![]() |
Barbara and Robert |
Happy Holidays! Glad to hear you made it to your destination and I
hope the learning curve with you clip shoes hasn't been too difficult.
Your bike looks really swish! I'm sure it will bring you hours and
Km's of entertainment !!
We have been busy with our time at Christina Lake and then taking
our visitor, Nell, to see a few sights. Today we went to Blue River and
saw black bears along the river's edge. Unfortunately, we timed things
to go on a jet boat in the one 60 minute
rain storm of the day. The boys fell asleep and missed the bears so it
was a fairly expensive nap for them!
Sorry to hear that we won't see you on your way through this year.
It is always hard to make stops on the way home and see everyone.
Perhaps we could visit next summer. We still want to try and get
the boys to see a few things and they will be 5 next year. Every year
things get a little easier with them and they are keen to do a lot of
They are even getting the hang of a two wheel bike this summer. We
just need to put some miles on, but they are doing really well at the
moment. Swimming is improving too, but again, they just need to grow
stronger and have time to experiment in the
water and let their brains figure out what their bodies need to do.
Please say Hi to Corinne for us and I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer holiday!
Take care, Ariane
(Oh, I'll try and send photos when I have things imported)
Hi Ariane!
You sound as busy as ever! Sorry to hear about the boys' expensive nap in the rain burst! Coincidently, I was caught in a heavy downpour yesterday when I went for a short ride, on Cora Lee's bike. Went outside to find that my bike had a flat! Rear tire. My brother-in-law, George, was golfing with Corinne at the time so I didn't have access to his compressor. At any rate, I didn't think that flat was due to a leaky valve. I hoped so but figured I'd punctured the tire somehow. Bit frustrating as I had purchased a set of tires which are supposed to be "tougher", more puncture resistant, Schwabe Bontrager Durano Plus, (sounds as if I'm I'm driving a Grand Prix vehicle!), than regular ones. I know that there are no guarantees but it was upsetting to have to deal with this so soon after acquiring the bike, especially since it is difficult, if not impossible, to have repairs done, here at Falcon.
I should have a set of spare tubes, but don't, of course. Furthermore, I'm ashamed to admit, I don't know how to change a flat, even if my life depended upon it. One of my goals, once I return to Vancouver, is to take a bike maintenance course so that I can at least perform some of the basics, particularly changing a tire when on a long ride. I certainly wouldn't make a very good secret agent, someone who can seemingly fashion an explosive device from a few bottle caps, a piece of chewing gum and and oily rag, in 15 seconds, with nasty people shooting howitzers at him, attack dogs tearing after him and stunning women draped over his shoulders as a tsunami-like wall of water is about to engulf his flimsy, sinking rowboat, all the while cool and composed, nary a lick of hair out of place, a witty remark ever on his lips.
Since I'd gone for my best cycle of the stay, the day before, I wasn't planning on a lengthy ride anyway, more of a stretch, so raised the seat on Cora Lee's bike and set off for the South Shore. Found myself enjoying the much different ride, (the large, comfy saddle, no odometre to worry my mind about speed and distance and the shock absorbing balloon tires), so sailed along, negotiating the rough patches of asphalt with ease and comfort. All went well until I was about 5K from home. The skies opened and the rain came down in driving, sideways slanting sheets, particularly fiercely when I crossed the causeway which separates the south end of the lake and a marshy swamp. The small waves even had whitecaps, so strong was the wind. Water was streaming through my helmet and my sneakers were collecting the run-off! My shirt was soaked but otherwise it was a bit of a lark and a laugh. I had intended, when I set out, to ride to West Hawk but once I was thoroughly drenched I knew it would become increasingly uncomfortable even though the rain had almost stopped by the time I neared the cabin. I could already feel a slight chill in my upper body although the temperature was rather pleasant in spite of the angry clouds. The pedals were the real deciding factor as Corinne rides without horseshoe clips and the slick soles of my aged runners were slipping on the wet surface.
Beaten by Mother Nature, I returned to Ace Bay to find that Dusty had fared almost as badly as I had. He had been working on his tractor lawn mower and was lying beside it, sharpening a blade, when the deluge hit. He said the only thing that made him feel a bit better was that he knew I was probably in for a more thorough soaking!
My tale of woe continued even after George returned and we set about trying to inflate the tire after dinner. I have so-called Presta valves on my tires and these require an adapter to use with a pump intended for the traditional Schrader valve. Knowing this, I had had the forethought to make sure that I had such an adapter when I bought the bike. (Two years ago I'd hadn't been able to use George's compressor. At the time, on my hybrid, I didn't have the small brass fitting which conveniently screws onto the end of the Presta valves!) However, after I opened the valve on the rear tire I wasn't able to inflate it. I wasn't sure if this was the reason for the flat so I took a look at the front tire valve and somehow managed to deflate the front tire in the course of the operation. Now I had two flats! We struggled for some time with no luck so I decided to leave it for the moment. Thanked George for his trouble and went back to consult the Net.
Found a number of helpful videos on YouTube which cleared up a few uncertainties I had, not being overly familiar with this finicky, for me at least, valve. Will go back to the garage as soon as I've finished this message to see if I can inflate the tires. If I'm successful then I'll know if the rear needs a repair or not. Otherwise, I plan to drive into Winnipeg later this morning, (even though only 140K, still a drag in terms of time, etc.). I have located a bike store, Woodcock Cycle Works, (on the very street, St Mary's Road, off which Pam and Greg live, although shop is closer to city centre end of things), which sells Trek Madone bikes so I assume they will be able to laugh in my face and charge me an exorbitant amount to fix my flats!
With respect to wildlife, have nor seen any bears here so far, although there are plenty around. (Two years ago a large one crossed the road as I was approaching Toniata Beach so I rang my bell as I "raced" past the spot I'd seen it lope into in the fairly dense bush lining the road!) The deer, however, are everywhere. I saw ten yesterday, two, a fawn and doe, on Dusty's lawn when I first set off on my ride, and eight the day before, two of them bucks, one with an impressive set of antlers, near West Hawk.
Well, time to look at my tires! Sorry we won't see you this trip but let's keep in touch and see what might work over the Fall. We might well take a trip to Chase as friends from Squamish have a family cabin there and would like us to visit. For now, enjoy the remainder of your summer break. Best wishes and fond regards from Cora Lee to everyone! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sarge!
Have a grand time in the Okanagan! Have you managed to find a bike rack yet? Having a bit of trouble with my bike. Yesterday, went outside to find that I had a flat rear tire! Cora Lee and Rosie The Riveter send their regards. (We just finished watching the Canadian Women's Soccer Team win Bronze! What a wonderful effort!!!) Dusty is already back in his garden! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Sarge!
Just to recap my flat tire blues, I was up close to 6:00am this morning to send a few messages and shortly after George left for his 7:00am shift at the golf course, I went back to the garage and was able to inflate both tires! Left bike there and came home to have a tasty breakfast of fried potatoes, eggs and two sausage rounds! After I'd had my second cup of java I returned to see if rear tire was still inflated. Seemed to be okay so I wheeled it back to our driveway and made ready to go for a short test ride. Went into the town site to visit Greg's parents, John and Eva, as if tire deflated I wouldn't have far to walk bike back home.
Had a good visit with E/J and then took them outside to admire my ailing steed. They, and a neighbour, were very impressed with the "featherweight"! Rear tire seemed to be holding air so I made for home. I'd not worn cleats or cycling shorts, (They were still quite damp from yesterday's dunking so I threw them into dryer when I came back from visit with E/J, and sent a few messages while waiting for them to warm up.), so needed to change. I planned to ride to the South Shore and intended to take Cora Lee's cell with me in case there was, in fact, a slow leak or puncture. In an emergency, I hoped a Domestique would come to my aid if I could manage to use the mobile. (I guess I'll need to take Cell Phones for Dummies along with Bicycle Maintenance 101 when back home!)
Inspired by the remarkable Canadian soccer athletes, I suited up and made for the South Shore. Everything seemed fine by the time I made the return loop so I decided to head for West Hawk. Fierce, fierce head wind so I almost wished my tire would go flat and give me an excuse to sit by the side of the road and wait for my support vehicle! Nevertheless, in spite of the gale force winds, I pressed on and finally reached West Hawk. My average speed was 19.2kpr when I looked at the odometre setting for this statistic. On other days, with far less wind resistance to overcome, I've averaged 22.7kph over the same route so I knew it was not just my fertile imagination obsessing about the maddening, constant gusts.
Much, much relieved to have the wind at my back I headed for Falcon and any of the small hills and rises I encountered presented no difficulty, even in highest gear, with the strong push from behind. On many of the long, straight stretches I was able to speed along at between 29-33kph so I was hoping to push my average speed above 20kpr. In fact, when I reached the yard at the FLF I had ridden 62.3K in 2:59:13 for an average speed of 20.8kph. Given the very strong wind factor I was rather pleased with the result. Once back, putting my bike up against the bbq, I thought that all I needed was for my tires to remain inflated for tomorrow's ride. I'm hoping to go for 110.3K.
Unfortunately, this was not to be the case. Just before dinner, Greg and Dustan arrived from Kenora for the night. Dustan is in a summer hockey camp this week and since Pam is having her "Girls Only Weekend" they were banned from War Eagle. After a fabulous dinner of home-made pizzas, I went out to help Greg put a new tire on his utility trailer. Not a big deal and job was done in less than 10 minutes. At any rate, since I was out I decided to check my rear tire and it was "soft" to a pressured touch so I suspect I probably have a slow leak. Took it back to George's garage and re-inflated it. Wanted to see what it would be like before going to bed.
Just brought my bike inside the mud room for the night and the rear tire seems fine. Corine is driving Clara into Steinbach tomorrow morning quite early. They have to be at the hospital for some tests by 7:30am so need to leave here by 6:00am. I will get up before they leave and check tire again. If it has lost air I'm going to drive into Steinbach with my car to take it to a bike shop I found on the Net. If they can't fix it, I'll go on in to Winnipeg. Such is the life of an elite biker!!! If I have to go to Wpg, I'll put car on auto pilot and ride from the city to the spot where we ran out of gas in 2007! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good luck. I hope you get your tire fixed. Say hi to everyone. We are headed to Oosoyoos tomorrow.
Wayne Sutherland
Thanks for the pics and news. Pleased the bike is keeping you upright. Dusty and Clara look fantastic - givem our love. Who's the stunner with the old bastard in the red tee?
Hi Stefano!
Maxi sounds like a handful but I'm sure you are the perfect Dog Whisperer! Just don't wear a red tee when disciplining the pooch!! Cora Lee and Rosie The Riveter send their regards. Cheers, Patrizzio!
hi.... good to hear that u have some fun....... we have our new to us boat and working out the bugs and getting used to it and how it wants to be handled in tight quarters..... yes I saw parts of that soccer game but dont know much about soccer but it was exciting to the bitter end, what a pity,..... oh yes the address for the listing.... Panamarealtor.com up comes the home page... left side bar go to beach front properties.. scroll down and opt for page 7 on the bottom is the House on the beach with detached casita listed for $ 475000.00 it might slip to page 8... who knows.... good luck Kurt
Hi Kurt!
Thanks for website. Found your place. Looks lovely. When would you need to know about booking? Just trying to figure out our travel plans with other friends and family. You sound very busy with your boat. I'm in the same situation with my new bike. Unfortunately, for me, having a bit of trouble with it. Yesterday, went outside to find that I had a flat rear tire! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Elly and Tony!
Trust that you have settled back into home life by now! I really enjoyed a number of your pictures on Facebook. Travels sounded more than wonderful. Sarge passed along a recent email so thought that I'd say hello. Would be terrific to see you here in Vancouver in 2014.Regards from Cora Lee to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again Ray!
Sorry that I've not sent these snaps along sooner, (At least I don't think I did!), but I simply ran out of time before we left. Earlier this morning we watched the Canadian Women's Soccer Team win Bronze! What a magnificent effort!! You'll have a swollen head for sure now! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrizio,
for the wonderful and detailed update on your stay in Manitoba. All the
best to Dusty and Clara. They are a hardy bunch and am sure will have
full recoveries
soon. Charlie
Hi Champagne!
We need a fourth for bridge. Any chance you could hop the next flight? Best wishes to you and O Susannah from the Cook and Gardener at the FLF! Cheers, Patrizzio!
It certainly can’t hurt the elbow! Using my free Sunwing ticket to go to T.O. next month. Sorry. Besides, I hate those mosquitoes!
Hi Champagne!
If you had bothered to read the Diaries you would know that there are not any mossies this summer! Your loss as the bridge prizes are fantabulous! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: The Cook thinks that the rum is curing Dusty's elbow!
I forgot – I meant to call them the provincial bird! I did read – Took me half the morning to read, although I was also following the fabulous Canadian soccer team. I have enough prizes which, BTW, I can hardly wait to spread around.
Hi again, Champagne:
The Provincial bird should be the hummingbird as there are some terrifically entertaining ones which feed outside the bay window here. Look forward to winning some of those prizes when back! Cheers, Patrizzio!
We need a fourth for bridge. Any chance you could hop the next flight? Best wishes to you and O Susannah from the Cook and Gardener at the FLF! Cheers, Patrizzio!
It certainly can’t hurt the elbow! Using my free Sunwing ticket to go to T.O. next month. Sorry. Besides, I hate those mosquitoes!
Hi Champagne!
If you had bothered to read the Diaries you would know that there are not any mossies this summer! Your loss as the bridge prizes are fantabulous! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: The Cook thinks that the rum is curing Dusty's elbow!
I forgot – I meant to call them the provincial bird! I did read – Took me half the morning to read, although I was also following the fabulous Canadian soccer team. I have enough prizes which, BTW, I can hardly wait to spread around.
Hi again, Champagne:
The Provincial bird should be the hummingbird as there are some terrifically entertaining ones which feed outside the bay window here. Look forward to winning some of those prizes when back! Cheers, Patrizzio!
I've been real busy with various forms of work, so no, I have not been
fishing, much to my regret I've not even bought my fishing licenses.
Soon though, in September, I'm off to Quatsino
Sound for salmon. I've also been appointed to a new tribunal, the
teacher regulatory board, a replacement for the disciplinary process of
the former Teachers College, and I went for two days of "training" at a
big Vancouver law firm. I'm an "alternate pool
panel member" so I really don't know whether I'll be busy with hearings
or just sitting on the bench.
I was at a mental health review panel last week that
read like an Elmore Leonard plot. Absolutely gorgeous 24 year old
blond girl. Sort of ditzy, remote presentation, like she was all the
time thinking of something else. Found in early June in a Vancouver
alley near a synagogue with both wrists slashed & bleeding
from serious wounds, inebriated. Said she was living in a tent not far
from the temple . Taken by the cops to the hospital where she gave a totally false ID and so hospital staff
spent close to a month contacting all the provincial authorities across Canada seeking information and came up blank!
In her first review panel in early July she disclosed she was really a
US citizen of "Polish
origins" from Seattle and had a criminal record, and she gave her real
name. The search continued and disclosed she was wanted as a "fugitive
from justice", that warrants had been issued for her, that she had 4
felony convictions for assault, stalking, larceny,
and breach of probation. These are
major crimes, these felonies, and her sentence on one of them was a year
in jail! Very unusual sentence for a first time offender. As
she explained it at the hearing, she sneaked
across the border to seek refugee status in Canada on the basis that 1.
her grandmother might have been Jewish and the Nazi-right wing
conspiracy in Washington state
had singled her out for discrimination. 2 her convictions were
all bogus because the assault charges arose out of (a) her defending
herself against her female Nazi physical therapist who lied to her
about being in love with her solely for the purposes
of having sex with her and then framed her by charging her with
stalking & assault; (b)
Muslim correctional guards in prison who had singled her out for
persecution and (c) a taxi driver who had attacked after she tried
to get her uncle to pay her taxi fare but he wasn't home and so the
taxi driver locked the cab door and wouldn't let her out until she paid.
The doctor told us that he had just the day before
learned that she was about to be moved to a more secure facility
because the US authorities
thought that the hospital was not adequate to hold her; that they have
all sorts of warrants against her for other charges; that the story she
tells about the taxi is totally false, and that she "totally destroyed"
the cab and sent the driver running in fear
for his life. She already tried one escape from the ward, trying to
sneak out with a visitor while the front gate was unlocked. It seemed
from her testimony that she made her way in Vancouver since coming here
by living with various men she picked up until
they discerned she was psychotic whereupon at least one of them dropped
her at the bus terminal, gave her $20 and told her to scram. She told
us at the hearing, when asked about her wrist slashing, "it was just a
joke-I did it because I had gotten drunk.
Every teenager does it and there's nothing to worry about because after
a short while the blood clots and you are as good as new". I was totally fascinated by this woman because I recognized
that in my younger days I might very well gotten involved with her and ended up as victim number ???
Hi Big Al!
Definitely a screen play! Wow! Exhausts me just to read about such wild escapades. Makes my latest cycling set-back more than laughable in comparison.
...If the ride was to go without a hitch then I'd know, probably, that the rear didn't need a repair. Otherwise, I had decided to drive into Winnipeg early the next morning, (even though only 140K, still a drag in terms of time, etc.), as I had located a bike store, Woodcock Cycle Works, (on the very street, St Mary's Road, off which Pam and Greg live, although shop is closer to city centre end of things), which sells Trek Madone bikes so I assume they will be able to laugh in my face and charge me an exorbitant amount to fix my flats!
Earlier this morning we watched the Canadian Women's Soccer Team win Bronze! What a magnificent effort!! Inspired by these remarkbale athletes, I suited up and made for the South Shore. Everything seemed fine by the time I made the return loop so I decided to head for West Hawk. Fierce, fierce head wind so I almost wished my tire would go flat and give me an excuse to sit by the side of the road and wait for my support vehicle! Nevertheless, in spite of the gale force winds, I pressed on and finally reached West Hawk. My average speed was 19.2kpr when I looked at the odometre setting for this statistic. On other days, with far less wind resistance to overcome, I've averaged 22.7kph over the same route so I knew it was not just my fertile imagination obsessing about the maddening, constant gusts.
Much, much relieved to have the wind at my back I headed for Falcon and any of the small hills and rises I encountered presented no difficulty, even in highest gear, with the strong push from behind. On many of the long, straight stretches I was able to speed along at between 29-33kph so I was hoping to push my average speed above 20kpr. In fact, when I reached the yard at the FLF I had ridden 62.3K in 2:59:13 for an average speed of 20.8kph. Given the very strong wind factor I was rather pleased with the result. Now all I need is for my tires to remain inflated for tomorrow's ride. I'm hoping to go for 110.3K.
Buona Fortuna with your pitch to Hollywood! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Definitely a screen play! Wow! Exhausts me just to read about such wild escapades. Makes my latest cycling set-back more than laughable in comparison.
...If the ride was to go without a hitch then I'd know, probably, that the rear didn't need a repair. Otherwise, I had decided to drive into Winnipeg early the next morning, (even though only 140K, still a drag in terms of time, etc.), as I had located a bike store, Woodcock Cycle Works, (on the very street, St Mary's Road, off which Pam and Greg live, although shop is closer to city centre end of things), which sells Trek Madone bikes so I assume they will be able to laugh in my face and charge me an exorbitant amount to fix my flats!
Earlier this morning we watched the Canadian Women's Soccer Team win Bronze! What a magnificent effort!! Inspired by these remarkbale athletes, I suited up and made for the South Shore. Everything seemed fine by the time I made the return loop so I decided to head for West Hawk. Fierce, fierce head wind so I almost wished my tire would go flat and give me an excuse to sit by the side of the road and wait for my support vehicle! Nevertheless, in spite of the gale force winds, I pressed on and finally reached West Hawk. My average speed was 19.2kpr when I looked at the odometre setting for this statistic. On other days, with far less wind resistance to overcome, I've averaged 22.7kph over the same route so I knew it was not just my fertile imagination obsessing about the maddening, constant gusts.
Much, much relieved to have the wind at my back I headed for Falcon and any of the small hills and rises I encountered presented no difficulty, even in highest gear, with the strong push from behind. On many of the long, straight stretches I was able to speed along at between 29-33kph so I was hoping to push my average speed above 20kpr. In fact, when I reached the yard at the FLF I had ridden 62.3K in 2:59:13 for an average speed of 20.8kph. Given the very strong wind factor I was rather pleased with the result. Now all I need is for my tires to remain inflated for tomorrow's ride. I'm hoping to go for 110.3K.
Buona Fortuna with your pitch to Hollywood! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat,
I love your whole story and in Kenton you two are celebrities everyone knows the whole story!!!! I hopefully will see you on your way through again as I am going to a festival thing as a nanny!!!! You could really be a news reporter hehe!!!
I love your whole story and in Kenton you two are celebrities everyone knows the whole story!!!! I hopefully will see you on your way through again as I am going to a festival thing as a nanny!!!! You could really be a news reporter hehe!!!
Hi Kimbo!
Thanks for the update on our celebrity status! We have arranged to sign autographs at The Forks when next in Winnipeg. (And thanks for the compliment about being a news reporter. I need all the support I can get as Corinne, Ayn and Chloƫ give me a hard time about my writing!) Almost like being in the Olympics!!! Cora Lee is already making plans to go on the Talk Show circuit. Of course, she says she will need a whole new wardrobe! Wonder if you could arrange a parade down Kenton's Main Street when we return? You, Rocky and Daisy could ride in the convertible behind our Rolls Royce, waving, barking and mooing at the crowds!!!
Funnily enough, when we told the "Goldilocks" story over dinner at War Eagle Lake where we stayed last weekend, one of the sons of good friends of Pam/Greg thought that our approach to staying in other people's houses was a great way for him to travel across the country and save on motel bills!
Which festival will you be attending? How many children will you have in your charge? Have a grand time and we'll be keen to hear all about how things went on our way back. Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio, Freeloaders Extraordinaire. Soon to be a Hollywood Block Buster Movie starring Meryl Streep and George Clooney! (PS: Cora Lee said "Don't flatter yourself, Patrick!" Ok, Tommy Lee Jones then!)
Thanks for the update on our celebrity status! We have arranged to sign autographs at The Forks when next in Winnipeg. (And thanks for the compliment about being a news reporter. I need all the support I can get as Corinne, Ayn and Chloƫ give me a hard time about my writing!) Almost like being in the Olympics!!! Cora Lee is already making plans to go on the Talk Show circuit. Of course, she says she will need a whole new wardrobe! Wonder if you could arrange a parade down Kenton's Main Street when we return? You, Rocky and Daisy could ride in the convertible behind our Rolls Royce, waving, barking and mooing at the crowds!!!
Funnily enough, when we told the "Goldilocks" story over dinner at War Eagle Lake where we stayed last weekend, one of the sons of good friends of Pam/Greg thought that our approach to staying in other people's houses was a great way for him to travel across the country and save on motel bills!
Which festival will you be attending? How many children will you have in your charge? Have a grand time and we'll be keen to hear all about how things went on our way back. Fondestos and Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio, Freeloaders Extraordinaire. Soon to be a Hollywood Block Buster Movie starring Meryl Streep and George Clooney! (PS: Cora Lee said "Don't flatter yourself, Patrick!" Ok, Tommy Lee Jones then!)
Pat and Corinne – nice to hear from you so quickly. (I needed to do a
“Google” search on Falcon Lake prior to writing this note.)
pretty flexible with our schedule; but, give us a heads-up on a BBQ
date as we need to make plans to catch a BC Ferry from Nanaimo to the
Mainland. (We prefer to take
one during the week, as it’s less hectic and easier to secure a
boarding sans reservation.)
both quite well – having spent the past long weekend camping at a BC
Provincial Park (Ralph River campground, at the south end of Buttle
Lake.) Man, was it hot! Came home
with more mosquito bites, than fish!
Looking forward to seeing one and all – Freddy.
P.S. Yes, for sure, I remember Ray Banks – we’re ALL from that era of the good ol’ VRC.
Hi Fast Freddy, Bev/Kev!
Glad you found out where Falcon is located!Did my odometer show up on the Google Maps? You can track all my rides, if so!!!
I understand completely about ferry schedules so I suggest we try to arrange the BBQ for a Wednesday or a Thursday. Any dates you might prefer. Everyone please let me know as soon as you can and I'll plan accordingly. Look forward to hearing from everyone about possible dates. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey, Patrick!
Sorry for not checking in for a while, but things have been crazy here... We are experiencing a full blown tourist season at work (as every summer here in Croatia, just now I work in tourism:) so I've been completely preoccupied with work and mostly just crash into bed when I come home.
We try to use our weekends to get away - do a small picnic by the river or dive to the coast for 2 days to get some sun, since for my real vacation I have to wait till the end of September. I really want to go somewhere exotic (but of course - we're fairy limited by budget). Africa is a likely possibility, and if we manage to pull that off I will have some good stories to tell too:)
Work is great, and despite the crazy tempo I feel completely liberated - my last job has been really stressful and not worker-friendly (overworked and underpaid, as they say). Booking is fabulous, very North-American style of management + I can relocate to an office in a different country if a vacancy comes up! My dream come true!
This weekend we're driving to Istria - just for a day, but we need a breath of fresh sea air. I will go see my good friends in Vienna next weekend, so I'm looking forward to getting around a bit - I've been working and working and sleeping most of the time...
How are things in Vancouver? Are you still "recovering" from your long trip? I sincerely enjoyed reading about Australia and Japan!
Kisses and hugs to you and your family! Morana
Hi Morana!
How lovely to hear from you! Delighted that your new job is so rewarding. Your weekend trips sound fabulous: Vienna, Istria, Fly me to the moon, Baby! Not to mention the possibility of North Africa!!!Buona Fortuna with your long holiday travel plans. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Glad you found out where Falcon is located!Did my odometer show up on the Google Maps? You can track all my rides, if so!!!
I understand completely about ferry schedules so I suggest we try to arrange the BBQ for a Wednesday or a Thursday. Any dates you might prefer. Everyone please let me know as soon as you can and I'll plan accordingly. Look forward to hearing from everyone about possible dates. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey, Patrick!
Sorry for not checking in for a while, but things have been crazy here... We are experiencing a full blown tourist season at work (as every summer here in Croatia, just now I work in tourism:) so I've been completely preoccupied with work and mostly just crash into bed when I come home.
We try to use our weekends to get away - do a small picnic by the river or dive to the coast for 2 days to get some sun, since for my real vacation I have to wait till the end of September. I really want to go somewhere exotic (but of course - we're fairy limited by budget). Africa is a likely possibility, and if we manage to pull that off I will have some good stories to tell too:)
Work is great, and despite the crazy tempo I feel completely liberated - my last job has been really stressful and not worker-friendly (overworked and underpaid, as they say). Booking is fabulous, very North-American style of management + I can relocate to an office in a different country if a vacancy comes up! My dream come true!
This weekend we're driving to Istria - just for a day, but we need a breath of fresh sea air. I will go see my good friends in Vienna next weekend, so I'm looking forward to getting around a bit - I've been working and working and sleeping most of the time...
How are things in Vancouver? Are you still "recovering" from your long trip? I sincerely enjoyed reading about Australia and Japan!
Kisses and hugs to you and your family! Morana
Hi Morana!
How lovely to hear from you! Delighted that your new job is so rewarding. Your weekend trips sound fabulous: Vienna, Istria, Fly me to the moon, Baby! Not to mention the possibility of North Africa!!!Buona Fortuna with your long holiday travel plans. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
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