Monday, 20 August 2012

IIDS, GD: Monday, August 20th

All slang is metaphor, and all metaphor is poetry. -G.K. Chesterton, writer (1874-1936)

The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed. -Ernest Hemingway, author and journalist, Nobel laureate (1899-1961)

Chloe Alexis Dunn
Thanks everyone for all the birthday love and attention!!!!
You are loved right back!! xoxo

Hi Kimbo et al!

Trust all goes well with everyone. Busy time here. Don't know where the last few weeks went. At any rate, I'm sending this message to you in the hope you will read your email before your parents! We plan to leave Falcon Lake tomorrow morning to run a few errands in Winnipeg before heading west. If a visit is still in order, we'd probably arrive around 5:00pm, at the Farm! Let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio "Goldilocks" Dunn!

PS: Please send along your Dad's cell number as we seem to have misplaced it in all the hoopla surrounding our new celebrity status!  

Hi Al!

Trust fishing tournament in Kenora went well. Corinne and I popped by Vacuflow this past Friday to take a look at a new unit for our loft rental property in Vancouver, approximately 850 square feet. The lady we spoke with suggested that the FC 550 with Turbo Cat Kit would be right system but thought it best to confirm with you as she said she is a relatively new employee.

We plan to leave Falcon Lake tomorrow morning to run a few other errands in Winnipeg, before heading west, so we would drop by, probably before noon, to pick up system. Would appreciate confirmation that we have right vacuum and that everything is in stock and available. Thanks and Cheers, Patrick!

What was the name of the place that we turned to go into the wine country. Wayne Sutherland 

Hi Sarge!

I assume, by the time you receive this message, you will already be in Healdsburg! If not, Williams, is the place to kick over to Napa, stopping at Granzella's for fab sandwiches and, in your case, beer!

Last dinner at The Falcon Lake Fontainebleau tonight: new potatoes, zucchini and beans from Dusty's garden, Clarisse's porcupine meatballs, pecan tarts for dessert! Car is pretty well packed, bikes already on rack. Will drive into Winnipeg tomorrow morning to run a few errands and then spend the night in Kenton,a t the Farm, not in The Three Bears' House!

Did my best ride today: 141.3K, Avg: 20.8kph, MAX: 60kph, over 6:47:09. I felt that I could have ridden to the  South Shore and back to give me 160K, the Penticton Gran Fondo distance, but decided to save my legs!

Have a grand time in Sonoma and environs. Say hello to the Coffaros, Motts and Cactus and Donna Florida! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Will do. We missed the turn and ended up in Williams and came across the southern route. Wayne 

Hope you and Nana find the right farm to sleep over….rather than just any farm you fancy

Hi Pat,

I’m on ‘sabbatical’ this year as far as fishing tournaments are concerned but thanks for asking all the same.

As far as your rental property is concerned, the FC550 package that Selma showed you is very appropriate for a condo as it doesn’t require venting. It does, however, have a $25 disposable filter that will have to be replaced, on average, once a year. Some people also add the HEPA exhaust filter option for $49.99 which helps clean the vacuum exhaust air. The HEPA replacement cartridges are $15.99.

There is another option, however, and that is our Maxum series (see attached) that uses disposable bags that cost $25 per package of three which should last your renter one year as well. The advantage to the Maxum is that it’s cleaner to dispose of the debris because it’s in a sealed bag instead of a bucket that has to be poured out. The Maxum 5 costs $100 more than the FC550 and the Maxum 7, with carbon dust filtration and a more powerful motor, costs $200 more. Neither model requires the HEPA exhaust filter option.

We have stock on all of these so you can make up your mind on want you want when you come in to the store.

Regards, Alan Gray, Vacuflo Manitoba President

Hi again, Al!

Thanks for quick reply and additional information. We'll probably go for the Maxum 5 but will review various options when we drop by. Sorry to hear that you are on "sabbatical" from fishing. Must be tough to have to work all the time! I'd complain to Management! Good Luck!!! If you are in tomorrow, look forward to saying hello. If not, thanks again for your help. Cheers, Patrizzio!

That sounds great! We will expect you at the farm! My dads number is XXX!! See you tomorrow!

Hi Kimbo!

You are the best correspondent! Thanks for the confirmation for the reservation at The Farm, and the phone number. Much appreciated, Patrizzio!

PS: Cora Lee is practicing her wave! She picked up a pair of white gloves and had been driving around Falcon Lake waving at all the campers she passes!!!

Hi Tiptoe!

I sent you the "priest" joke, you dunderhead! Did my best ride of the trip today: 141.3K, Avg: 20.8kph, MAX: 60kph, over 6:47:09. I felt that I could have ridden to the  South Shore and back to give me of additional 20K for a grand total of 160K, the Penticton Gran Fondo distance, but decided to save my legs! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Pat,
Thank you very much for your kind donation!  Very much appreciated by both myself and the Lung Association!
Wow!  That was an amazing ride!   Not only the distance but the average speed!  You are a wonder!  
About halfway through your email I finally cottoned on to the fact that  you're in Manitoba!  (so far ever sentence I've written has an exclamation mark!).
I'm at the cabin right now.   I'd planned on going in the Pemberton Slow Food Ride today to get some km, but on my way up yesterday the van had an oil pressure warning light go on and I decided against taking it up there today.  I'm pretty concerned about the van and can see $$$ all over the place but we'll see on Monday.
The ride will be a real challenge for me and I've been trying to ride a lot as I know that half the battle is being able to keep your bum in the saddle for long periods of time and the other half is just general strength.   I've become a lot stronger over the last few weeks and the bum is getting into shape but I still have a long way to go.   Actually I'm sure I can do it, but it will be a lot more fun the better prepared you are.
Kjell is coming tomorrow!!!   And here I am at the cabin, planning to come home tomorrow morning.   In the meantime I'm doing all this Trek administrative stuff.   I have a huge problem asking people to donate; I don't know what causes that, but just sending these out today is a big hurdle for me.   So I really do thank you.   I also have some cash donations, and a cheque donation, but I have to mail those in directly to BC Lung before they are added to my goal. 
It is time consuming but fun getting all the other things done:  bike tuneup, new cycling shorts, etc. etc.  I also want to sort out clothing in case it is raining or cold, and on and on.   In the meantime I've had some nice rides in the Fraser Valley, and gone on four Slow Food Rides.    I went on Agassiz, Chilliwack, and two in the Courtenay area.   Great fun!   I'm really sorry to miss the one today in Pemberton.
Kjell is coming tomorrow and with him will be his friend Christer, who'll be doing a house exchange with my neighbour Anne Brand down the hall.    Thank goodness Kjell won't faint because the apartment isn't totally tidy.   I was going to do it tomorrow and now I'll be pinched for time.
See you when you get back, and again, thank you so much for your donation!   Say hi to Corinne as well. Jane

Hi Pat,
I'm really sorry for not answering sooner, but life has been HECTIC over the last few weeks.
First the closing down of the cabin, then the Whitneys in Akalla for one week, then IFLA in Helsinki for five days, and last but not least getting prepared for my trip west. Long list. Leaving tomorrow morning. Bringing my childhood friend Christer. He'll be staying for two weeks, swapping flats with one of Jane's neighbors.
Jane's been training hard for a Lung Association charity bike ride up and down the Fraser valley 8-9 September (200 k in two days). I will form a support team. And late September I will be going, by plane, for a charity "Steinbeck tour" to Monterey organised by the VPL.
 For the rest I have signed up for a French course at VCC and of course the Local Vocals. But in addition to that, I look forward to some excruciating bike rides with you and the pack, and some good times in your and your enchanting wife's spiritual company.
Take care, and see you soon, both of you, Kjell

And so did Mr Delaney

I would have preferred a picture of the food at the lake rather than your stop watch…just saying! 
Hi Jane and Kjell:

Your training regime sounds pretty comprehensive, Jane. I'm sure you'll do well. Cora Lee seconds the acquisition of new cycling togs! She golfed another 18 holes with George, her brother. this morning, at 6:30am! Claims she will take it up when back in Vancouver. Welcome to Vancouver, Kjell. See you both when we are back. Cheers, Patrizzio!

    It looks to me that you'll never be in better shape than you are now to try your first Gran Fondo. The Whistler event is only 122 km, so you've done the prep already. Elevation change is another thing but with all those headwinds you've had to contend with as well some steep inclines you might be right for the attempt.
    Pete had recovered from our Saturday ride when I spoke with him yesterday. Rod looked as fit as ever. He came back to my place and watched the All Blacks v Australia rugby on TV before heading off for a week in Whistler.
    Rode to Terra Nova farms yesterday and picked up some seedlings. I am trying to get some growth into winter for the first time. The location is along the West Dike Trail turning left onto Westminster Highway. They had a garlic festival there, music, tours etc.
    George and I, and perhaps Mark are doing the Iona time trial tomorrow early. Hope to tuck in behind the pair of them for the duration.
    Jenny and Sean leave on Wednesday. It's been great having them They've been extremely active. Today they cycled to Stanley Park, did some running in the trails, cycled back to Granville Island for lunch, returned home and sat with my neighbour (ILsa) and myself in the shade of her back garden. I had been picking apples from her tree.
    Cooler here now but still very pleasant. Warnings of lightning storms and forest fires throughout the province.
    Safe journey back.

Hi Pat.
Wow tough act to follow! Makes me wonder why you don’t just ride back from Manitoba!  Sounds like you’ve had a great time and will look forward to hearing about it. Have a safe trip back!
Cheers, Al
Wow, Pat, you are totally outdoing yourself in the cycling department!   What is fantastic is your speed on top of the distance.  Totally impressed.   Good thing you're retired, that's all I can say.   But once you start doing those long rides it is sort of addictive I can see. 
Kjell arrived tonight along with his friend Christer.  Christer is doing a house exchange with my neighbour Anne, and so the four of us had dinner and then off went Christer with Anne to her little nest down the hallway!  Kinda weird, but it is all cool.  She is 100 times the housekeeper that I am.  We have the same floor plan and they are so totally different!
Kjell is sleeping and I'll be soon too, so night night! Jane

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