VIFF Volunteer Party, Fan Club
The Blonde Bombshells!
Chef Tanya with The Babes!
Wayne The Music Man!
Band Extraordinaire had the Joint Jumpin'!
Trio Mania!
Downtown Nikki!
Taylor, portrait of an artist as a young man!
Patrizio, Gilliana and Vittorio, (the Swedish twins!)
Snow-shoe Judith and Company!
Taylor hits the Big Time!
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Mr Piano Man! |
are the Five Rules for Men to Follow for a Happy Life that Russell J.
Larsen had inscribed on his headstone in Logan , Utah. He died
not knowing that he would win the "Coolest Headstone" contest.
1. It's important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks from time to time, cleans up, and has a job.
2. It's important to have a woman who can make you laugh.
3. It's important to have a woman who you can trust, and doesn't lie to you.
4. It's important to have a woman who is good in bed, and likes to be with you.
5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other or you could end up dead like me.
hi there pat and corrine, i think bev wrote to you since we have been back, but anyway
thank you very much for letting us stay at your place, we thoroughly enjoyed it there and next
time we will stay longer only if pats not there. we are now back to normal so all is well.
lisa re-arrainged the house and threw out everything she thought we never used. the weather
here has been hot and cold so can't really complain. i really think pat by blaming ray for falling
off your bike was a bit rough though. do you have barry gilmore's email address and also bill gross, i lost them. once more thank you for everything kevin and bev
Hi Bev and Kev!
Terrific to hear from you, Kev. I trust that you are back to normal as you didn't mention anything about your cough. I know all about re-arrangement. I came home a few weeks ago and thought I was in the wrong apartment! Living room furniture, other than malt cabinet, in completely different spots around the room! Quite comfortable, I must admit! I'm even getting used to new coffee maker. See how flexible I am!!!
We had Mom's Memorial a week ago Sunday and it went very well. It was something that had occupied us, as you can imagine, ever since she died. Into this mix I was volunteering at the Van Int Film Fest for two weeks prior to that and then this past week it was the Van Writers Festival. Cora Lee and I were running the small bar at Studio 1398, one of the venues. It is on the third floor of the building immediately to your left as you crossed the water park on your route to the compost bin! Really miss having you around for that chore, let me tell you! Miss Bev's nasty remarks about me as well!!!
Don't worry about me being rough on Ray as I still have a twinge or two in my side, particularly when Cora Lee gives me a kick in the middle of the night! Speaking of Ray and Sylvia, they came down with really, really nasty colds about three weeks ago and Sylvia is still suffering. Ray didn't ride at all for two weeks or more and just went for a short ride with Whirlygig and I last Thursday. He came with us part way out to UBC and then turned around and made for home. At least he is feeling well enough to make a gradual return. Neither of them were able to come to Memorial, as a result of their persistent colds/coughs.
Had a full day this past Sunday with VIFF Volunteer party in the afternoon and a dinner, in the evening, for neighbours of the couple we will be doing a house exchange with, in Cornwall, next summer. Gudrun and Stephen are here visiting their son, Mark, the husband of Krissy, (Pig on the Street food truck people), daughter of Gayle and Derek, (house exchange people), and that night was only time we could all get together.
Just to make things even more hectic we had to deal with a blocked toilette at The Annexe, (discovered Sunday morning), so Chloƫ has been sleeping here for last few nights. Mr Plumber came today at 10:00am and after more than an hour managed to unplug the pipes: Baby Wipes which Chloƫ must have been using to remove makeup! Why on earth she would flush them I have no idea. I will pop in to the GIB to ask her when I do your chore, Kev, of emptying the compost bucket! Glad all is back to normal as Clara and Dusty arrive at the end of this month!
Here are the two email addresses you requested for Barry Gilmore and Bill/Denise Gross.
How goes the job on clearing out your workshop/garage? Did you use the the plaster to anchor the fence posts? Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee and Maggie! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: View from Granville Bridge last Sunday afternoon when I walked back from VIFF Volunteer Party downtown; dinner last Sunday evening; my "haul" from Norm Cardinal's sample sale last week.
Dear Mr Dunn,
Thank you for your email regarding Canada’s recent stance towards global climate change and the need for a change in our international position regarding climate change.
I have been extremely disappointed in this government’s attitudes and policies regarding climate change. As you note, the most damning example of the government’s disregard came to light at the United Nations Climate Change Summit in Durban, where Canada actively withdrew from the Kyoto protocol and encouraged other countries to do the same. I was personally dismayed and offended to think that this new attitude would reflect on me as a Canadian and Member of Parliament, given the prior Liberal government’s strong support for an environmental protocol beginning with Kyoto.
Since that time, Peter Kent (Minister of the Environment) has said next to nothing about what we, as a country, plan to do to mitigate the insidious problem of climate change. If anything, he has done the very opposite, claiming by times that persons publicly disagreeing with Conservative government’s environmental position were committing treason. This new polarization of the discourse surrounding the environment will only hamper progress in the long term. And progress is exactly what we need on this issue.
There can be no mistake: climate change may be the most profoundly important issue we have to confront for the foreseeable future. Equally, there can be little doubt that the present government is dropping the ball. What we need is thoughtful, deliberate policy designed to curtail carbon emissions and transition to a greener, more productive economy. I can assure you that I and my caucus colleagues will be vigilant in holding this government accountable for its position on the environment, and will continue to push for policy sanity in the domain of global climate change. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Sincerely, Hon. Dr. Hedy Fry P.C., M.P. Liberal Party of Canada – Health Critic Vancouver Centre
Dear Environment Minister Kent
Like most Canadians, I support international efforts to combat climate change. I also share the anger and frustration of many Canadians and people around the world over Canada’s inability to play a constructive role at the UN climate change summit in Durban, South Africa.
Canada should commit to the Kyoto Protocol, the legally binding agreement it ratified along with 190 other countries. If our representatives cannot make a positive contribution to finding climate change solutions, they should go home and stop impeding progress.
Canada’s actions in Durban will not only hinder international efforts to reach a strong and realistic agreement, they will also set a poor example for other countries. If a wealthy industrialized country such as ours, which is one of the Top 10 global warming polluters, fails to honour a legally binding agreement with firm pollution targets, why should we expect developing countries to reduce their emissions?
I ask you to commit to Kyoto and start contributing to global efforts to find climate change solutions or leave the summit now.
Sincerely, Patrick Dunn Vancouver, BC
Like most Canadians, I support international efforts to combat climate change. I also share the anger and frustration of many Canadians and people around the world over Canada’s inability to play a constructive role at the UN climate change summit in Durban, South Africa.
Canada should commit to the Kyoto Protocol, the legally binding agreement it ratified along with 190 other countries. If our representatives cannot make a positive contribution to finding climate change solutions, they should go home and stop impeding progress.
Canada’s actions in Durban will not only hinder international efforts to reach a strong and realistic agreement, they will also set a poor example for other countries. If a wealthy industrialized country such as ours, which is one of the Top 10 global warming polluters, fails to honour a legally binding agreement with firm pollution targets, why should we expect developing countries to reduce their emissions?
I ask you to commit to Kyoto and start contributing to global efforts to find climate change solutions or leave the summit now.
Sincerely, Patrick Dunn Vancouver, BC
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