Anchored with a sick child today. Anyone interested in a ride around 3:pm? G, iPhoned
Thanks, I'm coaching at 3:00. 8^) cheers, Mark
Dear Peletonii!
Giggster was able to get away earlier than 3:00pm so he came by HBT and we proceeded to do an up and over LG, riding along the Spirit Trail for a bit before making our way back to Prospect Point. A complete circuit of the Seawall once we reached the playground and then we retraced our steps around Science World. I accompanied Whirlagge to Point Grey/Macdonald before heading home to log 50.3K by the time I was back at the HBT so not a bad ride considering it was supposed to rain! Cheers, Il Conduttore
Hi Kids!
Terrific to see everyone yesterday. Sorry we missed some of you. Gather you may well have been at the earlier sitting. Anyway, it was a terrific time, wonderful venue/food and incredible trio. Had the joint jumpin'! What a way to end a grand festival!!!
Keep in touch. My wife, (Cora Lee), and I live near Granville Island so if anyone is going to be there for shopping or strolling and wants to stop by for a java or a single malt, send me a message beforehand and I can provide directions. If timing works, given, everyone's busy lives, we'd be delighted to have you pop by. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Last snap is shot from Granville Bridge as I walked home from Fan Club.
PS: For any of you who didn't receive earlier snaps, taken at PCP, and would like them, let me know and I'll send them along.
Terrific to see everyone yesterday. Sorry we missed some of you. Gather you may well have been at the earlier sitting. Anyway, it was a terrific time, wonderful venue/food and incredible trio. Had the joint jumpin'! What a way to end a grand festival!!!
Keep in touch. My wife, (Cora Lee), and I live near Granville Island so if anyone is going to be there for shopping or strolling and wants to stop by for a java or a single malt, send me a message beforehand and I can provide directions. If timing works, given, everyone's busy lives, we'd be delighted to have you pop by. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Last snap is shot from Granville Bridge as I walked home from Fan Club.
PS: For any of you who didn't receive earlier snaps, taken at PCP, and would like them, let me know and I'll send them along.
Trust you and Patrizio made it home safely yesterday!
I thought I'd send along the following:
Michelle Mallette
Student Services Coordinator |
School of Library, Archival & Information Studies
The iSchool at The University of British Columbia | Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
470 – 1961 East Mall, Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z1
e: | t: 604.822.2461 (direct) | skype: mmallette.ubc
Applying to SLAIS? Join our virtual admissions
house.Take a look and let me know if you any questions. The links won't work from the message, (I don't think!), but I'm sure you will be able to find the lives ones. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, hope all is well. Please send the text of your words for Annie to me, as I wish to print them and send to Noreen. Thanks Pat, peace/colin
Hi Colin!
Thanks for the message as I didn't have your email address. UBC changed systems this past summer and I wasn't able to move much of my address book to new system before I learned that access to former would no longer be supported. As well, we just finished our last shift at VWF on Saturday evening and then had a full day on Sunday with VIFF Volunteer party in the afternoon and a dinner for neighbours of the couple we will be doing a house exchange with, in Cornwall, next summer. Gudrun and Stephen are here visiting their son, Mark, the husband of Krissy, (Pig on the Street food truck people), daughter of Gayle and Derek, (house exchange people), but last night was only time we could all get together. Just to make things even more hectic we had to deal with a blocked toilette at The Annexe so Chloë has been sleeping here for last two nights. Mr Plumber is to come tomorrow at 9:00am so hope it is nothing too, too complicated! Need to have things in working order when Clara and Dusty arrive at the end of this month!
On a more serious note, I gather, from Chloë, that things are not going well for Adrian. I can only imagine how terribly upsetting and unbelievably difficult this must be for everyone involved. It goes without saying that both Corinne and I are deeply distressed and concerned, for Adrian and his children, as well as you and all of your family. We trust that there will be some sort of solution, as amicable and positive as possible under such traumatic circumstances, in the not too, too distant future. Please extend our heartfelt concern to Adrian when next you talk. He sent a very touching and moving message to Chloë and I after learning of Mom's death. Again, I simply haven't had the time to respond properly and won't until I know that affairs are more settled and he is facing less turmoil than must, at present, be engulfing him. Again, our thoughts are with you both. Fond regards, Corinne and Patrick.
Thank you Pat. Adrian meeting with lawyer this morning in Camobell River, difficult time. Peace/Colin
Hi again Colin!
Thank you for update. Once again, we are thinking of all concerned. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Mr. Dunn aka P-Diddy!
Haha yes we made it home that night. Of course, we had to since it is my job to look after the cub, lil pat : )
Thank you so much for the information and links. I really hope it all works out. I recently applied to the richmond library board as a trustee, hopefully if I get into that that'll be something that will boost my application. I'm also considering volunteering at a library, although not sure to what extent, also in hopes it'll help boost my application. Are there any other things you would suggest? Either way, I will also contact Michelle about the application process. My only other concern is reference letters and hoping my old profs will remember me and if I can get a reference letter from someone in the field
Thank you again Patrizzio Sr. Talk soon Take care, "Vittorio"
Hi Vittorio and Patrizio!
Glad info was of some help, Vittorio. I think your decision to apply to Richmond Library Board as a Trustee is a good move, as well as volunteering at a library. Onward! Fight!!! Cheers to the Swedish Twins, Patrizzio!
Patrick James Dunn
- Hi Rebekah:
I received a strange message, supposedly from you, yesterday:
Rebekah Balfour []
That's all "you" wrote! Did you actually send this or is it some sort of virus/spam? Anyway, thought I'd contact you to find out. Trust your studies go well. Busy times here with VIFF and VWF just over. Aunt Cora Lee and I volunteered, she for latter only. Rosie The Riveter and Coat-Hanger Durston arrive at the end of the month. Lucky us. I can almost taste the biscuits! Cheers, Uncle Patrizzio!
How is Cheryl's Aviva project doing? Cheers, Patrizzio!
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