Oh Poppa...chill out....some of us work for a living ya know (in my Edith Bunker voice)
You want I should chill? What is this chill? Chill Schmill my tukis! Oi Vey! I should climb into the icebox if I want to chill already. You nudnik from Tinsel Town what do you know from chill? (In my Jewish Mother's voice!) From the Bronx, Joiseeey, maybe, but Van Nuys? Who could imagine? Oi Vey!!! Work? Work? When was the last time you made chicken soup? You viper! Work, she says. Go and vacuum already! When did you make ripe tomatoe pickle? When raspberry jam that Rabbi Finkleman, (Bless his soul!), said came from The Promised Land, so good it was. Work? I'll give you work! Oi Vey!!!
OMG D, your crazy
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Quail's Gate |
Patrick James Dunn
Terrific, thanks! Are you riding to class?
Trust you are both well. Not sure if you have heard yet but Bev/Kev Wittwer will be arriving in Vancouver on August 31st, staying with us for two weeks. We are planning a bbq for them and are hoping to have as many friends they knew from their days at VRC join the party. As of this writing, it looks like the week after the long weekend as Fred Ensom will be in Vancouver. He is living on Vancouver Island now.
Given the fact that he is planning to be in Vancouver from the 4th of September, I have suggested that we have the bbq on Wednesday, the 5th, or Thursday, the 6th, unless Tuesday, the 4th, is a better option for everyone. Let me know if you are free as it would be great to catch up and I know Wittwers would be delighted to see you, of course. Anyway, let me know what you think about date for bbq and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pepperoni!
Trust you and Linda are both well. Did you spend time at Roberts Creek? Anyway, let me know what you think about date for bbq and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
PS: Do you ever see Reider or do you have a contact number?
Thank you to everyone who downloaded our mobile app. Our staff won that phase of the contest thanks to your help. I promise not to bother you again after this, but this week we need facebook likes and that should be a lot easier to do.So please go to www.facebook.com/EastsideOptometric and click on like. Thanks again, Robert
Hi again, Robert!
Congratulations to your staff! However, tell them to be careful as we might call in those favours when we visit!
Drove into Winnipeg this morning and visited a close friend of the family. I called her Aunt Vera all my life as she and her husband, Merv, were both in the same Northern Ontario mining camp, Favourable Lake, as my parents. She is extremely well and still golfs nine hole twice a week, weather permitting. Celebrated her 90th birthday this past January!
Off to my cousin's place this evening for dinner. Gorgeous afternoon, 26º C, so it should be a grand evening for an outdoor bbq:
pork souvlaki; lemon roasted potatoes; Sally's famous greek salad; baklava
Often mosquitoes make such an event an impossibility but it has been such a dry summer, to date, that there are very few, if any, mossies, about! Picked up a bottle of Pastis as I prefer it to Ouzo, as I find the latter a bit too sweet but I do savour the anise/licorice taste of both. Wanted to find a high end retsina, (Only thing available was some plonk that helpful lad at the local Liquor Mart, (provincial liquor stores are run by a government agency, Manitoba Liquor Control Commission, [When I first came of drinking age, 21, one had to fill in a form for the liquor one wanted to purchase and hand it to a clerk behind a counter, who would collect the hootch in question. Bit like "closed book stacks" in many university and large public libraries, as late as the early '60's!]), said it tasted like Pinesol. Found a bottle, at a private wine store, Banville and Jones, close to where we are staying with Cora Lee's sister, Pam, and family, of what I hope will be an interesting white, a 2011 Rouvalis Asprolithi Roditis, 11.5%. This is a varietal I'm not at all familiar with. Discovered, from the Web, that "it is from the northern Peloponnese, made with a particularly flavourful sub-variety of Roditis. It has discreet but fresh citrus, lime, pear and mineral aromas (asprolithi means "white stone"). It's bone dry and light bodied with vibrant acid." Looking forward to trying it!
Buona Fortuna with the next phase of the contest. Cheers, Patrizzio!thanks Patrizio
Hi Dunners we are at Roberts Creek right now. Been here since July 28. Fabulous weather and have been relaxing rather well. I have been swimming, walking, reading,kayaking and playing a bit of bad golf. Courtney and I went in the Keats Island to Armours Beach swim on July 29 (a mile or so). Court finished 3rd overall in 29:58. I finished 25th out of 31 in 45:12. Great day for the swim and water was thankfully warm. The 5th or 6th is likely OK but I will let you know when I get back to work August 21(or that week) Glad you are having fun in Manitoba. Cheers Peps
Hi again, Baby Beluga!
Congratulations to Court on her Bronze! Bravo! Well done!!! Buona Fortuna with your next round of "bad golf"! Give me a shout or an email when back and we'll confirm date for bbq. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Paradise! Fond regards from Cora Lee to Linda, Patrick and Courtney! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Goils!
Drove into Winnipeg this morning and after dropping our bags off at 33 St Michael's, we visited Vera Keys. Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hello Peggers!Please give my best to the cousins tonight!Will do. Out the door now! Love, Dad!
Terrico Patrizio!Should be a fun time, but alas won’t be time for bridge probably. Have no fear – I can still give everyone a door prize! CCPitchford Patio Party Prizes!Hi again, Champagne!
Congratulations on holding the line about distributing bridge prizes without any play involved!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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