Wednesday, 5 December 2012

IIDD, Winter Solstice; Wednesday, December 5th

That sorrow which is the harbinger of joy is preferable to the joy which is followed by sorrow. -Saadi, poet (c.1213-1291) 


1. A group of seven.
2. A period of seven days; a week.  


This should be the quorum for the NRBC and the peloton.

See you on River Road or on route to Iona, W,

Hi Giorgio and Best Boys!

See if you can run any cyclists, pesky, bothersome or just because they are there, off the road on the way to New West for touching or even looking at your truck! Take along a video cam and I'll show you how to upload footage to YouTube. The Nexus Polizei would love you for it! Not to mention the Guardian Angels out at Iona! Cheers, Patrizzio, Indie Film Producer and Director, Hebdomad/Nomad Productions in affiliation with Quorum Dream Works, Working on a Full Peleton Title Flicks and NRBC/ABC/BBC/CBC Movietone News of the World Inc., Ltd!

Hi Little White and Ricardo!

Thanks so much, to both of you, for arranging/delivering Mom's will yesterday! In retrospect, however, I suspect it would have been considerably less expensive to have had it couriered here after learning that Ruthless stayed for a protracted luncheon, eating us out of house and home! Glad she had a chance to visit with Rosita and Coat Hanger, however! I'm surprised they didn't drag in a passer-bye to play bridge!!!

Have attached a few snaps from wonderful weekend! Thanks again for everything. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! 

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 Hi Mark,

Johan Blaze joined your shared folder "Book Club drop box"!

Do any of you know this person? 8^) cheers, Mark

Hi Marcus Aurelius!

Person in questione is not known to me!

Sorry we didn't have more time together on this morning's ride but great to see the ranks of the Peleton swelling! Cheers, Patrizio!

Hey everyone,

Johan Blaze = Victor aka Vittorio aka freeloader aka Swedisah twin the elder. Sorry for the confusion and I know some of you are on the riper side, so to speak, so I hope I didn't give anyone a heart attack. That's just my email moniker, not my crime fighting alter ego. Victor

Dear Green NRBC in Waiting!

"Riper side" indeed! You young whipper snapper are still wet behind the ears and you'll need more than your superhuman powers to defend yourself against Robo Ray. Your disparaging comments set his pacemaker off and I'd be looking over my shoulder for the next little while. Check out the action on this link:

Robo Man makes these guys look like Good Samaritans. Of course I only have you half-figured out you half-witted nincompoop! The NRBC eats guys like you for breakfast, (We dream about Swedish meatballs and Dim Sum), and spits on your more than egregious spelling error), (Pattrizio), at one and the same time! Keep it up Pal and you'll be asking, nay begging Sarge for protective custody. The malt levy just went up another notch and does it ever have a long way to go, given the subterranean level set by your initial offering, you presumptuous Pup, you! "Wild" accusations, I think not. Wild imaginings about being allowed to join the Secret Society of Non-Readers and Over-Tipplers, perhaps.

But I leave this pettiness to the Membership Committee for I must hie me to the Sandbar where my family is to wine an dine me now that I am almost the "ripe" old age of 65! Cheers and Wassail, Antediluvian Dunn!

Patient:  Patrick Dunn

You are due for your dental check-up and cleaning in January 2013.  Please call our office to book an appointment.  We are looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

Hi Gents,

I left the Audio and two ebook version of Catherine the great in the Book Club drop box if you are interested. Cheers Moe

Thanks so much for the pictures.  I enjoyed last night so much.  It was lovely to share the evening with you all.   
Our Phoenix home address is: Sun City, AZ
(haven't memorized the zipcode yet!)
As I mentioned - our Winnipeg number will work in Arizona -
I can't promise the quality of malt that we shared last night ;)- but we look forward to some drinks around the pool. Bring your suit, we've decided to heat the pool over the winter months :)
again, thanks to all for last night, Louise

Hi Louise and the rest of The Durston Sisterhood!

Thanks very much for your address! We won't need bathing suits since after we have a few malts we can go in starkers!

Happy Christmas to you and your family, Louise. We'll be in touch, probably from LA, when we have a firm date for our three month stay at your place!!! In all likelihood, around the 11th or 12th of January. Will include list of preferred foodstuffs, snacks, wine and, of course, malt, all to be stocked well before our arrival! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS:  If you think I'm pushy, wait until Cora Lee starts to re-arrange your furniture! Furthermore, I suggest that you have a reading lamp on her bedside table otherwise she will become even krankier than she already is! Be forewarned!!! 

To: All UBC Students, Faculty and Staff

The plaza, located at the intersection of University Boulevard and Main
Mall, represents the symbolic heart of the campus as it is at the junction
of two principal and historic promenades on campus. A new fountain in the
plaza will give physical form to that symbolism. The UBC Naming Committee
has approved the naming of this plaza as the Patrick Dunn Plaza in honor of
Patrick Dunn, UBC's 333rd Librarian (1970 - 2002). It is the busiest
non-stop cycling intersection at UBC, crossed by thousands of people daily.

The new fountain -- designed by Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg and to be
completed in 2012 -- will celebrate a new concept at the plaza, called The
Pulse. This concept will be expressed through the water flow, which will be
regulated by computers programmed to coincide with class breaks, reflecting
the rhythm of campus life. At their peak, the jets will be 12 feet high but
only during the 10 minute period between classes. At night, the fountain
will be switched to a mist, reducing energy use. The fountain will
re-circulate potable water through an electric pump. These water features
demonstrate UBC's commitment to using stormwater as a resource, harnessing
it to provide an active, lively and engaging public space for the campus
community. Looking down into the fountain bowl, you will see the name of
every faculty and department at UBC inscribed in sheet metal, helping
instill a stronger sense of place at UBC.

A formal opening of the Patrick Dunn Plaza will be held in the spring and
details will be forthcoming.

Stephen J. Toope, President and Vice-Chancellor


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