Dear All,
After a long, eventful, and full life, our father, Ronald Fairfax
Lucas, has died. He died peacefully Saturday night, December 1st, at
Kiwanis Care Centre in North Vancouver. He had been in declining
health for some time but in the morning suffered
another stroke and died only 12 hours later. I was with him the whole
time and I know he was aware of it. The staff at the home were
marvellous and made sure that it was peaceful, and it was, for which
we're grateful.
It will be a big emptiness in my life as I'd spent so much of the
last 10 years caring for him one way or another. For now both Anne and I
are grateful to have had such a wonderful Dad and we cherish the great
memories and the long life he had.
I'm sure that all of you have fond memories of Ron, as well as
myriad of funny stories and anecdotes. After Christmas, in January,
we'll have a gathering for him and celebrate his marvellous life which
has been such an inspiration for me and I'm sure many
others as well. We'll let you know once we have it all sorted out.
Here's a photo of him from a while ago at the cabin , enjoying his daily
bowl of porridge! Love, Jane
Hi, Patrick,
Did you receive my email from about a week ago? We will call tonight or tomorrow night.
Sorry I have not been in touch sooner! Yes,I did receive your email of November 26th but seems as if we have been whirl-winded off our feet ever since!
Yesterday morning I managed to squeeze in a ride before rain started. While Coriandre was praying for my black soul Whirlygig and I took a jaunt out to UBC and then a short loop into Musqueam before heading back. I did five circuits of Kits Point before going home as I wanted to log at least a 50K ride. Managed 51.3K over 2:29:48 with an AVG 20.5KPH, MAX 47.5KPH. Couldn't top 50KPH on descent of 4th from Blanca as head wind was too, too strong!
Back home for a quick shower and when Cora Lee returned from Kitsilano CC, (Trinity is looking at alternative locations to hold their worship as congregation will leave present location, Larch and 2nd, at year end. Long, long story and Coramandel will tell you all about politics when we see you.), we headed out to take a look at the new restaurant which Chloe's friends, Chrissy and Mark, have just opened. (Just to remind you, Chrissy worked with Chloë at GIB before leaving to start Pig on the Street, quite a successful food truck, as things turned out. This new venture, intended to hold them over during the slower winter season, has been bankrolled, as well, by Derek and Gayle, Chrissy's parents, couple with whom we will do a house exchange, in Cornwall, for us, next summer!) It is on 6th between Fir and Granville so not all that far from us. We were both very impressed with what they have done in such a short time. They signed the lease for the former cafe, week ago this past Saturday and had the "soft" opening yesterday. They had to work non-stop all week renovating, painting, decorating, etc. Quite amazing what they managed to accomplish. Bit like Dusty when he was building hotel Kits!!!
W e didn't stay to eat but just had a good look around and then had to head back to The Islay Inn to ready it for Book Club and Open House. We were in pretty good shape as Cora Lee had supervised the baking of two hams, (I performed all the tasks while she and Maggie supervised from an armchair, so situated to allow Queenie to watch The Young and the restless!), before she left to join the Holy Rollers. Other than than most everything else had already been prepared; chicken wings, salmon, (CL), meatballs and baked beans, (Clarisse), both in large electric crock pots. Did most of our shopping for dips, crackers, cheese, nuts, shortbread and tarts at Costco on Friday morning, hootch at Marquis Wines on Thursday. Rolled up the rug in the living room night before and arranged chairs, etc., so wasn't even much to do on that particular score.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the "100 year old Shackleton Antarctic malt" and funnily enough,Flash, who was along with his family at the Open House, told me that he had met the man who had found the five original cases! In all the activity I didn't catch the chap's name but apparently he is from Victoria and is a specialist in hardwoods and I think for this reason he was consulted and brought to Antarctica to work on the stabilization of the foundations of the original buildings at base camp at Cape Royds on Ross Island near McMurdo Sound where they were discovered, in 2006. I gather he was part of the team of restorers from the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust.
Last guests to leave were Lynne and Peter, from Naramata, in spite of the fact that they literally flew into town yesterday afternoon, from Cancún, where they had attended a family wedding! Lynne and Coriandre were in Library School together. All in all, a lovely evening with family and friends.
Cora Lee spent most of her day working on Friends of VPL business while I cycled around Science World to the Aquatic Centre, close to noon, to swim 2.5 miles. Enjoyed the hot tub and sauna before making my way home. Chloë spent the day in Bellingham with friend Katie and her two small children, Emma and Luca. Katie's grandmother lives there so girls always take advantage of a visit to shop at Trader Joe's! Sarge took Clarisse and Dusty over to Nicole's/Marvin's new condo in North Van this evening, (They took possession this past Saturday.), as they had asked Coat Hanger to install some shelving, etc. Dusty wanted to take some measurements and look at what material he would need, etc.
Going to be a busy week as we are still arranging our lives to leave on December 12th. Working backwards, we are hoping to visit St Maarten from January 28th to February 7th, flying out of Dallas. Cora Lee wants to spend from January 16th-23rd in New Orleans. She is looking for a place to rent for a week so if you feel you might be interested and able to join us, for all or some part of sojourn, let us know so we book a spot which can accommodate everyone. Lynne and Peter, friends from Naramata, are also keen to be part of this so it could be a blast. Bridge galore before and after exploring the ville!!!! Mint julips on the terrace, in the moonlight, with gorgeous babes hanging off our arms!!!
We would return from New Orleans, to Dallas by February 24th to spend weekend with you as I gather Randy usually drives up from San Antonio on Thursdays. This would give us the weekend and a bit to visit, particularly if you cannot make New Orleans. Of course, we hope to have a few days upon returning from St Martin, if you still want to have anything to do with us! Furthermore, if we can arrange to stay overnight at your place, (probably the 14th or 15th), while you are in Colorado, that would be terrific but not something to worry about. Anyway, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly!
Sorry we don't have longer in your neck of the woods. If it was up to me, we would. Cora Lee, however, is fussing about being back for more Friends of VPL nonsense. I'd like to visit friends on Marco Island and explore a bit of Florida, (Key West in particular!), but simply cannot entertain such an extension if we have to be back in Vancouver around mid-February. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
for the great party and for hosting the NRBC yet again. Both events
were a riot -- and the food, drink and company was wonderful.
Maybe we can get out when the weather breaks like it is now in spite of the rain forecasted. W, W
thanks again for hosting the NRBC and for the party that followed.
Great food and company -- not to mention 100 year old malt from the
I am going to suggest one of two dates for the next gathering: the 20th or the 27th
of January, 2013. Please let me know if either of those dates
works for you AND if you would like to host the gathering. The
proprietor of the Islay Inn, Pat will be away on some nude beach in St
Maarten – available by Skype we hope.
book is: Suttree by Cormac McCarthy. Moe is on the hook to recommend a
book to follow the McCarthy. Guy is thinking about what book should
follow Moe’s choice and
can trump Moe if he does not make up his mind soon.
First Thanks to Patrick for a great party and enlivened discussion
before the party. An happy birthday and many happy return of the day
for you Patrick.
Both days are fine with me. My suggestion for book is Catherine
the Great by Robert K. Massie. That is an excellent book. I have the
audio and e-book of it in case somebody is interested. The Audio is well
read and the reader (I forgot his name) has a very suitable voice for
the narrative. Cheers Moe
Dear Pat and Corinne,
Thank you both for a wonderful gathering, both for
NRBC and subsequent festivities! Delicious food, wonderful company,
plus a fine speech from Pat (bonus!).
A great way to start off the holiday season festivities.
Here's hoping your holidays in America are as satisfying.
8^) cheers, Mark & Susan
Hi Patirck and Corinne,
Are you headed south for Christmas? Do you want to stay here . . if so when?
Mike is fine, and it will be no trouble to put up guests, especially those who enjoy drinking, but our calendar is filling w. parties (not so many) and other obligations. It would help to know your dates.
We'd love to see you. Please give me a clue. Marilyn
Hello Dearest Marilyn!
So pleased to learn that Michaelo is doing well! Wonderful news indeed! From his last missive we knew that recovery would take some time so glad recuperation process is returning him to his former self or better!
Thank you for your message and invitation. We must be on the same wavelength as I was planing to send you a message this evening to inquire about Mike's condition and whether a visit would be possible. We have been quite busy of late and hosted a pre-Yuletide gathering yesterday. Started with a meeting of my Book Club at 3:00pm, followed by the Open House proper at 5:00pm. I planned a bit of a malt surprise for some of the malt aficionados who would be attending. Not sure if you have heard about this particular malt or not but I picked up a bottle of Mackinlay's Rare Old Highland Malt, apparently a meticulous re-creation of the original malt whiskey shipped to Antarctica in 1907 by the explorer Ernest Shackleton to fortify his 'Nimrod' expedition. Several wooden crates of this precious whiskey were abandoned to the Antarctic winter in early 1909, then rediscovered over a century later. Quite a story, one that celebrates the enduring spirit of both man and malt. Everyone seemed to enjoy the "100 year old malt" and funnily enough, friend Flash, who was along with his family at the Open House, told me that he had met the man who had found the five original cases! In all the activity I didn't catch the chap's name but apparently he is from Victoria and is a specialist in hardwoods and I think for this reason he was consulted and brought to Antarctica to work on the stabilization of the foundations of the original buildings at base camp at Cape Royds on Ross Island near McMurdo Sound where they were discovered, in 2006, by the team of restorers from the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust. All in all, a lovely evening with family and friends.
As I mentioned above, I was waiting until hectic party was over to contact you and inquire about the visit we had talked about earlier. We are planning to leave on Wednesday, December 12th, and would hope to be knocking on your door well before 9:00-10:00pm like last time! Your words, as you embraced us both, at the front door, are forever emblazoned in our minds: "We thought you were dead! We thought you were dead! We thought you were dead!" With any luck we should be all packed and ready to leave by at least 9:00am that morning, with a mind to arriving at your place between 3:00-4:00pm, if this date/time suits you. We'd like to be in Redding, (or even further south), the next day, if we are to keep to our itinerary which has us in LA by December 19th or 20th, depending whether we stay in Fresno, with friends, Jessica and Michael Kelly, (these damn "Michaelo's are everywhere!), on way to LA or upon return to Vancouver. We think we'll spend two nights in Healsdburg and two nights in Berkeley with friends Nancy and David. Cora Lee's classmate, Amos, lives in Oakland and he visited with us this past October, (We hadn't seen each other for over 34 years!), when he was in town. His wife, Patricia, knows our friend, David, from the Library at Berkeley.
Again, we are delighted at the prospect of seeing you two. Hope the date works but please don't fuss if not. We'll just pick up some wine from your cellar, (if there is any left!), and spend the night in the parking lot at Fred Myers! After about six bottles we should be able to sleep quite comfortably in our seats! Let me know and we'll plan accordingly! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Last night, last guests to leave, Lynne and Peter, from Naramata, Okanagan, in spite of the fact that they literally flew into town yesterday afternoon, from Cancún, where they had attended a family wedding! Lynne and Coriandre were in Library School together so she knows Amos as well.
Hi George, Victor,
is by way of connecting Victor, Swedish twin the elder, (a humble
would-be NRBCer) with George, aka Wurligigster etc. (unofficious and
quite possibly unofficial
secretary to NRBC).
It was good to meet you last night and I am glad to learn that you survived the evening.
would be delighted if you would join us at the NRBC. By way of
introduction I will copy you on the discussion about when and where
we will next meet.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Best wishes, George
Hi George, Mark,
Thank you so much for letting me join the book club. Based on the people I met last night at Patrick's I'm looking forward to being part of it and learning a lot from wiser and sager men than myself, and, of course, reading some good books!
Take care, Victor aka Vittorio (according to Patrick)
Welcome. We look forward to having you.
Pat will inform you of the malt levies. G
Dear NRBCers and, obliquely, Acolyte Vittorio! (Aspirants are never to be addressed directly! Section XXX, Chapter 7, Sub-section 13, paragraph iv.)
I have grave concerns about the said wanting Member-in-Waiting, for two rather serious reasons:
1) Vittorio and his Fraternal Swedish Twin, Patrizio, (Note single "z", please!), did mightily offend the assembled malt affficianados with their choice of malt giftage, to whit McClelland's Highland Bilge Water, a porch climber if ever there was one! Such uninformed taste bodes ill for maintaining the high standards of the NRBC, I feel. Furthermore, these two young pups managed to quaff, (I should rather say "guzzle"), more than their fare share of the Mckinley's, I am sorry to report! Just glad Captain Barnacle was not present or nobody would have had a drop! Sarge was heavy handed enough with the overly generous pours into his own tumbler, if the tapes from the security cameras are to be believed.
2) Perhaps, more importantly, Vittorio is far from the mark when referring to the sots of the NRBC when he calls them "wiser and sager", (redundant but I'll let that pass for the moment), than himself and his cousin, Baby Face Bjorn, for the correct appellation is certainly "Wiser and Lager", as in Wiser's Whisky and Granville Island Lager!
How can one even contemplate allowing such an individual into the club? It just isn't on. Next thing you know
books will start to be read, discussions will follow Robert's Rules of Order and tipplage will be outlawed. It is a very, very slippery slope you propose, Dear Fellow Members, (Acolytes do not have voting privileges: Section V; Sub-section 2, Paragraph iii.), and I caution strongly against this first reckless step.
But when have you ever listened to my reasoned arguments! Do as you see fit, desperate as you are to keep the membership numbers up. (Isn't it bad enough, already, that we have to let Islanders in, not to mention East Enders!) Don't worry about me, frolicking amid the waves at the nude beach in St Maarten, sipping a rum or two, ogling the Swedish babes there. Now that's a real Book Club! Why waste time with Swedish rookies, wet behind the ears, when buxom Swedish masseuses are available and don't give a toss about reading! Not even sure if this is a System 1 or a System 2 choice. Cheers,
a non-Bemused and mightily Befuddled Il Conduttore!
Dear Patrick,
As you have been at considerable pains to point out, my tastes in
beverages, both scotch and beer, are quite pedestrian when compared to
your educated palate. It thus behoves me to offer to take the offending
bottle of McClelland's
maltage off
your hands. I will be quite happy to explore its humble gustatory and
olfactory offerings, leaving your sophisticated self free to cultivate
more refined proclivities.
Please advise soonest - I have a time limited reservation for a pick-up 8^) with all due respect, Mark
![]() |
Patrizio, 2nd from far left, Vittorio, far right |
Dear Marcus Aurelius, et al!
I suggest you send your junk removal team, (Two young Swedes with strong backs and weak minds!), to the Islay inn, forthwith, to collect, not the McClelland's maltage, (I fully intend to use it as bicycle chain cleaner, if nothing else), but for the mounds of broken glass which cover most of our living room floor and patio. Itemized invoices for all the breakage will, in due time, be sent out. Before issuing them underlings will have to take an inventory of the silver ware as it appears much is missing. I had asked Sarge to install a screening scanner but being the government bureaucrat that he is he said he had to form a committee to look into a feasibility study and conduct an environmental impact assessment before anything could be done. I, for one, believe he is working in concert, (a bent cop in cahoots with the Tongs, 堂), with the heist artists. An inside job if ever there was one. Invite Freeloaders into your home and look what happens! On second thought, cancel the haulage as I'll keep the shards to mix with the Sutherland's portions when next they crash a dinner! Cheers, Lil' 'Ole Porch Climber Patrizzio, fighting crime everywhere, from the Four Corners of the World, to just around the corner from YOU!!
![]() |
Terror of the Tongs!
Hi Gayle and
Sorry I have not been in touch sooner but seems as if we have been whirl-winded off our feet ever since I don't know when! Yesterday morning I managed to squeeze in a ride before rain started. While Coriandre was praying for my black soul Whirlygig and I took a jaunt out to UBC and then a short loop into Musqueam before heading back. I did five circuits of Kits Point before going home as I wanted to log at least a 50K ride. Managed 51.3K over 2:29:48 with an AVG 20.5KPH, MAX 47.5KPH. Couldn't top 50KPH on descent of 4th from Blanca as head wind was too, too strong! Back home for a quick shower and when Cora Lee returned from Kitsilano CC, (Trinity is looking at alternative locations to hold their worship as congregation will leave present location, Larch and 2nd, at year end. Long, long story and Coramandel will tell you all about politics when we see you.), we headed out to take a look at YOUR new restaurant, the one Chrissy and Mark have just opened!
You probably know that
it is on 6th between Fir and Granville so not all
that far from us. We were both very impressed with what they have done
in such a short time. From Chloë I gather they signed the lease for the former cafe, week ago
this past Saturday, and then planned the "soft"
opening yesterday. They had to work non-stop all week renovating,
painting, decorating, etc. Quite amazing what they managed to
accomplish. Bit like Dusty, Corinne's Dad, when he was
Hotel Kits where we lived before The Island Inn!!!
We didn't stay to eat but just had a good look around and then had to head back to The Islay Inn to ready it for Book Club and Open House. We were in pretty good shape as Cora Lee had supervised the baking of two hams, (I performed all the tasks while she and Maggie supervised from an armchair, so situated to allow Queenie to watch The Young and the Restless!), before she left to join the Holy Rollers. Other than that most everything else had already been prepared; chicken wings, salmon, (CL), meatballs and baked beans, (Clarisse), both in large electric crock pots. Did most of our shopping for dips, crackers, cheese, nuts, shortbread and tarts at Costco on Friday morning, hootch at Marquis Wines on Thursday. Rolled up the rug in the living room night before and arranged chairs, etc., so wasn't even much to do on that particular score. Everyone seemed to enjoy the "100 year old Shackleton Antarctic malt" and funnily enough, friend Flash, who was along with his family at the Open House, told me that he had met the man who had found the five original cases! In all the activity I didn't catch the chap's name but apparently he is from Victoria and is a specialist in hardwoods and I think for this reason he was consulted and brought to Antarctica to work on the stabilization of the foundations of the original buildings at base camp at Cape Royds on Ross Island near McMurdo Sound where they were discovered, in 2006. I gather he was part of the team of restorers from the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust. Last guests to leave were Lynne and Peter, from Naramata, in spite of the fact that they literally flew into town yesterday afternoon, from Cancún, where they had attended a family wedding! Lynne and Coriandre were in Library School together. All in all, a lovely evening with family and friends. Cora Lee spent most of today working on Friends of VPL business while I cycled around Science World to the Aquatic Centre, close to noon, to swim 2.5 miles. Enjoyed the hot tub and sauna before making my way home. Chloë spent the day in Bellingham with friend Katie and her two small children, Emma and Luca. Katie's grandmother lives there so girls always take advantage of a visit to shop at Trader Joe's! Sarge took Clarisse and Dusty over to Nicole's/Marvin's new condo in North Van this evening, (They took possession this past Saturday.), as they had asked Coat Hanger to install some shelving, etc. Dusty wanted to take some measurements and look at what material he would need, etc. Going to be a busy week as we are still arranging our lives to leave on December 12th. Working backwards, we are hoping to visit St Maarten from January 28th to February 7th, flying out of Dallas. Cora Lee wants to spend from January 16th-23rd in New Orleans. She is looking for a place to rent for a week which can accommodate everyone. Lynne and Peter, friends from Naramata, are keen to be part of this so it could be a blast. Bridge galore before and after exploring the ville!!!! Mint julips on the terrace, in the moonlight, with gorgeous babes hanging off our arms!!! Sorry that we won't have longer in this neck of the woods. If it was up to me, we would. Cora Lee, however, is fussing about being back for more Friends of VPL nonsense. I'd like to visit friends on Marco Island, Florida, and explore a bit more of the state, (Key West in particular!), but simply cannot entertain such an extension if we have to be back in Vancouver around mid-February. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Pig and Mortar; Lynne and Peter
Cycling in the UK anyone?
is wild. I would like to see that motorist take swipe at Ray. Let’s get
over there and get in the fray. Makes the truckers at Iona
look like guardian angels. Wednesday ride? G
George and Pat,
Probably throw my shoulder out
trying to defend myself these days. Best to avoid if possible. The
roads are so narrow over there that conflicts are inevitable.
I looks good outside at the moment
but rain forecast by 11 - who knows. Would like to ride tomorrow,
weather permitting. The 'birthday boy' will probably want to do 65K or
even double it for good measure.
Good evening, gentlemen,
It looks like Moe and I simultaneously both set up dropbox folders
to be shared by NRBC. You will likely have received two invitations to
share Book Club folders. You can respond to both invitations if you
I see that Moe has made Catherine the Great available for download in a folder titled
The folder I set up (with apologies for the anagrammatic redundancy) is called:
It is currently empty. I have many audiobooks available if anyone is looking for some road-trip fodder, and would be happy to make some available there. Let me know if and what you might be interested in...8^) cheers, Mark Hi Pat, I just wanted to thank you and Corrine for inviting me to your party. I completely forgot that I had invited a bunch of ladies from my program over to watch a required film. I'd love to see you both again sometime soon and I hope the celebration was fun! Dinao Good evening, gentlemen,
It looks like Moe and I simultaneously both set up dropbox folders
to be shared by NRBC. You will likely have received two invitations to
share Book Club folders. You can respond to both invitations if you
I see that Moe has made Catherine the Great available for download in a folder titled
The folder I set up (with apologies for the anagrammatic redundancy) is called:
It is currently empty. I have many audiobooks available if anyone is looking for some road-trip fodder, and would be happy to make some available there. Let me know if and what you might be interested in... Thanks for your lovely New Year's Day invitation! Busy time here so must apologize for not replying sooner. We are scheduled to leave Vancouver tomorrow so unfortunately we will miss your gala gathering! Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you both and Tess and Benson, of course! Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio, and Maggie, of course! Hi Moe and Mahnoz! (I apologize if I have spelling wrong!) Lovely to see you both at the gathering. Thank you again for the wonderful lasagna. We trust you enjoy the holidays and look forward to playing some bridge over the course of the Spring/Summer. Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio! Dear Pat and Corinne,
Thank you both for a wonderful gathering, both for
NRBC and subsequent festivities! Delicious food, wonderful company,
plus a fine speech from Pat (bonus!).
A great way to start off the holiday season festivities.
Here's hoping your holidays in America are as satisfying.
8^) cheers, Mark & Susan Hi Susan and Marcus Aurelius! Thank you for the kind words. Lovely to see you both at the gathering. Thank you again for sweeping the deck Marcus! We trust you enjoy Hawaii and look forward to playing some bridge over the course of the Spring/Summer. Other than rides, of course! Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you and your daughters. Cheers, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio! Hi Pat, I just wanted to thank you and Corrine for inviting me to your party. I completely forgot that I had invited a bunch of ladies from my program over to watch a required film. I'd love to see you both again sometime soon and I hope the celebration was fun! Dinao Hi Dinao! We missed you but understand the life of "young people"!Two weeks or so ago, as you know, we had a visit from your Mom and now we are looking forward to St Maarten! Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you. Please keep in touch as we'd love to see you when we are back, mid-February. Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
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