Host Daughters, Nadienka and Fabienne in London! |
do me a small favor. My staff is in a contest with other offices to
see who can download the most mobile apps and I was hoping you could
download our app on your phones. You don't have to keep it long (you
may if you
wish), but it wold really help us out. The contest ends tomorrow, so
if you could download it today I would be very appreciative.
Type this address into your web browser:
Thanks, Robert Goldberg
Eastside Optometric, P.C.
425 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017
(212) 986-9281
Fax (212) 681-6102
425 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017
(212) 986-9281
Fax (212) 681-6102
Hi Robertito!
How grand to hear from you! Hope your staff won the app contest!! How are you? Still singing in Central Park? We had a wonderful three month trip, March 5th to May 31st, this year. Spent a week in Hong Kong and then almost six weeks in Australia, most with close friends, Flamin' and Sarge, driving in a loop from Melbourne to Adelaide to Sydney to Brisbane, flying north from there. Didn't make it to Alice Springs/Uluru as not quite enough time but did go to both Cairns and Darwin, as we'd never been before. Found latter to be one of highlights of trip, especially with visit to Kakadu. Three weeks in Japan was more than wonderful and we hope to return to explore more of this truly incredible country/culture.
We are hoping to spend six weeks in Panama this coming January/February and then are doing a house exchange in Cornwall, sometime in July/August. Plan to go over to England before that to visit friends in Yorkshire. I'd like to do a bit of malt tasting in Scotland as well! Coriandre is supposed to spend two weeks in Italy with her Book Club, (20th anniversary), at the beginning of September, so I'm "free" as husbands/significant others are not invited/included! I'm not at all fussed as there are plenty of places in Europe I'm happy to visit/re-visit, many friends from Scandinavia to the Netherlands to France and Switzerland and Croatia. More of Eastern Europe is appealing as well. Anyway, should be fun.
Fond regards from Cora Lee. (She is hoping to visit New York in the next little while as a 65th birthday present to herself, so she may give you a call!) Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wine Tasters!
I gather, from Beckster's post, that you have been rafting on the canal! Sounds like fun. Coriandre and the gang just came back from an afternoon on George's boat, out of South Shore beach, water-skiing for some of the young folk, sun-tanning and cool dippage for the rest!
Bit of a sleep-in until 8:00ish this morning and then downstairs to have pickerel fillets for breakfast, courtesy of Cora Lee. Absolutely delish! After lovely meal I was told to hit the road immediately if I wanted to ride as I was to be home by noon, time guests were expected. Suited up and made for West Hawk. Wanted to see what round-trip to Ingolf was so that was my destination. Bit of a cross-wind but nothing to fuss over and I was more concerned about the “Everest” hill before Ingolf than anything else. In fact, once I was there it turned out to be not as steep as I had remembered so I was much relieved and kept motoring along into town site which is really nothing more than a store and a community centre. Pleased to learn that it is almost exactly 25K from Durston’s door to lot in front of store, I turned for home, now in a race with Cora Lee’s clock! Of course, the cross-wind had turned into a fierce head-wind and I had to struggle against the buffeting gusts, pretty much all the way back. Nonetheless, I fought tooth and nail and was able to maintain the average speed at 21.9 over 52.3K. However, I was ecstatic to see that my max speed was 60.2kph achieved on the descent of Everest! This is my own personal best, both a Falcon Lake and a Vancouver and environs record! Gold medal to be awarded, after dinner, in Dusty’s garden, in front of the ornamental fountain, by the resident gnomes!
Coriandre just opened a 2011 Wyndham, Bin 222 Chardonnay, 13.2%, quite pleasant but rather pedestrian, I'm sure, compared to the local whites you are sipping! The 2010 Carmen Carmnenère, Colchagua, Chile, 14%, is a fruit bomb, however. Am being paged to join gang on front patio so will say goodbye for now. best wishes from everyone at the Fontainebleau to the Okanaganoids! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
P, thanks for the pics and road log with the impressive stats. You are out riding me by a prairie mile on every outing. I have put more distance on the canoe of late.
We are still on the Salish Sea having ridden our 10th ferry since
leaving home: HB, Hornby, Denman, Quadra, Cortes, Powell River... Plan
to explore the PR area and Sunshine Coast before heading home in the
next couple days.
Regards to the sisterhood and the ever tolerant Dusty Miller. You
can't put a good man down. Hope his injuries are quick to heal. W.33
Hi Canoeists!
How goes life on the waves of Wide Sargasso Sea of Cortes? Dusty is continuing with his course of medication, rum and more rum, and it seems to be working! Since you have traded in your paddle for a post, thought I'd bring you back into the peleton fold with an almost instant replay update. Best wishes from everyone at the Fontainebleau to the West Coast Voyageurs! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
yo goldilocks,
glad you've so far survived everybody else's misadventures.
i'm continuing to realize just how dangerous it is to be alive
we're booked for wednesday, 15 august but otherwise our "social" calendar is wide open.
we'll see you & corinne when you get here. f.

Hi Wildwood Parkians!
How goes life in the Big City? Dusty is continuing with his course of medication, rum and more rum, and it seems to be working on his elbow! We plan to come into Winnipeg on Tuesday, the 14th, so we were wondering if we could take you out for dinner or bring something to have at your place. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly.
Since you are probably consumed with Olympic coverage, I thought I'd bring you back into reality with an almost instant replay update from the Whiteshell Best wishes from everyone at the Fontainebleau to the Shrink Wrap Litigators! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
How goes life in the Big City? Dusty is continuing with his course of medication, rum and more rum, and it seems to be working on his elbow! We plan to come into Winnipeg on Tuesday, the 14th, so we were wondering if we could take you out for dinner or bring something to have at your place. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly.
Since you are probably consumed with Olympic coverage, I thought I'd bring you back into reality with an almost instant replay update from the Whiteshell Best wishes from everyone at the Fontainebleau to the Shrink Wrap Litigators! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
Sorry to hear about the bike
problems. I can show you how to repair a tire as I have done it many
times. There are also some good videos on the subject. However, I would
like to learn more about adjusting and replacing
brakes so a course would be good for me too. I think MEC offers free
maitenance courses Tuesday and Thursday nights when last I looked.
Thanks for the photos. Couldn't access them on my computer so I forwarded them to Sylvia and she was able to.
Only did the Deep Cove ride one way
via 2nd Narrows. Road works near the Indian Reserve on Dollarton made a
section of the road rather rough but otherewise it was a smooth
journey. Met Sylvia and her friend, Margaret at
the water, had a swim on a very hot day. Had lunch at a decent
retaurant in the village and put my bike on the car rack for return - a
new low with probably only about 30 K on the clock.
Cycled around False Creek and
Stanley Park this morning with Jenny and her boyfriend, Sean. It was
surprisingly quiet around the wall with few tourists in evidence and
thus a very decent ride with a couple of stops - meeting
a friend walking and one stop at Brockton Point for the view. We're
going to the Whitecaps game at 4 tomorrow. I will cycle there. They have
valet parking for bikes according to their web site. Sean is a
quiet,shy young man but seems very decent. With all
my tutoring completed, I am a man of leisure for a few weeks.
Sorry to hear about Clara and
Dusty's health problems. Dusty is still a very robust man from the
pictures. I wondered how he is able to keep the deer out of his veg.
garden. We are also enjoying the fresh produce. Loads
of beans ready. Picked over 100 apples from a neighbours tree
yesterday. Sylvia has been very busy with half of these and also
freezing beans.
Liza Marklund is a Swedish writer
and former journalist. She has been an ambassador for UNICEF for a
number of years and her main character, Annika Bengzton is also a
journalist. Just finished Archer's 2012 novel, Sins of
the Father.
Perfect weather. Just right for
cycling or working in the garden or simply lying out on the deck. A swim
in the ocean would be nice.
Hello Man of Leisure!
I gather, from your last missive that you are quite happy with the fact that both Whirlygig and I are out of town. Before we know it, you'll be a member, in good standing , with the Latte Crowd! Or else you'll be turning in your cycling shorts for swimming trunks. Coriandre and the gang just came back from an afternoon on George's boat, out of South Shore beach, water-skiing for some of the young folk, sun-tanning and cool dippage for the rest!
I gather, from your last missive that you are quite happy with the fact that both Whirlygig and I are out of town. Before we know it, you'll be a member, in good standing , with the Latte Crowd! Or else you'll be turning in your cycling shorts for swimming trunks. Coriandre and the gang just came back from an afternoon on George's boat, out of South Shore beach, water-skiing for some of the young folk, sun-tanning and cool dippage for the rest!
Best wishes from everyone at the Fontainebleau to the Recent Lazy People! (Grogg is looking for people to play softball in Parksville. I'm sure you could make the team if you just up your beer consumption, Robo Man!) Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
Hi Patrice,
Glad to hear you are all having a wonderful time out there (except
for Dusty and his poor shoulder and Clara and her gout issue!) but I’m
sure having you guys around must make them feel much better.
I haven’t been able to read all of your email yet but will chip
away at it over the weekend. I would have been reading it earlier on my
trip but I didn’t have internet and your message was “truncated due to
size” on my cell phone email so I wasn’t able
to view it. Anyway nice to hear from you and just wanted to let you know I received it.Take care and we’ll catch up soon. Cheers, Al
Hi Big Al!
Glad to learn that Heraldo is, more or less, fine. More reading homework, nevertheless! There will be a test when I return, after the first ride! Since you are obviously a shirker, I though,t I'd bring you back into the IIDS, GD fold with an almost instant replay update. Best wishes from everyone at the Fontainebleau to you and Marilyn and The Young Brothers! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
Hi Patrick,
Glad to see you're both still traveling as much
as always and you both look great. Thanks for the pictures. I haven't
sung in Central Park in a while, but I was in Central Park when I opened
your email. I play a lot of softball and
was there for that. Tomorrow as well if it doesn't rain between now
and then.
Everything is good here. Very busy with my
office which I've had for 9 years, I guess pretty much since we met.
BTW, were you able to download the app? I don't think we'll know the
winner until tomorrow. We were in 2nd place the
last I checked, but only down by 2 at that time. Keep your fingers
Say hi to Cora Lee and definitely have her call
if she's in NY. Keep pedaling, but don't stop until you release. I
made that mistake the only time I rode with clip-ons. Robert
Hi again, Shoeless Joe!
Glad to learn that you are still a denizen of Central Park, even if you are catching fly balls rather than hitting high C's! Since you are spending time on the ball diamond rather than watching Olympic coverage, I thought I'd bring you back into reality with an almost instant replay update. (Thanks for the clip-on advice. Funny, Cora Lee said not to worry about the release!) Best wishes, even though they don't know you, from everyone at the Fontainebleau! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
Glad to learn that you are still a denizen of Central Park, even if you are catching fly balls rather than hitting high C's! Since you are spending time on the ball diamond rather than watching Olympic coverage, I thought I'd bring you back into reality with an almost instant replay update. (Thanks for the clip-on advice. Funny, Cora Lee said not to worry about the release!) Best wishes, even though they don't know you, from everyone at the Fontainebleau! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
Hi Goils!
Trust all goes well in your respective cities. How is Mom, Chloë? Since you are both probably spending time on self-indulgent activity or watching Olympic coverage, I thought I'd bring you back into reality with an almost instant replay update of life in Falcon. Best wishes from everyone at the Fontainebleau! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
Hi Mavis and Garth!
Trust you are both well. We will be at Falcon for the next week or so. Just wondering if we can get together for a drink and/or a visit in the next few days. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lynn and Barb!
Trust you are both well! For our part, our summer is going very nicely. Looks like we will be back in Vancouver, probably around the 24th of this month, but have decided to return via the Okanagan. Just wondering if you will be in Enderby and if so, would like a visit. Don't worry if it doesn't work out as we'll simply continue on to Naramata to see Lynne and Peter. Hope to do some wine tasting there and pick up a couple of cases of the stellare whites produced there. Anyway, let us know about the prospective visit and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick
Got your mail late last night and a just a quick note before we continue our journey to Babine Lake for salmon fishing this week with the family.
We should be back home in Enderby by the the 19th and it would be great to see you and you are welcome to stay. We live between Salmon Arm and Enderby Your GPS will take you right up the driveway. Say hi to Corin (sp?) and nice pictures. Lynn
Hi Lynn!
Thanks very much for invitation to stay and directions/phone number. Will be wonderful to catch up with you both. Just need a bit of advice about best way to get to your place. Firstly, do you live at 448 Helene Road, Grindrod? My Garmin couldn't find this address in Enderby, or in Grindrod for that matter! In any event, is it better to head south at Sicamous or Salmon Arm? If it doesn't make much difference, I'd like to leave #1 at Sicamous as I've never traveled that route before.
Our date of departure from Winnipeg has not been set but I assume we will be in your neck of the woods around the 22nd/23rd/24th. Will know by the beginning of next weekend and will let you know our itinerary once we have confirmed it.
Hope fishing goes/went well. Best wishes from Corinne and her parents. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Had a great couple of days here in Oosoyoos. Fun day at Wild Goose and Road 13. Headed home with four cases of wine. We went for a float on the canal for two hours previously. Nine dollars to rent a tube and get a bus drive back from the end of the canal. We tied the tubes together and had a great day having fun.
The paddlers have just returned to the compound and are buried in equipment
and the detritus of camping -- almost as bad as moving except everything
smells after a twelve day stint of camping: Hornby, Quadra, Cortes, Powell
River – twelve ferries in total.
Hope your deflation issues are over. Most of the world is concerned with
inflation. I will show you what you need to know about changing a tire and
will also show you what I am carrying (tube, tools, pumpage) so I can change
a tire -- even when I ride the gaudy rocket. For other stuff we can get
Cobby to give us a tutorial.
I am hoping to ride with Ray over the next few days just sent out the invite.
We are here until Friday and then gone to Kelowna for the weekend -- back
Monday the 20th. When are you back up the False Creek with no paddle? Regards to all, W
Hi Sarge!
Have you heard from Cactus yet? Our date of departure from Winnipeg has not been set but I assume we will be in Enderby around the 22nd/23rd/24th. Will know by the beginning of next weekend. We will be staying with Lynn/Barb, friends we met in Mexico on last trip. I'd like to leave #1 at Sicamous as I've never traveled that route south before. Last night at dinner in picnic tent, although there aren't any bugs! Wonderful visit for this reason alone!!!
Hi Ferry Folk!
Have you heard from Robo Ray yet? Doubt that you will as according to his latest missive he has become a Latte Lout, A Lad of Leisure!!!
Our date of departure from Winnipeg has not been set but I assume we will be in Enderby around the 22nd/23rd/24th. Will know by the beginning of next weekend. We will be staying with Lynn/Barb, friends we met in Mexico on last trip there. (You might have passed them on the highyway, in your odour delirium, after a wrong turn following the twelfth disembarking, as they were fishing up in Prince George!) I'd like to leave #1 at Sicamous as I've never traveled that route south before.
Please find enclosed some e-Deodorant! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Trust all goes well in your respective cities. How is Mom, Chloë? Since you are both probably spending time on self-indulgent activity or watching Olympic coverage, I thought I'd bring you back into reality with an almost instant replay update of life in Falcon. Best wishes from everyone at the Fontainebleau! Cheers, Patrizzio, Gold Medalist, Falcon to Ingolf time trials!!
Hi Mavis and Garth!
Trust you are both well. We will be at Falcon for the next week or so. Just wondering if we can get together for a drink and/or a visit in the next few days. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lynn and Barb!
Trust you are both well! For our part, our summer is going very nicely. Looks like we will be back in Vancouver, probably around the 24th of this month, but have decided to return via the Okanagan. Just wondering if you will be in Enderby and if so, would like a visit. Don't worry if it doesn't work out as we'll simply continue on to Naramata to see Lynne and Peter. Hope to do some wine tasting there and pick up a couple of cases of the stellare whites produced there. Anyway, let us know about the prospective visit and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick
Got your mail late last night and a just a quick note before we continue our journey to Babine Lake for salmon fishing this week with the family.
We should be back home in Enderby by the the 19th and it would be great to see you and you are welcome to stay. We live between Salmon Arm and Enderby Your GPS will take you right up the driveway. Say hi to Corin (sp?) and nice pictures. Lynn
Hi Lynn!
Thanks very much for invitation to stay and directions/phone number. Will be wonderful to catch up with you both. Just need a bit of advice about best way to get to your place. Firstly, do you live at 448 Helene Road, Grindrod? My Garmin couldn't find this address in Enderby, or in Grindrod for that matter! In any event, is it better to head south at Sicamous or Salmon Arm? If it doesn't make much difference, I'd like to leave #1 at Sicamous as I've never traveled that route before.
Our date of departure from Winnipeg has not been set but I assume we will be in your neck of the woods around the 22nd/23rd/24th. Will know by the beginning of next weekend and will let you know our itinerary once we have confirmed it.
Hope fishing goes/went well. Best wishes from Corinne and her parents. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Had a great couple of days here in Oosoyoos. Fun day at Wild Goose and Road 13. Headed home with four cases of wine. We went for a float on the canal for two hours previously. Nine dollars to rent a tube and get a bus drive back from the end of the canal. We tied the tubes together and had a great day having fun.
The paddlers have just returned to the compound and are buried in equipment
and the detritus of camping -- almost as bad as moving except everything
smells after a twelve day stint of camping: Hornby, Quadra, Cortes, Powell
River – twelve ferries in total.
Hope your deflation issues are over. Most of the world is concerned with
inflation. I will show you what you need to know about changing a tire and
will also show you what I am carrying (tube, tools, pumpage) so I can change
a tire -- even when I ride the gaudy rocket. For other stuff we can get
Cobby to give us a tutorial.
I am hoping to ride with Ray over the next few days just sent out the invite.
We are here until Friday and then gone to Kelowna for the weekend -- back
Monday the 20th. When are you back up the False Creek with no paddle? Regards to all, W
Hi Sarge!
Have you heard from Cactus yet? Our date of departure from Winnipeg has not been set but I assume we will be in Enderby around the 22nd/23rd/24th. Will know by the beginning of next weekend. We will be staying with Lynn/Barb, friends we met in Mexico on last trip. I'd like to leave #1 at Sicamous as I've never traveled that route south before. Last night at dinner in picnic tent, although there aren't any bugs! Wonderful visit for this reason alone!!!
Hi Ferry Folk!
Have you heard from Robo Ray yet? Doubt that you will as according to his latest missive he has become a Latte Lout, A Lad of Leisure!!!
Our date of departure from Winnipeg has not been set but I assume we will be in Enderby around the 22nd/23rd/24th. Will know by the beginning of next weekend. We will be staying with Lynn/Barb, friends we met in Mexico on last trip there. (You might have passed them on the highyway, in your odour delirium, after a wrong turn following the twelfth disembarking, as they were fishing up in Prince George!) I'd like to leave #1 at Sicamous as I've never traveled that route south before.
Please find enclosed some e-Deodorant! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
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