Saturday, 8 December 2012

IIDD, Winter Solstice: Saturday, December 8th

Lower your voice and strengthen your argument. -Lebanese proverb 


Sorry we missed you lasterday. Cobby got back from his exam and wanted a walk on the beach with his new camera. So we walked the MT to her music exam at VAM.

I was taken aback by the generous loot bag we found when we returned. The kids insisted it was a Hanukah gift and that as proscribed by the prophet Isaiah that the bottle must be opened immediately. Could I argue with that ancient edict? The Aberlour A'bunadh bottle itself was a most aesthetic experience, the wax top and the huge cork, the shape – the kids were fighting over what would happen to the empty vessel. The colour is unbelievably rich. And the flavour was wonderful especially after freezing our butts off in that incessant howling wind on Kits beach. The ferocity had barely let up since our fight back from SP. 

Amira said ‘Speyside, is that not like the dark side?’  

Thanks so much and Happy Hanukah. Please don’t let on to Santa if you see him.

Great ride in the storm lasterday. Let me know your riding plans today. I understand I am booked up until early after noon although the government has yet to decree.

Hope the seven no trump went your way last night, W

Hi Giggster!

Glad the pirate booty, (all purloined from Captain Barnacle's treasure chest!), was well received! Trust al the exams went well! I had hoped to connect for a number of reasons:

A) Wanted to make sure your jettisoned all the anaemic bilge water you typically swill!

B) Wanted to thank Tia Maria again, for the wonderful, wonderful card and Tintin in Tibet. Best presents by far! Needed it after Glasgow stole my copy of The Black Island! I hope sketch book and pocket book will provide enough doodling space for the cards I hope to receive in the future. The colourful texting gloves can be used for cycling until she receives her new iPhone, either for Hanukah or Christmas, or maybe both!

C) Newfie cards are for Kerry as with them she is bound to attract Sage as her partner. On the bidding front, Prince Valiant and I took on Coat Hanger and Preston of the North. They took first quick rubber and then after a wonderful meal of sustainable ham, Clarsse's scalloped potatoes, my steamed broccoli and cheese, with a Belgian, (I hommage to Hergé!), endive saladin, Rosita's apple crisp for dessert, we bounced back to take our own quick rubber. Neck and neck until last hand when Prince Valiant opened with 3 Clubs and Sarge bid 3 Diamonds. I had eight Spades, a void in Diamonds and a singleton Ace of Hearts. I knew distribution was wonky but bid 4 Spades. Dusty and PV both passed. When Sarge went to 5 Diamonds, I upped it to 5 Spades and Dusty went for 6 Diamonds. PV and Sarge both passed and I promptly redoubled!

I figured Dusty was void in Spades so I led my Ace of Hearts. Lucky I did as he was, as I had cunningly anticipated, without a single Spades. Next I led my Queen of Clubs as Jack, with three others, was showing on the table. Prince Valiant overtook with his King to win trick. I didn't think Clubs would go round again but his Ace took next trick as well so they were down two before they even had a chance to get in! The 500, (200 for first trick, 300 for each subsequent one, doubled and vulnerable. We each had a game on.), penalty put us ahead and they decided it was time to quit! Great good fun although, I must admit, I really didn't have many cards for most of the evening and every time we did manage to squeeze out a bid we tended not to have a fit and would invariably go down one or two or even three tricks!

With respect to riding today I'd like to join the lads this afternoon but I have mountains of errands to run and so have decided I'll head out shortly to UBC as I think the Seawall with be thick with people enjoying blue sky. On another matter, Chloë and I are selling Christmas trees tomorrow form 10:00am-2:00pm and then I plan to see  56 Up at Vancity Theater. We chatted about this on a ride a week or so ago:
In 1964, acclaimed filmmaker Michael Apted (Gorillas in the Mist, The World is Not Enough) began his career as a researcher on a new experimental series for Granada TV called Seven Up, which explored the Jesuit maxim “Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man.” The original concept was to interview 14 children from diverse socio-economic backgrounds from all over England, to see whether a class system was in place. By asking the children about their lives and their dreams for the future, differences in attitudes and opportunity were witnessed.
For almost a half century, Apted has interviewed the original group every seven years, examining the progression of their lives. Now they are 56. From cab driver Tony, to schoolmates Jackie, Lynn and Susan and the iconoclast Neil, the present age brings more life-changing decisions and surprising developments. From success and disappointment, marriage and childbirth, to poverty and illness, nearly every facet of life is discussed with the group, as they assess whether their lives have ultimately been ruled by circumstance or self-determination.

I couldn't believe my great good fortune as this is the only time I can take it in before we leave. (Fri. Dec 7, 8:10pm; Sat. Dec 8, 5:30pm; Sun. Dec 9, 3:00pm; Tue. Dec 11, 8:10pm; Thu. Dec 13, 8:00pm; Sat. Dec 22, 7:45pm) I cannot recommend it enough so please feel free to join me if you'd like/are able to do so. Chloë will take me to the theater directly from Burnaby where tree lot is located.

Time to suit up! Cheers, Il Conduttore!


Thanks for the invite. I may well join you but don’t wait if I am not there. I may have Tia at that time -- tbc.

Call me if the timing changes. The day looks promising. Where have I heard that before? G

 Hi Raymond!

Couldn't agree with you more about the weather, the wind in particular. I left Giorgio at Macdonald and Point Grey to do three loops of Kits Point and then a quick run back to Science World as I wanted to log at least 50K. After we left you were were literally struggling along Kits Beach, even fiercer, howling wind than when heading to Stanley Park if you can fathom that! I was regretting my decision to carry on as I fought my way home from Olympic Village, blocks of ice for feet and having to stand up on the flat just to inch ahead! Anyway, glad to have been out in the hurricane and have survived 51.3K of wind-tunnel experiment over 2:44:01, AVG 18.7KPH, 38.1KPH, worst stats ever in spite of your valiant efforts to keep the tether taut!

With respect to riding today I'd like to join the lads this afternoon but I have mountains of errands to run and so have decided I'll head out shortly to UBC as I think the Seawall with be thick with people enjoying blue sky. On another matter, Chloë and I are selling Christmas trees tomorrow form 10:00am-2:00pm and then I plan to see  56 Up at Vancity Theater. We chatted about this on a ride a week or so ago.

I couldn't believe my great good fortune as this is the only time I can take it in before we leave. (Fri. Dec 7, 8:10pm; Sat. Dec 8, 5:30pm; Sun. Dec 9, 3:00pm; Tue. Dec 11, 8:10pm; Thu. Dec 13, 8:00pm; Sat. Dec 22, 7:45pm) I cannot recommend it enough so please feel free to join me if you'd like/are able to do so. I know you are likely busy with tutoring tomorrow but have included times in case something fits. Sylvia might like to see film, as well. Chloë will take me to the theater directly from Burnaby where tree lot is located.

Hello to Peter, (and Rod, if along), and please wish him/them the best of the season. Thanks. Time to suit up! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Lads!

Too, too bad that neither of you will be able to attend 56 UP as if it is anything like the earlier installments it will be a simply remarkable Time-Travel journey. Of course I understand prior commitments, etc. See it if you can when possible.

On the cycling front, I had thought that I'd just do a quick run out to UBC but when I was on MD, traffic being as light as it was, I decided I'd try for CSTB as that would give me about a 61K ride, round trip. Once there, however, the lure of Iona without Giorgio's Guardian Angel dump trucks, (It was more than a pleasure to ride without any heavy vehicle traffic at all!), was so compelling that I decided to make my way there. Did a short dipsy-doodle along River Drive to #4 Road to Bridgeport to give me 30K on the clock by the time I was back at the foot of CSTB and making for River Rock Casino. Head wind was steady but nothing like day before and to a certain extent, to the extent I was able to gauge the shifting Aeolian gusts, more  of a sideways force, so I sped along. Made Iona Beach with 40K on the stump and I was gladdened to see that I was almost 15 minutes under the two hour mark.

 Spurred on by this recorded time, I tried to keep up a similar pace on return leg and managed to do so, the wind strong but not devastatingly so. Passed CSTB for another dipsy-doodle to Bridgeport Road and then made my way to Cambie, unfettered by pushy domestiques! Road works at 59th forced me to continue uphill to 57th where I turned west to Heather and thence back down to 70th. Once there, all the lights fell into sync and before I knew it, I was hurtling along SWMD.

Once back at Westbrook Mall I did the all too, too familiar loop through Wesbrook Village and then back to MD to 16th and then to Sasamat to 11th and then back to Blanca. Back to 16th and all the way to East Mall for loopage which would take me to Stadium Road. By then I had 80K on the trusty odometre so a run down West Mall to Memorial Road and then back on Main Mall to University Blvd for two loops of last bit and then back along West Mall to Stadium and MD. Had the distance down so I registered 87.3K just before the first block of Totem Park Residences.

Must say that I felt pretty good by the time I hit the bottom of the Foreshore Hill and really "attacked" the last leg of ride, 10K, inasmuch as I felt able and comfortable to maintain almost the same pace I'd set by the time I reached Iona. Didn't have to do and dipsy-doodles around Kits Point and sailed into the HBT with 102.3K on the chronometre, over 4:45:57, AVG 21.5KPH, MAAX 52.2KPH. Whether it was the relatively short ride of the previous day or the fact that my legs are starting to respond to longer rides, or a combo of both, I did enjoy the outing and how I felt once back.

Loaded my bike onto my car rack and headed out to WestPoint Cylces almost immediately to drop it off for a
mini-tuneup for coming vacation. Saw Andrea and mentioned that you had spoken to her day or so earlier, Raymondo. She wondered when you were planning a carbon fibre upgrade!

Home for a quick shower and change and then Sarge and I drove over to West Van. Town Hall Meeting about Civilty and Cyclists in Ambleside, held at one of The Sisterhood's Book Club's member's home, Heather Fraser. Lovely gathering, fabulous food and drink, although Sarge didn't imbibe as he was driving. Meet some interesting folk and now believe I have an "in" with City Council. There will now be three latte outlets between Park Royal and John Lawson Park. I trust you appreciate my lobbying on your behalf!

Back home we ferried Heather's daughter, Erica, to 13th and Granville, as she needed a ride "overtown" as Sarge would put it. Lovely young woman. She helped prepare many of the dishes. We dropped her at her brother's place. Scott just graduated from UBC with an MA in Public Health. Both bright young people so it was a delight to meet them, if only briefly. Home and downstairs to enjoy a few snorts of malt. Sarge was dry after abstaining all evening!

Not able to ride until Monday and forecast suggest 40% chance of showers. Will be in touch at any rate. Cheers., Patrizzio!

Pics: Some of the tapas, as it was a Spanish theme; Rick and his daughter, Erica; Heather, her cousin, and Erica.


Thanks for the invite to the Apted flicage. Family brunch here tomorrow with a late afternoon chaser -- squash match.

The sisterhood messed up my day and kept me from the ride with Rayes Cahones and San Pedro. It was a glorious day for a ride so I am hurting now, well not really. Man, this Aberlour could become a bad habit.

Hope to get a ride in before you take flight into promiscuous parts unknown. W

Hi Giggsomaniac!

Sounds as if we have lost one more Brother to The Sisterhood! When do you get your haircut, Samson?

As if losing you to the Sistas isn't bad enough, you go and follow in Captain Barnacle's tarry footsteps with your Aberlour habit. If they bring it, you will drink it! Ever heard of a daily ration of grog? Never mind tippling to dull the hurt! I'd like your panniers, lights and fancy cycling garb since you obviously won't be riding anymore, except to the Liquor Store, if that.

 Enough promiscuity in these parts without having to leave town to make me want to knock back some Shackleton's. Wassail, you Co-opted Bilge-Water Craving, Feeble Excuse-Making, Porch-Climber Habituated Dipsomaniac! Prohibition was meant for you, you Juicehead! Patrizzio, Puritan Above Reproach!

  • Nadienka Wyss I am, but u'd be too if a full bottle of water (in ur case single malt scotch) would spill in ur bag full of schoolpapers, books and laptop! I'm as grumpy as I can be;)
  • Patrick James Dunn Don't feel too, too badly as your Dear Host Mother, Cora Lee, dropped a VPL book into the foot bath when she was having a pedicure! She feel asleep and it slipped off her lap while she was waiting for her toenail polish to dry!

    Hi Everyone,

    As most of you would know by now, we're getting married next year! The wedding and reception will be held on June 8th, 2013 in Vancouver.

    We just wanted to send a little 'save the date' so you can put it on your calendar as we know things gets busy heading into summer.

    We hope you're all well. Enjoy the holiday season and we look forward to celebrating with you soon.

    Love, Laura & James

    Hi Laura and James!

    Great advance warning notice! Congratulations!!! Trust you are both well.
    Happy Christmas and a Helathy New Year! Cheers, Patrizzio!

        Thanks very much for the information on the 7UP series. I doubt we'll be able to make it looking at the schedule but I'll definitely catch it at some stage. I think I've watched them all over the years and each one has been worthwhile.
        Just the 2 of us on the ride and it was pretty much like yesterday without the sun. Very calm along the Fraser River and feel invigorated now that I've warmed up. Still a bit slippery under the Canada Line although it had been salted. Ray

Hey Nana...I am bring it on. #xmas2012
This is a friendly reminder of your bicycle service appointment booked
at West Point Cycles on West 10th. Ave. for tomorrow, Sunday, December 9th.

As long as your bicycle is delivered anytime before noon on Sunday, we
will have your service completed by 4pm.  You are welcome to drop it off
today if that is more convenient.

Our hours of operation are 9:30am to 6pm Monday to Saturday and 11am to
5pm on Sunday.

If you have any questions or concerns about your appointment, please
email us at or call the shop, 604-224-3536.

Thank you and we'll see you soon. Sales Team at West Point Cycles - West 10th. Ave.
Hi Patrick:  

Sorry I have been tardy in responding to yours of 20 Nov.,  seems I have been busier than usual of just plain lazy, or both.  Gave up on Dragon and shipped it back which was somewhat bittersweet, I hate failure, but it was driving me crazy (more like a short walk).  And to boot, being getting my annual package ready for Risto.  This takes a lot of thought especially because he only likes American made stuff and as you know, everything here is made in China or other faraway places in the realm, sometimes not even being able to spell the names.  Anyway yesterday got my package shipped off to Finland at the horrid cost of $138.50.  Think it was about what I spent on an assortment of cookies, candy and assorted other products needing dental attention!  Also a couple of books on George Armstrong Custer.  Did you know Custer wore an Arrow shirt at the battle of Little Big Horn?  (sick) but Custer and his nemesis Crazy Horse are my favourite duded.  Are you aware of them?  Of course I am always rooting for the Indians.

This epistle will be short as I need to get to a pet store.  My neighbour caught a little mouse in her cupboard and was going to kill the poor thing so I took it and will get it a cage.  Too cold to just let it loose.  
I don't know if you have visited with Erich of late, the last time I visited with him he hadn't spoken or messaged you.  As you might know he has been suffering these excruciating headaches and spinal pain too.  Last week he went to have an MRI and he has been diagnosed with inoperable brain tumor(s). Well this news about did me in, as we have become quite good friends, something that is in short supply the older we get.  Well I was left speechless not to mention saddened especially learning the length of time he has left is about one month.  I asked him if you knew and and told me he hadn't told many and had no problem in me advising you.  He is a very personal guy and in many such circumstances prefers to keep such news to himself.

I am sure he would enjoy having one of your uplifting e-mails.  This will be a very sad holiday.  Please keep him in your prayers as I do, enfold him with the light of healing.  You never know just how powerful prayer is.  Was hoping to take a drive to see you, but that will be put on 'hold' for the time being.

Special Holiday Greetings to you and yours, Thomas 
Hi Tomasino!

It goes without saying that both Corinne and I were utterly dismayed to hear about Erich's diagnosis. Of course I will send a message although I am not at all sure how to approach such a situation, not at all on my own account but for dear Erich, facing, as he is, such an unexpected, shocking death sentence.

With respect to close friends of my own, Jane's father died a week ago and then a few days later, his sister, her aunt, died. Some consolation inasmuch as both were in their '90's so did have reasonably long, full lives. Classmate from Library School, Nancy, phoned in early December to inform us that she has had a recurrence of breast cancer and will require more chemotherapy. But to learn of Erich's appalling situation is simply overwhelming, unbearable.

I trust you will not feel me overly insensitive but for my part I learned, quite early on, (My own Dad died when I was 19), that life must move on, not in spite of death, because because of it, if the lost lives are to have continued recognition and meaning.

Of course I do not know how Erich fares, as of this missive, but if you will be talking or visiting, please pass along our thoughts and prayers. Difficult beyond understanding as is to say, under the circumstances, Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you, Thomas, and your family. Cheers, Patrizzio!

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