Thursday 1 November 2012

IIDD, Chill November: Thursday, November 1st, All Hallowmas

We saw men haying far off in the meadow, their heads waving like the grass which they cut. In the distance the wind seemed to bend all alike. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)

All Saints' Day (in the Roman Catholic Church officially the Solemnity of All Saints and also called All Hallows or Hallowmas), often shortened to All Saints, is a solemnity celebrated on 1 November by parts of Western Christianity, and on the first Sunday after Pentecost in Eastern Christianity, in honour of all the saints, known and unknown. In the Western calendar it is the day after Halloween and the day before All Souls' Day.

Hi Marcus Auditorelius!

The "old" Interchange address is supposed to redirect messages to my "new" account so I did receive your first message. Thanks for files and for being so vigilant. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hello Laddage!

Since we are meeting on December 2nd, Coriandre and I would like to invite everyone to bring spouses/significant others to have a bit of pre-Yuletide food and drink. NRBC could meet earlier in the afternoon or The Sisterhood could join non-discussion at regular time or huddle in the kitchen while we discuss a book few will have read or even listened to! Timing is more than flexible so individuals should feel more than free to come whenever busy schedules allow. Cora Lee and I will be heading south on December 12th so it would be terrific to see folks before we journey into Cormac McCarthy country, no country for non-readers! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hola querido Doug,

Muchas gracias por tu invitacion desafortunadamente no puedo asistir. Estoy cuidando un gatico de mi amiga y tengo que venir a casa a darle de comer. Espero verte a ti y a David muy pronto.

Un abrazo y hablamos muy pronto! Patricia

Early voting has started in many states—click here to find out if you can vote for Barack Obama today: http://OFA.BO/rdfpYt 

Sorry all my Canadian FB friends...... Seems me and Barack want you to Vote early!!!! But Pierre and Alex get it done!!!!!
Hello Laddage!

Since we are meeting on December 2nd, Coriandre and I would like to invite everyone to bring spouses/significant others to have a bit of pre-Yuletide food and drink. NRBC could meet earlier in the afternoon or The Sisterhood could join non-discussion at regular time or huddle in the kitchen while we discuss a book few will have read or even listened to! Timing is more than flexible so individuals should feel more than free to come whenever busy schedules allow. Cora Lee and I will be heading south on December 12th so it would be terrific to see folks before we journey into Cormac McCarthy country, no country for non-readers! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Mark I am interested in having the audio version. Thanks. Moe.  

Vancouver Writers Fest Volunteer  Party

Camilla & Eduardo

Sandra & James



Our Glorious Leader!

Sonya, Open Mic Readings
Lili, Door Prizes!
I applaud each of you for your decision to expand your repertoire of functional reading modalities! ;^)

You should be able to use the link below to get to a folder from which you can copy the book to your own computer (and thence to your favourite listening device.  At the moment (11:00 am, Nov 1), several chapters are still in the upload queue. They should be done in another hour or so.  I'll leave the book there for a month or so and then remove it - the free version of Drop Box only provides  a couple gigs of storage.

You'll note I've included a file "Getting Started with Drop Box" you those of you who  are interested in how Dropbox works. Of course you don't need to set up your own Drop box account if you are only interested in receiving files - you just need the link from whoever uploaded the files. 

Let me know how you fare. 


Hi Pat,

I just noticed you are using a different email address than the one I have been using. I'm wondering if you may missed my last missive, of are both addresses 
equally functional?
In case you missed it, this link should get you to the folder with TF, 
S in mp3 format, as well as the .pdf of the accompanying illustrations from the text. 
Let's hope this is not a first step down a slippery slope!

8^) cheers, Mark

Ciao Patrizio!

Grazie per il tuo messaggio!

Wow, this is a fascinating story. You sound like quite the authority on all things scotch! It sounds delicious. 

That film you mentioned sounds quite incredible – no doubt you would need a drink after watching that. The child soldier issue is certainly a devastating one. I used to work for Amnesty International and that was one of the campaign areas I always felt most sad and helpless about. What a world… both beautiful and tragic at once… Good for you for taking advantage of the Vancouver arts scene though, you are an inspiration!

I look forward to seeing you at the party, and hope to work with you again in the future.  Thanks so much to you and Corinne for all your fantastic work on the Distribution Team.

Grazie mille, e ci vediamo sta sera! Lili

Looking forward to it! Kathryn 

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