting (hasn't peed in anyone's shoes yet?)
Seeing play the War Horse tomorrow, supposedly a wonderful,production.
Here until Friday, then train to Folkstone for weekend with Relatives.
Hope Cora Lee saved the Nota Bene to share with you!
Is hot tub Ok? If any doubts, Shannon can pop over and help to make sure that chlorine etc is Ok.
I'll give you a call in the next couple of days and hope to catch you. Cheers, Grog

(I composed this message last night but I forgot to bring my flash drive which allows me to download pictures from my camera card. Had to use my iPad to send pictures to myself.(Fortunately, I had the necessary piece of download technology, for that particular device, along) However, I could not get mail server on the iPad to work, (Terribly long, frustrating beyond belief, story, going back years.), until this morning. Friends, Barb and Lynn, from Enderby, will pop by to have lunch with us, today. Lynn called a few minutes ago. They have been somewhere north of here with other friends, in their camper vans, for last few days, I believe. Cora Lee will head into Parksville shortly, to pick up some lunch fixings. I will make a salad and menu so far includes crab cakes. Simkee, (spelling on tag near computer), just complained to Coriandre that it was time for his morning brushing. Apparently he wants some crab as well since he gave quite a positive meow when I asked him if he liked the product from Frenchman's Creek!)
Trust London is treating you well. Robyn was here with Cora Lee until early this afternoon. They had a lovely time, over the last few days, apparently, if the empty wine bottles in the recycling bins are any indication! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
While you are living the high life,
the peasants in Vancouver are having to carry out their daily chores.
Pales in comparison to your cuisine but thoroughly enjoyed the
blackberry pies and crumble Chris and Nevada had gathered
and baked recently. There were 3 pies so plenty still available. It
sounds like a tough ride. Need to help my neighbour pick her apples this
afternoon which is a fairly easy task and I'm sure I'll come away with a
basket for my effort.
Enjoying 'Hanging Hill' by Mo
Hayder, the author I mentioned briefly when we last spoke. fascinating
background - left school at 15, worked as a barmaid, security guard,
English teacher, and as a hostess in a Tokyo club. Ray
Hi Raymondo and Giggster!
Thanks again for riding shotgun, Whirlagge! Much appreciated.
Hi Mr Grizzle and Kjell!
Simkee, (resident feline whose presence necessitates our presence), just wandered by. Lovely thing and not as shy as he used to be.
Thanks so much for the wonderful bbq last evening, Ronaldo! Thank Janice as well, please. Furthermore, was delighted to receive the "Wave" snaps and related pyrotechnics.
Send a Greeting Card to Anne Dunn for their Birthday on Saturday September 22nd
Anne Dunn's birthday is on Saturday September 22nd. Anne will be 99 years old.
Click below to choose one of our specially recommended birthday greeting cards and we will send it on Anne's birthday...
Kind Regards, BirthdayAlarm.com
the two minute trip to BM sans the dust and huge expense and days without sleep...
However my art not in this video...
-- Ron

Hi Tinsel Town and Los Horridos!
Trust all goes well with you three. Fondestos and Cheers, Dad/Poppa San!!
Hi Spumoni!
Sounds as if you have your work cut out for you, both on the hockey front as well as on the paving stone lay-away plan! I do appreciate your filling me in on TV reference. I wish everyone was as understanding of my lack of popular culture knowledge! Fondestos and Cheers to the Brick-Layers of St Michael's Road. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
It was so great to reconnect this weekend too! Glad to know everyone's well - thanks for the pics. Looking forward to seeing you again soon,
The date of the next gathering will be Sunday, 28 October at the Islay Inn.
Thanks so much for the wonderful bbq last evening, Ronaldo! Thank Janice as well, please. Furthermore, was delighted to receive the "Wave" snaps and related pyrotechnics.
Send a Greeting Card to Anne Dunn for their Birthday on Saturday September 22nd
Anne Dunn's birthday is on Saturday September 22nd. Anne will be 99 years old.
Click below to choose one of our specially recommended birthday greeting cards and we will send it on Anne's birthday...
Kind Regards, BirthdayAlarm.com
the two minute trip to BM sans the dust and huge expense and days without sleep...
However my art not in this video...
-- Ron

- Chloe Alexis Dunn Jennifer McGregor, my folks are in Parksville for 2 weeks so I told them they must go to Jar!!!! love you!!! Seattle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so soon!!!! xxxxxxx
Jar Restaurant
6595 Applecross Rd, Nanaimo, BC V9V1K8
Hi Tinsel Town and Los Horridos!
Trust all goes well with you three. Fondestos and Cheers, Dad/Poppa San!!
Hi Spumoni!
Sounds as if you have your work cut out for you, both on the hockey front as well as on the paving stone lay-away plan! I do appreciate your filling me in on TV reference. I wish everyone was as understanding of my lack of popular culture knowledge! Fondestos and Cheers to the Brick-Layers of St Michael's Road. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
It was so great to reconnect this weekend too! Glad to know everyone's well - thanks for the pics. Looking forward to seeing you again soon,
The next book will be
David Adams Richards' River of the Broken Hearted (Pat).
Mark, we need you to choose the book to follow the Richards.
The Breaking Wave sculpture is now part of Burning Man history. The Breaking Wave project began early in the Spring of 2012 at a meeting with Kevin Curry, James Deane, Jason Malo and I ; we hatched a plan to build a large wooden wave sculpture out of drift lumber to draw attention to ocean pollution and also honour the Japanese Tsunami tragedy. We promoted the project at local festivals by exhibiting models, and erecting frames for the structure at Burn in the Forest and Critical Massive. We build a small scale version of the Breaking Wave at the Annual Peace Arch Park Sculpture Exhibition for the 2012 summer show. The local and US burner community supported our fundraising efforts and generously volunteered their help.
After months of preparation and wood gathering, the Wave was trucked to Burning Man, assembled and built in two nights on the playa. Since the daytime temperatures hovered around 100 degrees F. with blowing dust, we chose to work from sundown to 3 AM using portable halogen lights.
The sculpture weighted approximately two tons when completed, 16 feet high, 20 feet long and 10 feet wide. The construction of the 10 support trusses and 5 box foundation frames took about 48 hours to construct in Squamish about a month before the build. On the playa the support trusses were erected on the base frames and then about 2,000 pieces of drift lumber of a wide range of sizes were screwed to the trusses. Mike Hattingh and helpers spun LED strip lighting and an array of strobes through the structure which delivered an amazing effect at night, powered by Jason`s generator.
The Breaking Wave stood for three days August 27 to 29, near the Pier Project, and burned at Wednesday midnight in a brief and very hot conflagration watched by several hundred people. Feedback from the Burning Man Organization indicated our presentation of the art and the burn were prefect regarding execution, fire safety, and cleanup.
The core members of the crew in alphabetical order were Kevin Curry, James Deane, Mike Hattingh, Jason Malo and Ron Simmer, with much appreciated help from Amber, Brandon, BT, Curtis, Greg, Jessica, Lilli, Ryan, Matthew, Percilla , Sebnem, Yvonne , Vertumnus and many other volunteers from Washington and Oregon. Ryan McCann will produce a Breaking Wave video documentary
The Breaking Wave project received no cash honorarium from the BM Org., and was financed in part by the art crew through fundraising efforts; several of the crew made sizable personal expenditures in the thousands of dollars. All of the crew were motivated by their determination to deliver an outstanding art piece to Burning Man. The logistical problems in collecting and transporting such a large volume of wood were crushing but the crew came together and built a unique and amazing work of art. It is part of the Burning Man legend as a statement against ocean pollution.
The Breaking Wave project received no cash honorarium from the BM Org., and was financed in part by the art crew through fundraising efforts; several of the crew made sizable personal expenditures in the thousands of dollars. All of the crew were motivated by their determination to deliver an outstanding art piece to Burning Man. The logistical problems in collecting and transporting such a large volume of wood were crushing but the crew came together and built a unique and amazing work of art. It is part of the Burning Man legend as a statement against ocean pollution.
The Breaking Wave sculpture created for Burning Man was inspired by the classic Great Wave of Kanagawa by Japanese painter Hokusai. We tried to capture and embody the image of Hokusai`s wave as a giant attacking claw. Mariners have always feared breaking waves as a sign of dangerous sea states or deadly shoals; the sculpture was intended as a tribute to those who lost their lives in the recent Japanese Tsunami.
I would like to thank all the folks who helped us and to the rest of the art crew who made the project such a great experience for me.
Hi JT!
Thanks for sending along everyone's email addresses as I'd like to contact Joan, in particular. How is life in the desert? Pics: Dinner last night; Groundsmaid this morning!

for the note back - I'm sorry to hear of your fall from your bike, but
it does happen to the best of us - and always in the most unforeseen
circumstances. I would be delighted to help with
the order of service, but I'm heading to Cuba on the 2nd. (and won't be
available for your mother's service, but Kirsten will be there) Perhaps
we can discuss this week and next and try to get something finalized?Let me know what you have in mind and we will proceed from there.
Talk soon - enjoy the sublime Autumn weather. -A.
Hi Flash!
Thanks so much for your offer of help! Certainly much appreciated. (Cuba sounds fab, by the bye!) Over the next few days Cora Lee and I will be working on the service and I'll send along material as we bring it together. If you could do a rough draft that would be great and then we can refine things as we get a better sense of how it will look. My initial thought is to have Mom's biographical details form the inside of the cover, pics on the outside. There will most likely be a separate page, or so, as an insert for hymns, poems and the like, yet to be decided.
Hi Flash!
Thanks so much for your offer of help! Certainly much appreciated. (Cuba sounds fab, by the bye!) Over the next few days Cora Lee and I will be working on the service and I'll send along material as we bring it together. If you could do a rough draft that would be great and then we can refine things as we get a better sense of how it will look. My initial thought is to have Mom's biographical details form the inside of the cover, pics on the outside. There will most likely be a separate page, or so, as an insert for hymns, poems and the like, yet to be decided.
Will be in touch. Hello to your bevy of beuts! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Raymondo!
Funnily enough, Barb and Lynn brought a large container of blackberries that they'd picked yesterday, not all that far from here. Won't have them in a pie, unfortunately, so will have to make due with some of Grogg's expensive Cognac drizzled over them!
We enjoyed a delicious luncheon on the patio, (scallops wrapped in bacon and salmon steaks; salad and fresh bread, (Lynn and I ate Cora Lee's share as it wasn't gluten free!), with Cambozola. After mini-feast we piled into our car and made for Coombes. They'd not been to Goats-on-the-Roof, a wonderful deli-restaurant-store that is fun to walk around even without buying anything. I picked up some Fair Trade Coffee beans, Billy Gruff Blend, in a biodegradable bag: "This bag turns to dirt in 3 months"! And three large cans of beans: Cannellini, Navy and Pinto as I want to try a number of recipes while here. Beans were on sale and I decided against dry version as bags were awfully large and I thought i"d "experiment" with smaller quantities until I really know what I'm doing! As well, a colourful rag throw mat for in front of the sink, a position I find myself in when not cycling!!!

No riding today so I'll have to spend an hour in the massage chair before dinner tonight. Such a great workout that maybe I'll won't ride while here, just let the machine do the work! If I do hop back on, I hope to ride at least 10K north, past Bowser which would be a 100K round-trip. Depends on how much of Grogg's grog we consume tonight.

Cora Lee trying to watch Harry Pierce and his spooks!

thought you might be interested to see this.
Hi Chloƫ!
Nana can't get TV in living room to work here so she is very crabby! A few minutes ago she was swearing away like a sailor and finally gave up, moved into our bedroom and is watching, snuggled up, there! Love, Dad!
Dear Patrick,
Thank you for confirming your volunteer shifts!
Please join us for the 2012 Volunteer Orientation on Thursday evening Oct 11, at the Waterfront Theatre, 1412 Cartwright St., on Granville Island.
Doors open for volunteer package pick-up at 6:30 pm.
The package will contain your volunteer badge, finalized schedule, job description(s), invitation to our Volunteer Appreciation Party, freebies and pertinent general information about the Festival.
If you are eligible for, and have submitted to the Volunteer Ticket Lottery, your volunteer package will also contain your complimentary winning ticket. (An invitation to submit to our 2012 Volunteer Ticket Lottery will arrive soon!)
Introductions begin at 7 pm, with an outline of some general information essential to 2012 Festival volunteering.
Break-out training sessions for the different volunteer activities/jobs begins no later than 7:15 and we hope to be all done no later than 8:15 pm.
It is essential that all first-time volunteers attend, but it's also highly recommended that returning volunteers attend.
Things change every year and we want everyone to have as much current information as possible before the Festival begins. With only six days of events, there's no time to get familiar and comfortable with changes on the job.
Don't miss out on our light refreshments and fantastic door prizes!
We look forward to seeing you there! Kathryn
Thank you for confirming at least 12 hours of volunteer shifts for the fast-approaching Vancouver Writers Fest!
Every Writers Festival volunteer serving a minimum of 12 hours during the Festival Week or 15-20 hours pre-festival is entitled to one hard complimentary ticket to a Festival event.
Which ticket is awarded is determined by lottery based on event choices submitted on the Ticket Lottery Request Form.
Go to the Writers Festival volunteer webpages (not myVolunteerPage.com) and find the Ticket Lottery Request Form,
Please submit 6 choices no later than Oct 5th.
Your winning ticket will be included in your volunteer package, available for pick-up at Orientation Oct 11. Kathryn
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