The epitaph that I would write for history would say: I conceal nothing. It is not enough not to lie. One should strive not to lie in a negative sense by remaining silent. -Leo Tolstoy, novelist and philosopher (1828-1910)
Hi Ariane and The Tour de Kamloops Riders!
Great movie! Brings back memories of when I first started to ride a bike, in Cyprus, in the early '50's!
Just back at Falcon after spending last three nights in Winnipeg, first two with Cora Lee's sister, (Pam), and family. Last night stayed overnight with Cora Lee's niece, Marlo, and her husband, Ryan, together with their two children, Emmett, 3, and Quinn, his sister, 14 months, just now starting to walk. Quite a three-ringed circus, as you can well imagine, what with two miniature Schnauzers, Nixon and Lucy, thrown into the mix! Dinner consisted of a selection of unbelievable garlic sausages from Tenderloin Meat & Sausage, located in Winnipeg's North End, n bbq together with local corn-on-the-cob, best we've had all summer! As well, bought a ring of coarse Kubassa to take back to Falcon.
Due to time constraints was only able to log a 51.3K ride yesterday, (AVG 20.7kph, MAX 41.4kph over 2:28:18), out and around U of Manitoba campus, taking in the yet to be completed new Blue Bomber Stadium. Then back along Pembina Highway where the wind was so strong that I literally had to stand up to pedal against the tornado force wind which blew my front wheel sideways at times. Once along South Road, along the Red River, I was somewhat shielded from the wind so was able to enjoy the scenic drive.
For lunch we went to Boon Burger Cafe, at their newly opened, second outlet in the Exchange District, owned by Chloƫ's close friends, Tomas and Anneen. Vegan fare, delicious.
This morning I was up at 6:30am to visit with Famiglia Jurkowski before they left for child care/work at 7:00am. As soon as I had my second cup of java and finished a few messages, I woke Her Majesty. We were meeting a very dear friend, Noreen, for lunch. Had reservations at the the Peasant Cookery, apparently one of the top restaurants in Winnipeg. Carly, Marlo's sister, is the Assistant Manager there and, coincidentally, this French bistro is but a block or two away from the BBC, north across Portage Avenue, both on the same street, Bannatyne
On the way to collect Noreen we stopped in at VacuFlow, an in-house vacuum distributor. The owner, Al, is a close friend of Greg, Pam's husband, and we have bought a number of units from him in the past. We want to replace the old model in our rental property, the loft on Wall Street. Al was in a fishing tournament near Kenora, (not that far from where we are staying), but we found the model we think will fit our needs. Will phone him on Monday to confirm purchase and then stop at store, on our way through Winnipeg, making for Kenton, to stay with cousins, this coming Tuesday, and pick up vacuum, hose, etc.
Not that we needed dessert but we forced ourselves! Noreen fancied the Profiteroles, (ice cream, chocolate sauce), while Cora Lee was delighted to be able to have the Chocolate Pot of Cream, milk chocolate and almond biscotti.) I was pleased to help and eat the latter as it wasn't gluten free! For my part I wasted little time thinking about having the vanilla bean Creme Brule with a cappuccino. And you wonder why I need to cycle hundreds of kilometres!!!
Wonderful meal and a wonderful afternoon, visiting with both Noreen and Carly when she had an extra minute or two. Took a few pictures of everyone in different parts of the main dining area and then thanked our attentive waitress before strolling back to the car. Dropped Noreen back at her place and thanked her for treating us. It was her generous birthday present to Cora Lee. Hope to see Noreen in Vancouver sometime this Fall as she has many children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren there and usually visits once or twice a year.
Was close to 3:30pm by the time we made for Fermor Avenue which would take us to the Trans Canada. Quite a bit of early weekend traffic, people making for their cabins or other camping spots, but it moved smoothly and we sailed along, Cora Lee snoozing most of the way home. Pulled into Ace Bay at just before 5:30pm and unloaded the car before going for a short ride to the South Shore, to stretch my legs. I wasn't particularly hungry after such a filling lunch so quite enjoyed the ride, seeing numerous deer munching grass by the side of the road, three of them, two "Bambi" fawns with their mother, just a few kilometres from the Durston's place and in the same spot, more or less, when I returned, an hour later. It is such a delight to pass such creatures, almost within touching distance, so used to humans that they barely take notice, their black noses twitching, their large eyes quizzical if they bother to glance your way, their large ears ever alert, however, their well-fed flanks sleek and shiny.
Hope to go for a much longer ride tomorrow while Cora Lee and Clarisse are making ripe tomatoe pickle. I'll be part of the quality control team when I'm back! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patricio,
Sorry for my slow response to your e-mail. No excuse other than
the heat is wearing me down. We've had fabulous summer weather. Lynne
and I spent a week on the Island visiting friends and family and
attending a family reunion at Cowichan Bay, This
is just a quick note in response to your brief missive to confirm that
the timing of your visit (Aug 25) will work just fine. We hope you'll
stay more than one night if your schedule will allow. I'm off to a golf
tournament this morning.
All the best to you and Corine. Don't wear out Dusty and Clara too badly. Peter and Lurking
Hi Lurking and Heat Exhausted Jugos Dom Pedro! (Take a slug of your own special OJ to pick yourself up!!!)
Thanks for the "open" invitation to stay! Based on our plan to leave Falcon this coming Tuesday, August 21st, to spend that night in Kenton, (at the right house!), we expect to stay overnight somewhere near or past Calgary, (I have to stop at Kensington Wine Market there to collect some Bowmore Laimrig, which I ordered online after reading their latest newsletter, a cask strength version, 57.7%, of the 15 year old Darkest, the whiskey originally made for the Swedish market.), the following night, Wednesday, August 22nd, to arrive in Enderby on Thursday, August 23rd, for the night, and then on to Naramatia on Friday, August 24th, if that suits. We'd like to stay that night and Saturday night, August 25th, as well, again, only if it suits/works. We need to be home on Sunday, August 26th, so that is the reason schedule unfolds as it does. Don't worry about the 24th if you are busy with another social engagement. We'll just sleep in the car in a ditch somewhere, passed out from all the wine tasting, so I'm sure we'll be fine! At any rate, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Chat soon. Buona Fortuna with golf tourney. Watch out for heat prostration! Perhaps you should use a camel pack such as the one I wear as a small back-pack when cycling, filled with single malt!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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