Thursday, 11 October 2012

IIDD, Moondance: Thursday, October 11th

Few are the giants of the soul who actually feel that the human race is their family circle. -Freya Stark, explorer and writer (1893-1993) 

 "[Here] are the words of an actual hunter-gatherer -- an Inuit from Greenland made famous in the Danish writer Peter Freuchen's Book of the Es­kimo. Freuchen tells how one day, after coming home hungry from an unsuccessful walrus-hunting expedition, he found one of the successful hunters dropping off several hundred pounds of meat [for him]. He thanked him profusely. The man objected indignantly:

" 'Up in our country we are human!' said the hunter. 'And since we are human we help each other. We don't like to hear anybody say thanks for that. What I get today you may get tomorrow. Up here we say that by gifts one makes slaves and by whips one makes dogs.'

"The last line is something of an anthropological classic, and simi­lar statements about the refusal to calculate credits and debits can be found through the anthropological literature on egalitarian hunt­ing societies. Rather than seeing himself as human because he could make economic calculations, the hunter insisted that being truly hu­man meant refusing to make such calculations, refusing to measure or remember who had given what to whom, for the precise reason that doing so would inevitably create a world where we began 'comparing power with power, measuring, calculating' and reducing each other to slaves or dogs through debt."

Debt: The First 5,000 Years, David Graeber, Melville House, 2011


Sorry you cannot join the peloton – the largest in recent history.

Are you going to send out an invite to the Memorial Service?  We would like to attend.

Bunbury is going to ride with us this morning – I suppose in your place. W

Hi Guys,
I just had a chat with Patrick and he’s not able to make the ride. As well it is very foggy and wet at my place at any rate and doesn’t seem like a very pleasant riding environment. I’m going to pass and go to Colleen’s class. I hope we can do this again next week after the weekends rain has passed. Hope you have a good ride if you go .
Cheers, Al 

Ray, do you think we need more time? G

    Sorry, I'll have to cancel this morning. Didn't sleep much last night and need to get some rest this morning. My apologies. You probably need 25 minutes to get across there. Please let me know you have received this.

HI Patrick
How are you both? It was great o hear about how your trip progressed Jenne

Peter Freuchen

The once mighty peloton, Lance, and performance enhancing:


Sorry you cannot join us. See you soon I hope. Pat was talking about a Saturday morning ride if it is not pelting rain.

As it turns out, Mark and I are the sole (soul) riders left of the once mighty peloton. Does this have a connection to Lance and his demise? I can only hope that there are some good drugs to be had. G

Hi Lads!

I apologize for not announcing this earlier. I had been meaning to send out this message once we had finalized the date. At any rate, the service will be held this coming Sunday, October 14th, at Trinity United, 1805 Larch Street, at 2:30pm. We will be having a reception, at the church, after the service, mainly for those elderly members of the congregation who knew Mom, followed by a more traditional "wake" back at our place. Everyone is welcome at both, of course. However, please do not feel obligated, in any way, as everyone has already expressed condolences and I know people's lives are busy and other engagements may well have been made. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Mens' & Ladies' Spring & Fall Clothing

Lots of dress shirts, sport shirts, sweaters, suits, sports jackets, pants, belts, ties and much more!

Location: Room 222 - 1951 Glen Drive
The FX fashion building next to Home Depot on Terminal Ave
When:   Friday, October 12, 2012 through the following week
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Available from 10 am to 2 pm on Sunday (call ahead to arrange)
Hi Patrick,

Thanks for the VIFF snaps. These ones are good. 

See you at the brunch party next week.


Hi Patrick,

Please send me the volunteer pictures we took today. Thanks, Andre

The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, the iSchool at The University of British Columbia, regrets to announce the sudden passing of one of its well -known alumni, Alexander “Sandy” Slade. Sandy died unexpectedly on Wednesday, October 3, shortly after returning from a trip to Italy with his wife Margaret. He was 62 years old.

Considered an early expert on distance library services in Canada, Sandy Slade is perhaps best known for his work on Library Services for Off-Campus and Distance Education: An Annotated Bibliography, now in its fifth edition under the title Library Services for Distance Learning. Sandy first proposed the idea of an annotated bibliography in 1987, when he was part of the Canadian Library Association’s Library Services for Distance Learning Interest Group. The first edition, written by Sandy along with Sheila Latham and Carol Budnick, was published in 1991 by the American Library Association and from England, the Library Association. For the second and third editions, published by Libraries Unlimited, Sandy was author with Marie Kascus, and he was sole author for the fourth edition, published in electronic format only in 2005.

He graduated with a BLS from UBC in 1971, and went to the University of Waterloo to work as a reference librarian. In 1981, he was hired by University of Victoria Libraries as the Program Director for Library Extension Studies, later renamed Continuing Studies, and it was there he developed his passion for library services to distance students, for which he received the CACUL Outstanding Librarian award. He returned to UBC to complete his MLS in 1990, and later served as executive director of the Council of Prairie and Public University Libraries (COPPUL) from 2001-2011. He retired in December 2011.

A private family service is planned.

Hello Patrick

Hope your shift at the VIFF went well today.

Thanks for the outline of the service for Anne.  I've made a few changes in capitalization and in the order of the words, but that's all.  I'm attaching an edited version of what you sent me, with some comments about changes in red, words that do not need to appear in the order highlighted in green, and words that do need to be printed highlighted in pink.  (If you print the words for the prayer of the church, you won't need to use hymn books.)  I'm also attaching what I think the final version might look like, along with my translation of the readings.  You must have wondered when you looked at the reading from Matthew what in heavens name I was thinking of--but what you printed was from Matthew 24, and the actual passage is from Matthew 25.  And I was pleased to discover that one of the words can be translated as "nursed", which seems very fitting.  Nothing about VD, however!

Give me a call at home this evening if there's anything you want to discuss. Shalom, Janice

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