"To see ourselves as others see us is a
most salutary gift. Hardly less important is the capacity to see others
as they see themselves." Novelist Aldous Huxley (1894-1963).
There is not less wit nor less invention in applying rightly a thought
one finds in a book, than in being the first author of that thought.
-Pierre Bayle, philosopher and writer (1647-1706)
Why yes, I do work in television...how ever did you guess!
Kid and Beckster! |
Hi Sarge et al!
I gather that you are en route for Harbour Terrace now. We arrived back at the Island Inn yesterday around 3:30pm. Wonderful, wonderful trip, overall. Greg, Pam's husband, flew into town on Saturday. He will be here until this Wednesday.
Sad news for us is that Mom has a pretty bad case of pneumonia. Lodge phoned this morning as she had been sent to VGH for an x-ray. I visited her there and in discussion with doctor we agreed that it was best to return her to Broadway Lodge. He said he couldn't say for sure but he didn't think she would last more than a few days, if that. I just returned from visiting her as I had asked to be phoned when she arrived back in her room. I came home to pick up a few things to read while I sit with her and hold her hand. Her breathing is extremely laboured but her grip is very firm.
Even though we knew things might well happen like this at any time it is still tough, as I'm sure you can all appreciate. Just very glad that we are home now to be with her.
On a slightly lighter note, I told her that she looked like Mother Teresa when I walked into her room. The staff had wrapped her up as she was shivering when she was delivered by ambulance. Travel safely! Patrizzio, "The Perfect Son"! (She actually squeezed my hand when I said those words. Whether by coincidence or not one cannot say, of course. However, it would be wonderful to think that she can hear and understand a few things.)
PS: I think that you probably came through Winters!
Hello Dunn-Durston family,
How are you?? Are you back in town. Henning and I would love to see you :)
Also, I shall bring my computer to show you the newest photos of little Edi Yukio.
I just came back from Montreal...
Xox Laura
Sorry to hear about your Mom's health. We expect to be home tomorrow afternoon. We are currently sitting in a bar in Portland while the girls are shopping.
Wayne Sutherland
Hey Patricio! My indolent life will have to come to an end soon... as
all good things.. How is your jet-set retirement treating you?
Ruth Chang |
Hi Pat, it has been a long time! How's everybody? Randy and I will be in
Sonoma Oct 5-8, celebrating 25th anniversary! BR Cohn winery has a
charity event all weekend, featuring Doobie Brothers. Any chance you
guys in Cal then?
George, we have 3 kayaks tomorrow (Tuesday) Interested in an afternoon paddle? 8^)
Anyone want to ride Tuesday? G
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