Friday, 31 August 2012

IIDS, GD: Friday, August 31st

"A harmless hilarity and a buoyant cheerfulness are not infrequent concomitants of genius; and we are never more deceived than when we mistake gravity for greatness, solemnity for science, and pomposity for erudition." Charles Caleb Colton; Lacon: or Many Things in Few Words; Longmans; 1837.

 "The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding, and feeling are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism, and self-interest are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second."
Novelist and Nobel laureate John Steinbeck (1902-1968).

I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers. -Kahlil Gibran, mystic, poet, and artist (1883-1931)

Hi Fast Federico et al!

Great snap of Finnish "No Smoking"!

With respect to the date of the bbq, I'm wondering if it is convenient to change the date to September 6th as that is when Brian and Linda Covernton are able to join the gathering. I'd appreciate a reply from everyone to confirm that the 6th is okay and then we'll plan accordingly. I realize everyone has busy schedules and it may well be that it is impossible to find a date convenient to one and all. Anyway, let me know what you think.

On another matter, Honoured Guests, Bev and Kev, could you please reconfirm your flight name and number and ETA, tomorrow. I can't for the life of me find the calendar where I noted details of your arrival. I believe you are on AC 181 to land around 1:15pm. I will circle Canada Arrivals. Be on the lookout for a Ford Escape with a bike rack on the back. In case of emergency, we are at 604-734-9200 (H) and 604-512-6462 (C). I apologize, in advance, for the confusion. All will become clear! Cheers for now, Patrizzio!

Thursday, September 6th. Is great! We’re looking forward to the gathering.
Mea culpa: I gave you the INCORRECT number of my cell phone. The other number was for our home landline. Federico

Hi Patrick,

The flight number is correct air Canada 181 we will be on The lookout for you. See you soon Kevin and bev 

Hi Bev/Kev!

Thanks for confirmation. Looking forward to your arrival! Forecast looks like sunny and around 21 C for most of long weekend, (cloudy and 19 C on Sunday), and into next week! Cheers, Patrizzio!

 Hello Fellow VRC Folk!

This is the "final" email to set the date for the "Welcome Back to Vancouver BBQ" for Bev and Kev Wittwer. After much rending of hair and gnashing of teeth, we, The Organizing Committee, have had to cast a deciding vote for the date and have decided upon Wednesday, September 5th, at 6:00pm, at The Islay Inn, #20-1425 Lamey's Mill Road, Van., BC, V6H 3W2, for your Garmin GPS systems or 604-734-9200, for your telephone calls for help! I realize that this date will not accommodate some of you and for this, I apologize. I hope that those who are not able to attend this gathering will have an opportunity, until September 13th, to connect with the Perthites. Please feel free to call them at 604-734-9200, to arrange a a visit.

Please confirm, by return post, you intention and ability to join us. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

PS: If anyone has an email for Ricardo Martini, The Sadistic Surveyor, please send it along or inform him of/invite Julie and him to the planned event. Thanks, Patrizzio!

Very sorry to hear your news, hope you are doing as well as can be expected.Happy that you made it home and had a few days to spend  with her.Bill was here having supper when kimberlee texted us to give use the news so he sends his condolences as well.Thinking of you all love the Grays at the Farm.

Thanks for the email/update.
Sorry to hear about Annie's health-we were in Vancouver right after her heart attack. She has amazing strength!

We catch TGV train from Paris to Avignon tomorrow, about 3 hours, then settling in at tiny village of Crestet for a week while Lurch tries to learn how to cook! I will settle for a good cycle each day, local markets, a bit of time by the pool, and some local wines. Sounds rough, but will manage.
Beth seems to be doing fine at Madrona so far-you will like her, interesting lady. Keep in touch-I believe we have wi if from our spot in Crestet. Cheers, Grog

Well Patrizzio unfortunately an important meeting (with dinner) has come up for me on the 6th since we last communicated so if the bbq is happening on that date I'll miss you guys. What time is it starting and finishing -could drop by later? cheers, Bill & Denise.

George and Pat,
    I think there is a ride palnned with Rod and Pete to Steveston tomorrow. If you are available, I can meet with you at the usual spot on King Ed. and Maple and we can meet the others further down the road at 8. Ray


I will join you. 7:45 at Maple & King Ed – please confirm. Thanks, G

Meet you at 7:45 George - that's 2 of us at least. Ray

See you then.  

Hi Lads!

Thanks to both of you for your kind messages of sympathy. Still a fair bit to do but things are settling down somewhat. I'd love to join the Peleton so will see you both at Maple and King Ed at 7:45am domani.

Picked up Bev and Kevin Wittwer this afternoon. They are both well. Just off to GI with Coriandre at the moment. Unlike many of our other Australian friends they tend not to be as enamoured of wine so I trust I'll be in reasonable shape tomorrow morning! Went for a "lazy" 52.3K ride out to UBC this morning and was delighted to find that the Prairie Wind had followed me all the way back to the West Coast! Felt as if I was still on the road to Rennie River! Cheers, Il Conduttore! 

This is just a friendly reminder that the deadline for Returning Volunteers to register for the 2012 Vancouver Writers Fest is fast approaching!
Please go into your and update your profile and make your 2012 shift requests.
Make sure to update any changes in your contact information, availability, Emergency Contact Information, volunteer preferences and, especially, your qualifications.
The most important update is the first question on the Qualifications page:"Are you available to volunteer for 2012?"
If you want to volunteer for our 2012 Festival (16-21 October) you must answer YES to that question.
Don't forget to SAVE (the button is at the bottom of each profile page, you'll have to scroll down to find it.)
After you update your profile, you can sign up/bid for shifts. Don't forget to SAVE your requests/sign ups for each activity.
Remember that we need you to sign up/bid for more than the 12 hour minimum.
This is because more people are likely to sign up/bid for any one shift than there are volunteer positions available.
To maximize your chances of being assigned and scheduled, please sign up for at least twice as many as would fulfill your the 12 hour minimum we ask of volunteers!
The deadline for Returning Volunteers to update their registrations and request shifts is Sept 3rd!
You can submit shift requests/sign ups after that date, but you will lose scheduling priority as a returning volunteer.
Many thanks! Please don't hesitate to phone if you are having trouble. Lili or I or the Reception Volunteer will be happy to help you complete your sign ups/shift requests.

Kathryn Fowler, Volunteer Manager

Thanks for the email/update.
Sorry to hear about Annie's health-we were in Vancouver right after her heart attack.
She has amazing strength!
We catch TGV train from Paris to Avignon tomorrow, about 3 hours, then settling in at tiny village of Crestet for a week while Lurch tries to learn how to cook!
I will settle for a good cycle each day, local markets, a bit of time by the pool, and some local wines.
Sounds rough, but will manage.
Beth seems to be doing fine at Madrona so far-you will like her, interesting lady.
Keep in touch-I believe we have wi if from our spot in Crestet. Cheers, Grog
A quick link to some of the region's cycling...Cheers, Grog

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