![]() |
Sarge in all his finery after 30 years of faithful service! |
Donna Morrissey |
Another moniker for Captain Barnacle. W
Hi Giggster!
I guess we'll have to change the words to the song now: Jeremiah was a Barnacle. Bull frogs are probably an endangered species by now, anyway.
On another note, I received this email this morning. Obviously from the Mob in HK wanting to deal with The Sisterhood and their unfettered spending:
Dear Counsel,
Your service and your consultation is highly needed as Payment collector for our company,Your services will be paid for. Contact
(mr.noelhoiyang@yahoo.com.hk) for more details
Signed By Noel Hoi Yang,
Director, Imp. & Exp. Dept.
{I found this, I'm guessing, from his brother:
Tel/Fax: 85 230 102 510
Dear friend,
It is understandable that you might be a little bit apprehensive because you do not know me but I have a lucrative business proposal of mutual interest to share with you.
Let me start by introducing myself. I am Mr. Ming Hoi Yang operations manager of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd, Des Voeux Road Branch,Central Hong ! Kong.Hong Kong. I have a obscured business suggestion for you.
Note his email: This guy has large cojones as he is in stir, doing heavy time in Walla Walla!]
Obscured business suggestion, indeed! Imagine there will be plenty of Jeremiahing going once the tongs start stepping on Gucci clad toes! Perhaps Raymondo could offer his services and pay for a CB road bike that way! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Thank you
The one on the couch made me laugh. See you at the brunch. Doing 12-2pm. It was a pleasure Patrizzio Elizabeth, VIFF! |
I have just arranged, with The Millionaires, to borrow their Rolls Royce Silver Cloud, for the evening of Saturday, November 17th, so that we might arrive, in style, at your esteemed establishment. I trust that there will be Valet Parking available!
Let me thank you, in advance, for your hospitality. As well, I have been directed by The Sisterhood to remind the short order cook in the kitchen at Ernie's greasy spoon to remember that gluten-free is de rigueur. She claims to remember ta serious culinary faux pas on a past occasion and wishes not to repeat dining on olives alone! (Ernie'a a good enough lad, but a tad slow on the uptake, methinks!) Bit Jeremiah-ish, I know, but I am only the messenger!
I remain, as ever, yer 'umble servant, scribe and prognosticator, Patrizzio J, (for Jeremiah, not James), Dunn, Esq. and Director, Imp. & Exp. Dept., Dawe Wine Cellars, Parksville, Obscured Business Suggestion pending!
Dear Patrick,
The Festival has officially arrived!
First of all, thank you so much for all your hard work in getting the word out on the streets about the 2012 Vancouver Writers Fest! You have all done a fantastic job.
If you have any program guides left, this is the time for one final push, so please do distribute them around your zone as soon as possible if you are able. If all of your locations are stocked for the duration, then we would be grateful if could bring any remaining materials back here to the Festival office, so we can distribute them during the rest of the Festival. If you have already done this, thank you and please disregard this message.
Also, if you have any specific notes on your distribution zone/locations or suggestions for the future please send it/bring it in to me by October 30th. We will be sending out the regular feedback forms after the festival, so if you prefer to put your comments on for the feedback form, that is fine also.
Lastly, if you haven't picked up your volunteer package yet, please come into the office and pick it up as soon as possible. If you bid for the ticket lottery, you may have a ticket waiting, and there are also fabulous volunteer bags this year! Plus your name badge will get you free standby admission into events with tickets still available.
Thanks again, and best of the Fest to you all! I hope you get the opportunity to go and see some of the fantastic events. With warmest wishes, Lili
Lili Okuyama, Volunteer Assistant, Vancouver Writers Fest
Hi Lili:
Corinne did the final distribution over a week ago and returned one full box of programs. I had updated the distribution list last year and there are a few changes this year. Corinne told Kathryn about these but we can go over them with you, at some point, if necessary. The other thing I wonder about has to do with where the programs are actually distributed. Should other venues on GI not receiving programs be approached? Should some of the ones currently taking them continue to be on the list? Let me know if you'd like to chat about this.
Took in Donna Morrissey this evening and she was superb, truly wonderful! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
A splendid time is guaranteed for all!
Ernie is confused as usual: will Corinne be bringing Faux Paws the cat
riding shotgun in the Silver Cloud? Valet parking is available. Valet has a
penchant for rare single malts.
GF duly noted -- and extra olives in case Ernie has a grey cloud moment.
Kerry is GF as well so the sisterhood can binge together while the wheat
bellies gorge on other sustainable grains and elixirs. W
Hi Giggster!
Thanks for registering me for the Macallan Tasting! I pre-registered as soon as I read your invitation. Look forward to event. I gather Amira will be along so should be even more fun!
I'll forward links to Colin. Film looks fascinating.
Couldn't get over how nice a day it turned out to be. Around 12:30pm I rode back down to FX to pay Norm balance of my "closet" bill! Pulled a Sisterhood and bought yet another shirt! Then I headed to Aquatic Centre and did 2K. Was really pleased at how my shoulder felt. Not any pain or discomfort so it was a delight to be back with the snorkel after almost a year!
I gather you were not able to extricate yourself from the clutches of The Sisterhood. Too, too bad as the Reception was fabulous. When I hadn't heard from you I called Jane, Kjell's amore, and she was free and interested so she hopped on a bus and came over. Around 4:30pm we strolled over to Performance Works and started off the event with a five pickled onion martini, gin courtesy of the Pemberton distillery, Schramm:
hard to tell who was pickled, me or the onions! Spread was simply wonderful so we grazed and flitted, meeting various authors, (Andreas Schroeder was first one we bumped into and I knew him from days at UBC when he used ILL to obtain materials for the spot he did on Basic Black about con men, scam artists and the like. Last saw him a number of years ago when I was a book launch for his Renovating Heaven, an incredibly entertaning account of his Mennonite father and family.), friends and fellow volunteers. Lost track of Jane at some point and she took off with my sandwiches in her backpack, (I'd made a couple just in case there wasn't much to eat at Reception. Fortunately this was certainly not the case!), so I guess she won't need to pack her bag lunch tomorrow!
I walked down to Festival House, (after my second martini!), and met Cora Lee. We set the bar up around 7:00pm and chatted with people waiting for doors to open. One of our first customers was Marcus Aurelius. He was along with Susan so we had a great chat as bar wasn't all that busy. Mark actually went down to main floor to pick up our tickets for us, five minutes before showtime. I'd put our names down on Waiting List when I arrived. we started to put away most of the hootch when he returned and were able to sit in the second row, right beside them.
Donna Morrisey was simply wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. As the program notes: "She is funny, captivating, serious, heartfelt and self-deprecating." She read from her latest novel, The Deception of Livvy Higgs and in the Q&A session afterwards I asked her about David Adams Richards and The River of the Brokenhearted as, to my mind, she explores some of the same themes, in particular, the corrosive enmity between different families, the English/Irish divide, etc. She is some woman, some writer, some firecracker. I went downstairs, before going to Reception to see if Flamin' was interested in going to hear her but she had a Strata meeting and was curling afterwards. Really a shame as I know she would have been more than taken with Morrisey. I picked up Kit's Law, her first novel, and had it signed before I left.
Are we still on for tomorrow? I spoke to Ray earlier this afternoon and he said, depending on how he is feeling, that he might join us. I told him about rendezvous on Macdonald/Point Grey, around 9:30am? We don't have to go to Iona but could dipsy-doodle around UBC and Ray could head back on 16th if he wants to go that far. Let me know around 8:00am and we'll plan accordingly.
Thanks again for Macallan invitation. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Sounds like I missed a great talk and reception.
plan works for me – 9:30 start at MacDonald and Point Grey although any
other start gate and time is also amenable to me. Call me
to confirm when it convenient. W
This is the doppelganger for Colin and why I asked: stephen jenkinson
We met him by serendipity on Cortes this summer. His film, Grief Walker, is quite compelling.
Mike moved upstairs late this afternoon, was alert all day (I think because I pushed for Tylenol vs vicodin (ty. plus codeine)
He ate a bit of dinner, seems his sweet taste buds are the only ones operating at present . . (normal) . .
I was there from 9 - 10:30 this am, then they took out the last
drain tubes from his chest. I came back from 2 to 6:45 pm. We watched
the men's US / Guatemala soccer game (he was a good sport to watch it
for me since it's not really his interest). We read
the paper, joked, and chatted.
He was really in a good mood and wanted to know when I was coming
back tomorrow, so he's up for visitors. I will alert the locals . . .
His heart is still in irregular rhythm (a-fib), but dr. is not concerned . . . normal after this type of surgery.
Tomorrow phys. therapy begins. I asked them to call me so I could
talk to the phys. therapist. . . . want to see what I need to do when he
comes home, Am guessing he'll be home Fri or Sat.
Will let you all know when he is home. Thanks for the support. Marilyn
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