America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. -Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President (1809-1865)
Hi Pat
se possibile...will parking be available today?:) should i call you? Thank you M
se possibile...will parking be available today?:) should i call you? Thank you M
Hi Pat and Corinne;
Hope you are well.
Monika got hold of me, via Facebook, and so i am now back in touch
with Herr Oliver Bender. It has been 28 years or so — how time passes! I
have included his email to me, provided you with
a translation and hopefully the nice family shot will stay with forwarded message. If not, i will send it in another email.
Find myself leaving our blessed winter, for sunnier locations,
Jan3/4 (a midnight flight to Taipei). This time the spotlight is on
Myanmar. Will fly first to Bangkok, get a visa, before proceeding to the
fabled land of golden stupas, emerging democracy
and no bank services for tourists. One must take crisp, mint, unmarked
American cash (no marks, folds or tears), to be able to travel there.
Almost makes we want to take a tour, god forbid (in lieu of all the
Was back at work for 6 weeks doing the 48 page VCC Continuing
Studies flyer. Also a Skytrain poster too. When asked by some folks in
the college, why i was back, i said i was just a tourist.
It was actually quite a bearable experience, all things considered,
and of course the money is being funnelled into this trip. Also, having
to work creatively and to deadline, put almost as many aging brains
cell to work, as say a crossword puzzle. All
good with this peekaboo retirement.
Otherwise have a look at the pdf that is also attached, if you are interested.
All the Best, bob
Hello Bob,
It is great to hear from you! Yes, of course i remember the great
time in Vancouver. I have a collegue, in fact, who has done the West
Coast Trail, and he was enthusiastic about it.
Are you still active as a Graphic Designer? You must certainly
still be hiking a lot. I think a lot about Canada and hope, to come
again sometime.
How is the Dunn family? What is happening with Henning?
As for myself, i am busy as a Trainter/Coach/Counsellor (see Am
with an Italian woman (he doesn't say he is married but i see a ring on
his finger in the photo so i am just the translator) and we have two
wonderful children (8 and 11 years old)
Yes, well get back to me, Till the next time and best wishes, Olli
Hallo Bob,
das ist toll, von Dir zu hören! Ja, natürlich kann ich mich an die tolle
Zeit in Vancouver erinnern. Habe sogar eine Kollegin, die ebenfalls den
West Coast Trail gemacht hat und begeistert war.
Bist Du immer noch als Graphiker aktiv? Bestimmt wanderst Du auch noch
viel. Denke oft an Kanada und hoffe, irgendwann auch mal wieder zu
Was macht die Familie Dunn? Was macht der Henning?
Ich selbst bin als Trainer/Coach/Berater aktiv (siehe
. Mir geht es gut. Bin mit einer Italienerin zusammen und habe 2 tolle Kinder (8 und 11 Jahre).
Ja, melde Dich wieder. Bis bald und liebe Grüße Olli
Hi Bob!
Thanks for your last message. What a delight to hear from Olli and see his family! Trust you are well. Sorry I've not replied sooner but has been a busy time here. Happy Hanukkah/Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you. Bon Voyage! Your trip to Myanmar sounds wonderful. I haven't had a moment to look at the pdf but will do so, on the road! Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
Thanks for your last message. What a delight to hear from Olli and see his family! Trust you are well. Sorry I've not replied sooner but has been a busy time here. Happy Hanukkah/Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you. Bon Voyage! Your trip to Myanmar sounds wonderful. I haven't had a moment to look at the pdf but will do so, on the road! Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee, Chloë and Patrizzio!
I take it you finally made it out of YVR and safely back home! It was a delightful visit and so wonderful to see Dinao and Al as well. I am also very pleased that we were able to ride together. Further, longer next visit! Glad you enjoyed snapolas although I'm really don't have all that good an eye. I just think it is important to record people and events, at least, as a first step. Art can come later!
Sorry for taking so long to reply but it has been non-stop ever since you left! Just to reiterate, I think our dates for St Maarten will still be January 28th-February 7th, +/- by a day or so, each end. We hope to iron out details of where we will be flying from , (Dallas vs Miami), as if the latter we need to reconfigure earlier stages of trip. Hope to do this next week and will let you know before we book to make sure dates work for you. I am interested in renting a bike but it really isn't a big deal. I'm happy to swim with the barracudas and Cora Lee is most keen to have me do so! Let me know what you find out. It might be worthwhile to rent for a month or so and other visitors could share the cost. Just an idea.
Due to heavy rain of late I have been swimming over last few days. On Thursday I did 3.5 miles and yesterday I managed 3.75 miles. I think I have reached a new plateau as far as my bilateral breathing is concerned. While I have utilized this method for quite a few years I have never really breathed as smoothly and consistently as I would have liked. Whether my biking has given me a larger lung capacity or not, I am now breathing bilaterally and holding my breath between each intake. This allows me more buoyancy and my kick is more effective to keep me planing. I hope, if I can maintain this that I will be able to reduce my time, over time, of course. My goal is to do 5 miles before we head south. Hope to add .25 miles on each subsequent swim. Slow but steady. Wish me luck! I'll need it.
On another matter, riding mate, Ray Banks, passed along the following:
The recent mauling by a grizzlie in Kimberley
was done to Peter Moody and his wife, unfortunately. I think you knew
him from your days at the Ed. Library.This was my response:
Hi Raymond!
Corinne had heard something about the attack on the radio but I wasn't aware of it until you sent the message. I read an article from the Calgary Herald:
a few moments ago. What a horrific event! Quite amazing the Peter was able to walk 1-2K to nearest residence for help given his injuries and his age! (I think the link is still active but if not, Peter is 80! His wife is about twenty years younger.) I suppose he has maintained his fitness. He always impressed me as being pretty tough in that physical fitness sense. Bit like you, Robo Man, if I do say so!
I always liked Peter from my days in Education. He seemed much more down-to-earth than Garry, although Gaz was always most likeable even if he wanted everyone else to do his work for him! Do hope both Peter and his wife will recover completely. If you are in contact, please pass along my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Did you know either Peter Moody or Gary Pennington, Ski. At any rate, I later learned, from Ray, [Pat,
We received the message about Peter from Sylvia's
friends in Vancouver, Washington. Her brothers also know him very well.
Tough old boy, Peter, I'm sure. Speak with you later in the week. Ray],
that Peter tried to fight off the grizzly with his Nordic
Ski Poles, ones used for walking, I gather! When I told Chloë about the
terrifying encounter and that it was reported that the victims were
"distraught" she said, "Distraught! I guess they'd
be distraught!!!" Sounded so funny in the telling/re-telling but can
hardly imagine the terror of the reality! Better to be a sloth at YVR
than a mouthful of a grizzly's meal!
Went out to Iona, instead of Horsehoe Bay, on Wednesday, by myself, (Initially I was simply going to ride to 41st and Arbutus for a haircut but thought of dismounting dissuaded me!), along Spanish Banks/MD to CSTB, for a bit of extra distance. Needed some other riders to draft behind on way out as wind was fierce, although it was much warmer, overall. Bit like (Tuesday's run with Whirlygig and Robo Ray while you were a couch potatoe!) I went up Cambie to 57th and then across to Heather and back down to 70th to connect with MD back to UBC. A few dipsy-doodles around campus to have 88K by time I reached the bottom of the FSH. Then to Kits Point for a few loops to up kilometre count. Home with 102.2K over 5:02:48, AVG 20.2KPH, MAX52.3KPH. I decided that I should take advantage of the dry weather while it held.
We are in petty good shape for tomorrow's bash. Cora Lee will bake two hams in the morning but other than that most everything else is already prepared; chicken wings, salmon, (CL), meatballs and baked beans , (Clarisse), both in large electric crock pots. Did most of our shopping for dips, crackers, cheese, nuts, shortbread and tarts at Costco on Friday morning, hootch at Marquis Wines on Thursday. Rolled up the rug in the living room tonight and arranged chairs, etc., so not even much to do on that score. Hope to either swim at Aquatic Centre or ride stationary bike at False Creek CC, just across the way, in the morning while Coriandre prays for my black soul at church!
Hello the The Great Ronaldo and fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Wow how do you ride so long and not be bedridden? You sound
prepared for the party, I need you here to help me with mine on the
14th! Have fun tonight, tonight!
Maybe Ron and I will go for a paddle today, it is -3 but temperature is rising, 10 degrees tomorrow!
I don't remember Peter, what a terrible experience. Talk to you soon! Rhoda
Dear all,
Jane's dad died yesterday night at 11.15pm, peacefully, in his "own" bed, at the carehome where he had been since August 2010.
Probably he had had another stroke, and his breathing was heavy and
gurgling. After consultation with the medical staff he had only
palliative care. I saw him in the afternoon. Jane was there all day, and
when he died.
We emptied his room in the middle of the night and ended the long "day" with contemplation, lit candles, and a drink.
Ron was a good guy, even a good person, and an indefatigable
fighter, with a stiff-upper-lip and a wonderful sense of dry British
That he had his heart to the left of course does not bother me at
all. I am sad that I did not get to know him earlier, before the stroke
that took a lot of his strength twelve years ago. We could have had
endless talks about life and how to make it better
for the common man. Kjell
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