Monday, 6 August 2012

IIDS, GD: Monday, August 6th

Happy 101st birthday to Lucille Ball!

Hi again, Ariane!

Thanks for all the news. Hope all goes well with Damian's ears. I'll let you know what our travel schedule will be as soon as we have finalized departure date. Likewise with return leg, most likely from Winnipeg before we start home. If you need a break, please come to Vancouver and help me with my photos! Talk soon. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
We will be leaving for Christina Lake on July 31 and come home on August 3.

Will be in Merritt from the night of the 26th and drive home the evening of the 29th ( Sunday).

One more day in PG and then we go home tomorrow.

Went out to a couple of lakes during the week.  It is so nice that the boys are potty trained this year and more independent!

Take care, Ariane

Hi Ariane!

Sorry that I have not replied sooner but it has a been a very busy time on the road ever since we left Vancouver just over a week ago. We've had a lovely time, here at the lake, ever since arriving. Weather fab. (28 degrees as I write!)

Looks like we will be back in Vancouver, probably around the 24th of this month, but have decided to return via Enderby where we will visit with a couple, Barb and Lynne, we met in Mexico in 2011. Then to Naramata to see other friends, Lynne and Peter. Hope to do some wine tasting there and pick up a couple of cases of stellare whites that are being produced in the Okanagan.Unfortunately, don't think we'll have time to shoot back up to Kamloops even if we take the Connector. However, these plans are not entirely set in stone so if the itinerary changes, I'll let you know as it would be lovely to see everyone. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Great reading.Thanks.Tiptoe and the General. 
PS I've kicked the habit, (smoking that is) even with the electronic version!
Hi Tiptoe!

Sorry that I have not replied sooner but it has a been a very busy time on the road ever since we left Vancouver just over a week ago. Pleased to learn that you are now "Clean"! Congratulations! Keep it up. Onward! Fight!!!

We've had a lovely time, here at the lake, ever since arriving. Weather fab, 28º C as I write! Clarisse and Dusty send their regards. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Generalissimo! Cheers, Patrice!
Just a quick note to say thanks for the Pictures. What a lovely photo of the two girls. First time we have seen Ayne. Gosh they look alike! Just been into town to get my eyes examined. Yet another set of stronger reading glasses! Hot today so just doing a bit of gardening them spending the rest of the afternoon in the shade waiting for 5pm so I can have a glass of vino!
Have a safe trip and will be in touch when we are in Vancouver
What a brilliant ride by wiggins and Cavemdish! Perhaps this is a good omen for the Olympics! All the best

Hi Derek and Gayle!

Sorry that I have not replied sooner but it has a been a very busy time on the road ever since we left Vancouver just over a week ago. Congratulations to Great Britain on the country's wonderful medal accomplishments! Sorry we beat you in Women's Soccer, however!!!

 Look forward to chatting once we are back and you have settled in and recovered from Olympic Fever. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both! Cheers, Patrice!
Not sure if you've seen latest Facebook snap of our girls!
Hello Mr. Dunn,

It has been a pleasure to assist you with your medical needs.  If in future, you require our services again, please do not hesitate to call.  Yes our office is very busy now, but there is always time for me to stop to speak to you.  You have been a wonderful patient.

I do wish you great health, safe travels and never ending journeys. 
Thank you for your kind words.

Warm regards, Grace

Hi Grace!

Trust you are enjoying the beautiful Vancouver weather, of late. Thank you for your kind words!

I have to have a number of blood tests to do with my annual physical when I'm back so I might pop by to say hello, so that we can actually have a face-to-face conversation after all this time! All the best for now. Cheers, Patrizzio!

War Eagle
Hi Legs!

Sorry that I have not replied sooner but it has a been a very busy time on the road ever since we left Vancouver just over a week ago. We've had a lovely time, here at the lake, ever since arriving. Weather fab, 28º C as I write! Rosita and The Dustman send there best wishes. Hope to play some bridge this evening as George, Cora Lee's brother is coming for dinner. Clarisse and I will take on the siblings while Dusty watches Olympic coverage.

Pam, just off the dock!
Looks like we will be back in Vancouver, probably around the 24th of this month, but have decided to return via Enderby where we will visit with a couple, Barb and Lynne, we met in Mexico in 2011. Then to Naramata to see Lynne and Peter. (Plan to ask him to arrange a bridge night when we are there!) Hope to do some wine tasting as well and pick up a couple of cases of stellare whites that are being produced in the Okanagan.

Look forward to chatting once we are back and you have returned from The East. Don't forget about Parksville and The Millionaires' Madroña Manor. You could play Fairwinds while I cycle and then bridge once everyone is back home! Fondestos from Cora Lee! Cheers, Patrizzio!

What can I say? You are awesome. Thanks so much for your contribution to autism on behalf of Patrick. We really appreciate your support!
How are things?
Cheers, Peps

Hi Pepperoni!

Sorry that I have not replied sooner but it has a been a very busy time on the road ever since we left Vancouver just over a week ago. Glad to support Patrick! Onward! Fight!!

On another matter, Kevin Wittwer, and his wife, Bev, will be coming to Vancouver on August 31st for two weeks. We have stayed with them whenever we were in Perth and we are delighted that they will be staying with us while in town. We are planning a bbq with as many of the VRC folk who knew them when they lived in Vancouver. Shindig will probably be towards the end of the first week of September. Will set a date once we have had time to talk to them and figure out schedules, etc. Of course, we'd love to have you and Linda whenever party is arranged. In this vein, do you have any idea of Ted Blair's whereabouts? As well, can you suggest any others from VRC who might be around and who would have known Kev. Phone numbers and/or email addresses much appreciated if you have such contacts.

Look forward to chatting once we are back or send me an email if you have any suggestions for VRC contacts.   Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Linda! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Sarge!

Sorry that I have not replied sooner but it has a been a very busy time on the road ever since we left Vancouver, as you can well imagine! Gather your sailing trip was a blast. I suppose you'll be packing for California soon.

Fairly easy trip to Cochrane with Cora lee spelling me off twice to give me a chance to catch up on my sleep. Went to bed at 1:00am on Sunday morning to be up at 3:30am! Had a terrific visit with Jim that evening.

Continuing on on the Extreme Freeloader travel front, we've had a lovely time, here at Falcon, ever since arriving last Tuesday. Weather fab, 28º C earlier today! Went for a short ride to the South Shore after arriving on Tuesday. Next day, using my clips, went to Rennie River and logged 103.3K. Felt exhilarated by way bike and shoes felt so was pretty chuffed. Strong, constant summer winds are something to be contended with, however.

Looks like we will be back in Vancouver, probably around the 24th of this month, but have decided to return via Enderby where we will visit with a couple, Barb and Lynne, we met in Mexico in 2011. Then to Naramata to see Lynne and Peter. Hope to do some wine tasting as well and pick up a couple of cases of stellare whites to try to keep up with you and The Millionaires!  Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Flamin'! Cheers, Patrizzio!

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