Monday, 29 October 2012

IIDD, Moondance: Sunday, October 28th

I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could. -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948)

The item above, called the "Fallen Astronaut," is a small aluminum statue (about 3" tall) and a plaque with the names of eight American astronauts and six Soviet cosmonauts who died during the Space Race. It is regarded as "the only piece of art on the moon," and was created by a Belgian artist named Paul Van Hoeydonck.  Astronauts David Scott and Jim Irwin, Apollo 15 astronauts, were able to bring the Fallen Astronaut on board without NASA's knowledge. The two placed the statue on Mons Hadley, one of the moon's highest known peaks at roughly 4.5 kilometers.
Ayn P.
A Village Rape Shatters a Family, and India’s Traditional Silence
Hi To all,

Unfortunately due to some hitch at work I have to work on this Sunday and will miss you enlightening conversation. See you next time. Enjoy, Moe

sorry for the late note - i won't make it tonight too... i am 1/2 way through the River of.... book. have a good evening, Misha

Six artists, including Andy Warhol, created a tiny art gallery the size of a thumbnail, and the Apollo 12 astronauts brought it to the moon. The tiny exhibit, a replica of which can be seen at the link, is still up on the moon.

Today I took advantage of rain-free weather to go for a long ride. Since I had no word from either Raymondo or Whirlygig I set off for Horseshoe Bay at 10:30am, solo. Headed around Science World and then to Stanley Park Seawall to cross over Lions Gate. Very little traffic on Marine Drive once I was in West Vancouver so the ride to HB Village/Ferry Terminal was most pleasant. Having done this ride a fair number of times, of late, I  find it is becoming easier as I know when to gear down and pace myself for the changing terrain.

Back home with 70K on the clock, I made for UBC as I wanted to log at least 100K. After the roller coaster of the HB ride, cycling along Spanish Banks was pretty relaxed and even the Foreshore Hill didn't seem much compared to the ascent out of HB! (Freighters in English Bay were but toy boats on a mirror.) Once skirting the campus I decide to continue along Marine Drive to Crown. By so doing I knew I'd have about 110K under my belt by the time I completed the return trip. I decided to go this far, in part, due to the lack of a strong headwind plus the fact that my legs felt pretty good. Only negative incident I experienced was not being able to open the granola bar I taken along in case I needed a bit of an energy boost. After failing with my teeth, (I couldn't gain purchase with my gloved hands as they were too slippery!), and almost swerving into a small pothole, I've decided I need to cut a small slit in the "super-tough-virtually-impossble-to-open-except-with-a-scalpel" wrapping before I leave on such a long outing! Made due with some of the gum I usually take along so I was fine.

By the time I was back at the Heartbreak Terrace I showed 115k on my trusty odometre so I thought, "What the hell, go for 120K!" and made for the Cambie Bridge. From past experience, I knew I could log an extra 6K, with just a bit of conscious dipsy-doodling, so did just that and pulled up with 121.3K over 5:55:23, AVG 20.4KPH, Max 52.6KPH. Quite chuffed at AVG as my last 100K ride was only 18.6KPH, but then I was with a partial Peleton for first part of ride out to Iona and its predilection is to lollygag at times!!! Came in and after locking up my bike in storage area, had a wonderful cup of java. Had been thinking about it for last 40K or so. Don't allow myself any caffeine before a long ride as heaven forbid, I might have to stop to relieve a full bladder! 


Hi Moe et al:

You, Misha, were missed but Dave was able to make it after his volunteer shift. It was great to have him back in the fold even though he, along with Guy and Mark, had not finished the book or even opened its cover! I am glad that you, unlike Misha, were not able to come because you had not finished the assigned reading! Given the group's terrible track record, Giorgio is working on sanctions to be levied against Non-Readers for lack of compliance with NRBC's constitution and will post penalties with his next missive. Cheers, Il Dictatore!!!

  • Ayn P Pierre is downstairs and all I heard was Mommmmmm! lol

  • Chloe Alexis Dunn Oh sissy!!! Be careful!!!! Member stand in the door way!!

  • Ayn P We're ok Chloe owie bowie

  • Ed Johnson No get under furniture
  • Patrick James Dunn Queen Charlotte Islands also experienced a quake! Not really a laughing matter!!!

Almost abroad!!! Mariners hold onto your hats, the ladies are thirsty!!!

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