Friday 9 November 2012

IIDD, Chill November: Saturday, November 10th

To himself everyone is immortal; he may know that he is going to die, but he can never know that he is dead. -Samuel Butler, writer (1835-1902) 

What, you think it’s a scam? I just lent him a hundred bucks!! LOL!!!!

Hi Big Al:

I'm delighted to know that you sent money to Herardo when he was most in need as this is another appeal for unbridled, uncritical generosity. I'm sending this message, from my iPad, from  Rocanini Coffee Roasters Cafe, 3900 Moncton Street, Steveston. Fortunately I had it in my pannier when Whirlygig and I rode out early this morning. We ordered a large breakfast and had two two or three lattes while we mused on the fact that you were probably just as ditzy, probably just as flaky, even more gullible than the blonde sveltoid that you were oggling when you rammed the stanchion, lo these many moons ago! To our horror, when we went to pay the tab, (including a hundred kilos of Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Blue Nile and two Aeropress Coffee Makers), we both realized that we had forgotten our wallets at home!

The  cafe manager has been unhelpful to us for reasons I don't know. As I mentioned, I'm composing this message, while sipping our fourth latte, (the bill is spiraling exponentially out of control), utilizing their "free" wireless hot spot. Furthermore, our bikes were stolen while we were enjoying the Lumberjack's Breakfast. I've reported the theft to the police and after writing down some statements, that's the last we have heard from them. Whirlygig contacted The Sisterhood on his mobile but they laughed, chortling that they would get back to us after their coming shopaholic outing. 

Apparently, the manager knows some of the tough, mean-looking biker dudes who frequent the Steveston run, (muling coke off-loaded by the fishing fleet), and we desperately need you to help us out with a fast loan to settle our bills here so we can get back home, by bus, I guess, if we can even walk after probably being knee-capped. We'll refund the money, (10 grand, couriered to the above address, should make our dire troubles go away.), as soon as we get back. Thanks for being such a dope to save us from the dope pushers with scary tattoos, terrifying chains, (Did they steal our bikes to use the bicycle chains for weapons?), few teeth and more hair on their exposed chests than Wooly Mammoths! Please, please hurry as we hear choppers revving outside! Cheers, Panicing Patrizzio!

 Hello Patricio,
Hmmm, maybe you should try the passive aggressive approach rather than the aggressive passive approach. While I feel sorry for your predicament and would have been more than willing to come to your aid with some bigger chain and sneers than your aggressive, tattooed , carpet chested and snarly terrorizers . Your comments comparing me to the extremely svelte yet ditzy and gullible stanchion worthy nubile made me rethink things and I think you’ll be able to sort it out. Good luck with that! Cheers, Al 

Hi Thin-Skinned Big Al!

Don't feel guilty about not coming to our aid as we put out an SOS to Captain Barnacle and he rushed out to save us from the Carpet Chesters! Given your luke-warm response to our humanitarian plea, our desperate call for help, we didn't bother to include you in the invitation to ride last Friday, so take that in your cojones, you Stanchion Freak!  

Coriandre and The Beckster!

On Saturday, Cora Lee and I attended at brunch a the UBC Golf Course Restaurant. Sponsored by the Alcuin Society, (The Alcuin Society is a voluntary association supported by people who care about the past, present and future of fine books. Founded in 1965 by Geoff Spencer and six other Vancouver bibliophiles, it is the only non-profit organization in Canada dedicated to the entire range of interests related to books and reading. These interests include authorship, publishing, book design and production, bookselling, book buying and collecting, printing, binding, papermaking, calligraphy and illustration.), it was followed by an auction of new books submitted to the Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada in March, 2012, and books which won awards in 2011. 

Great good fun bidding against other buyers, forcing them up on works I didn't particularly want. Spent about $100 on early Christmas presents and money goes to a very worthwhile cause, at least in our opinion.

That evening we had invited two friends, Doug and David, (They had organized the tea/coffee and sweets we had after the Memorial Service for my Mom, on October 14th, at Trinity United.), as a thank you to them. Had a delicious meal, Greek in theme. Started with fried haloumi and sliced tomatoes and then moved to quartered, roasted chicken, lemon potatoes and fried zucchini slices with loads of feta topping. Baklava and halva for dessert with a snort or two of Glenkinchie Distiller's Edition, a tasty Lowland malt if ever there was one!


Just my belated 'THANKS!!' email, and i hope i will be able to join the club this evening. Misha

Hi Misha!

Do hope you can make the NRBC, now the HDPPL, and the party afterwards. Let me know about a parking spot. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Gran Duggaccio and David!
Nadienka Wyss
Merci, Danke, Thank You Modis/Giele/Guys :)
  • Patrick James Dunn You are certainly more than welcome! For what, I simply cannot imagine!
  • Nadienka Wyss Well if u had read all the posts on my wall u'd simply know;)
    Patrick James Dunn Cranky, Dearest Host Daugther?
  • Nadienka Wyss Actually I should be since you clearly forgot my Birthday;)
  • Patrick James Dunn Belated Happy Birthday, Dearest of Dear Host Duaghters! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow! Which Nobody Can Deny! Which Nobody Can Deny! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow! For She's a Jolly Good Fellow! Which Nobody Can Deny! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
  • Nadienka Wyss You're the best(est) of all Host Fathers in the whole world!

    Haloumi Goils!

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